Radron Vs Alara

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Radron transported himself to an unknown timeline. He looks around and he sees red skies. He looks below him and it was a large city that has Demons wondering about. He sees emblems on the tall buildings. He thinks, "This is Universe 7's Demon realm. This looks like that one future timeline I went to fight against future Tara. Though, the aroma here is completely different". He sees guards flying close to him and he thinks, "If that power I sensed is nearby. I need to be undercover until I can find whoever sent those dark waves of energy". He morphs his body, power and magic to that of a guard. He flies towards them. One of the guards says, "Hey. Weren't you on break?". Radron responded, "Yes I was but I thought I heard something so I went to check it out". The other guard asked, "What did you hear?". Radron replied, "A ki-blast being shot". The two guards went into alert and one of them said, "You did? Where?". Radron points behind him, "In that general direction". The two guards fly past him, "Alright. We'll check it out. You continue your break but once your done. Meet up with us". Radron nods as he flies down to the city and he thinks, "Their not that smart. Hah. Well I should check the city to see if that powerful person is here". He lands near a giant palace. He looks at it and he thinks, "Ah the palace. Hmm that's strange. I don't sense Tara in there. I do sense one of those brats that make up of that annoying fusion. What was her name again? Annya? Well it doesn't matter since only one of them is in there". He sees a few guards standing at the entrance and he thinks, "Ah the guards. There is security but something seems off. Hmm". He zips right past the guards and into the palace. He sees servants walking towards a door. He morphs his body, power and magic to that of the servants. He mimics their walking pattern and he thinks, "First thing I should do is find that brat. She may have answers". He walks elegantly along the stairs as he tracks down one of Tara's kids. Another servant spotted him, "Hey where are you going?". Radron looks at the servant, "I was going to check on Princess Tonya". The servant said, "No. Your going to-" before she could finish her sentence, her eyes glow purple. She nods as she walks away. Radron sighs as he walks through the hallway, "I don't need any of these weaklings to get in my way". He looks around and he thinks, "The design of the castle is different yet somewhat similar to Universe 6's castle. I guess they really are twin Universes". He sees a large door and he thinks, "Bingo". He opens the door to see Tonya on her holophone. She says, "If your here to ask if I'm hungry. I'm not. Now go away". Radron wears a professional smile, "I understand princess but you do need to spend some time out of this room". Tonya sits up on her bed and she has an annoyed expression, "I said no. Now go away!". Radron has an irritated expression as everything around them started to shift. Tonya looks around, "What's going on?". Radron grabs Tonya's neck and he lifts her in the air. His voice has a demonic echo, "Listen here you brat. Something is going on here and I demand to know!". Tonya tries to grab his arm but she felt her own arms being pulled from behind. Radron says, "This'll be the last question I'll ask. Where is your mother or brother?". Tonya says, "I-I.... Don't know". Radron has an irritated expression, "Lies. Looks like I have to see your memories". He placed his other hand on her head and his eyes flash white for a moment. He drops Tonya on the floor and he thinks, "Her memories have been tampered with. The only information I can get out of her is for some unknown reason, Ace is marrying a Gorgon Queen. Could it be that powerful person I sensed caused this?". Tonya coughs and she rubs her neck. Radron flicks a piece of air at her and Tonya had passed out on the floor. Radron exits the room and he continues his thought process, "No whereabouts on Tara. Hmm, Its time to pay Jezebel a visit". He teleports out of the palace and he appeared outside of Jezebel's front door. He morphed his body, magic and power into Rage. He knocks on the door twice and he waits. A few moments have passed and the door opens. Jezebel wears a warm smile, "Rage! So glad to see you. Come in come in". Rage puts his hand up, "Sorry. I can't stay to chat. I only need to ask you a few questions. I am investigating something". Jezebel has a straight face, "Oh I see. What do you need?". Rage inquires, "I have been sensing some strange energy here in the Demon realm. I went to investigate the palace to ask Tara a few things but I couldn't find her anywhere". Jezebel says, "She told me she had important things she needs to do. If your asking where she is. I don't know". Rage puts his hand on his chin and he thinks, "She doesn't know either? Hmm. I have to test something out". He looks at her, "Jezebel can I check something?". Jezebel replied, "Of course. What are you going to check out?". He places his hand on her forehead and Jezebel has a playful smirk, "Oh. Your finally coming around huh?". Rage thinks, "Her memories have been tampered as well. She really doesn't know Tara's whereabouts". Rage removed his hand off her forehead, "No. Just making sure if your feeling well is all". Jezebel puts her hand on her mouth, "Are you ssuuuurrree?". Rage has his back facing her, "I'm sure. I'm going to be searching around a bit more. Bye". Rage flies up in the sky and away from Jezebel's house. He thinks, "Ok I have two possible theories. One, someone kidnapped Tara and manipulated everyone's memories to make sure no suspicion rises from it. Though that sparks even more questions like why Tara? Xeron the Demon King and Tara's husband is in the castle. Wouldn't he be taken too? I kinda get why Tonya was left behind. To be the next Demon Queen. Now on to the next theory. Tara might be working under whoever that powerful being is for some unknown reason. Did she betray everyone and manipulate their memories? Hmm this timeline is very strange but I know one thing is for certain. There is a Rage, Zeldron and EvilRage in this timeline. Why aren't they investigating this? I know Rage would've definitely picked up on whatever it is that's going on here. Is Lord Dark somehow preventing them from investigating here? Wait is this powerful being working for him? Tch! If so then this could be a trap". He continues flying through the Demon realm but he noticed an object in the sky. He stops flying and he thinks, "Is... Is that a planet?". He flies towards the planet as he got closer, he noticed a house on it. He closes his eyes for a second. He opens them and it has "/" symbol on it. He sees pillars around the planet and he thinks, "Someone lives here. It could be that powerful being. Those pillars... Are they to prevent anyone from entering the planet? Let's test it out". He flies even closer to the planet and he lands on it. He looks at the pillar and he notices tiny waves emitting from it. He thinks, "Wait a minute. These pillars weren't here to prevent someone from entering. Its to alert the-!" before he could finish his sentence, he heard a female voice saying, "Hey you! What are.... Rage?!". He thinks, "She knows Rage? Hmm I should play it cool for now". Rage closes his eyes and he turns around. He opens them and his are normal. He sees a woman with orange hair, red eyes, brown skin, a scar on her face, curvy body. She wears red bra, red pants, long black sleeves with black gloves. He thinks, "She looks sorta familiar but she seems to recognize Rage. I can assume they've met before. I'm just going to have to play it off". 

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