The End

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Two rouge fusions stood across from each other. Radron held his Mega Cosmic Soul Reaper like a staff and he watches her intensely. Fai gets into her fighting stance which is similar to a certain Universe 6 Saiyan. Fai cemented her foot onto the ground which made it crack and she launched herself towards her Husband. She charges two white-red ki-blast in each hand. Radron slides one of his foot on the side and he swiftly dodged her attack. However, Fai planted feet into the ground and she thrusted her hands forward which unleashed a beam attack. Radron stabbed it with the Mega Cosmic Soul Reaper and the beam disintegrated. Fai jumps up in the air but Radron grabbed her foot, "Your not going anywhere". He threw her down to the ground which made the entire floor crack. Radron walked over her but he made her his feet wasn't on her. He looks down at her like a rich man to a peasant. Fai's eyes glow brightly and multiple spikes formed on her forehead. They shoot out at The Devourer but he smacked them away with the Mega Cosmic Soul Reaper. Radron moves his Mega Cosmic Soul Reaper in the air so that it floats above them. He bend his knees down until he was on top of her. He placed his hands on her wrist. Cortina raises her eyebrow curiously, "Oh? Is he going to?". Fai looks up at him and their eyes met. Radron said with a soft tone of voice, "You know. We Saiyans love to fight but right now. Even though I said lets settle this in a fight. I can't bring myself to truly fight you". Fai sees his sadness through his eyes and she lets out a sigh. Radron moves his face close to hers until their lips were mere centimeters apart. However, Fai uses one of her legs to kick him in the stomach. He was sent flying into the air but he made no noise. She backflips to land on the ground, "If you can't do that then you will loose. You may feel like that but I don't". Radron starts to fall to the ground like a anvil. Fai waits for a moment until he was in reaching distance and she roundhouse kicks him to the ground. Radron landed face first into the dirt. Fai looks at the Mega Cosmic Soul Reaper and she placed her hands together like a circle. She unleashed a powerful beam attack at it. Suddenly, as if it had a mind of its own, the Mega Cosmic Soul Reaper moved itself into the direction of Fai and launched itself. It easily went through her attack and it was about to stab her chest but it stopped. Fai let out a gasp, seeing her life flash before her eyes. Radron slowly gets up as he brushes the dirt off his body, "That won't do. Normal attacks whether it be Death ki, Outter ki or Dragon ki won't work. You should know, this defies all laws of physics and any plain of reality or Domain it resides in. It even has the power to rewrite and change history, memories of people, manipulate their souls, spirit and make them cease to exit just like your beam attack there. If you wish to know how to destroy it. I can't tell you, not with that wretched woman there!". He points to Cortina and she just swallowed a handful popcorn and she titled her head. Fai looks at the Mega Cosmic Soul Reaper and she slowly reached towards the hilt. Radron moved one hand up and he shot out Devil binds and it wrapped around her arms and body. Radron said with a demonic echo, "I wouldn't do that if I were you". Radron moved his hand back and it sent Fai flying towards him. He spread his arms open for her, getting ready to hug her but She spinned her body like a lariat. She cuts off all the binds. She landed on the ground with her fist. Fai spread her wings open and she looks at him, "I won't fall for that". Radron moved his hand down and he sighs, "That wasn't a trick. All I want is you Fai. My wife. Yet you rejected my love". He stretched his hands out and the Mega Cosmic Soul Reaper flew towards him. He grabbed the hilt and he sliced the air with it. The slice caused a ripple in the Domain and it started to crumble further. Radron's eyes glows black as he turned around. He threw the Mega Cosmic Soul Reaper at Cortina. She jumps high up in the air but the weapon curved around and went straight for her. Cortina created a white barrier all around her body. The Mega Cosmic Soul Reaper made contact with it. The barrier broke almost instantly and Cortina kicked the weapon but her leg disintegrated. Cortina dashed upwards and she starts charging a beam attack, "This is much tougher than I thought. Well it did killed Lord Dark so I shouldn't be too surprised heh". Radron furrows his eyebrows and he points his hands at Cortina. He follows her movements as a black circular orb forms in his hands. Fai sees the black orb and she thinks, "What is that? It feels like the Outterverse. Doesn't matter. I have to take this opportunity!". Fai charges at him knowing his focus is towards Cortina. She was about to smack him with a point blank ki-blast but Radron moved his body abnormally behind her. He low sweep kicked her and then grabbed her tail with his other hand. He flung her upward, "You think I'd be vulnerable to attacks just because my attention is elsewhere? Oh Fai. Fai. Fai. You of all people should know better". Radron stomped his foot once on the ground which made the entire Domain explode, revealing that they are now in the Outterverse. Radron opened his palm to reveal the black orb has formed into a Cosmic Soul Reaper. Fai's eyes widen in shock, "Huh?! He can create another?!". Radron on the other hand created The Legendary Assasin's sword. He looks at Cortina and he threw the other Cosmic Soul Reaper. He turned his focus back to Fai. He charges at her as he reels his sword back. Fai stick her hand out and white particles formed. A mystical Battle Axe appeared. Radron swung his sword forward like a Assasin but Fai struck her opponent down with her Battle Axe like a Viking. Both of the weapons collided with each other which resulted in a huge shockwave. 

Radron The DevourerWhere stories live. Discover now