Radron Invades Conton City

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The robots that are in the mushroom section started panicking when another Ki-Blast hits another mushroom. One of the robots said, "Sending emergency signal to nearby Time Patrollers for help!". Someone appeared behind the robot saying, "Calling for help, eh? Guess your hunk of garbage can do something interesting". The robot turned around and saw none other than Radron. The robot got sliced in half and exploded. Radron laughed as he rose in the air, "Hahaha! Bring as many Time Patrollers as you want. I'll defeat them all!". Radron puts both of his hands down and started firing a barrage of Ki-Blast at the remaining mushroom area. Each Ki-Blast that made contact with it, exploded the area. He heard a voice shout, "Stop you fiend!". Radron turns his head around to see a group of Time Patrollers. Three of them were Male Saiyans wearing the typical Time Patroller Gi while one of them was a pink Female Majin. Radron noticed the Majin and he instantaneously appeared in-front of her. She got startled and she comments, "Whoa! This guy's speed is no joke!". Radron had a disappointed expression, "Hmm. You're not the Majin I want. Begone". He puts his palm in-front of her face and he yelled, "You all will recognize this. HAKAI!". The Female Majin noticed her body disintegrating into nothingness as he lets out one yell before.... POOOFF! The three Male Saiyans quickly dashed back and one of them commented, "He-He knows about the Hakai! We need to-" before one of them could finish his sentence, he felt his body disintegrating into nothingness too. The other two were about to make their move but the next nanosecond, their bodies disintegrated into nothingness as well. Radron laughs manically, "Hahaha! There isn't a Time Patroller here that could defeat me! Besides Lord Dark. I am the ULTIMATE BEING!". He unleashed his aura outward, and it was blue. He points one of his palms towards the last remaining mushroom area, "Time to finish this off". He shot a gigantic ki-blast at it which completely consumed the area and it exploded. He flies towards the Namek section of Conton City. He says to himself, "A tyrant once caused the original planet of Namek to explode so it's only fitting to do the samething to this area!". He points one finger in the air and a dark purple ki-blast formed. He moves his finger downward and the ki-blast was sent crashing down towards the Namek area. The moment the attack made contact with the ground; it exploded the entire area. Radron chuckles, "Hehe. It's nice to take it slow every once in a while... Hmm?". He sensed a few energy signals heading towards him. He turned his head around and he saw a group of four Time Patrollers. Two of them were male Earthlings, one was a female Earthling while the other was a Namekian. Radron has a cocky smirk, "Oh? Came to entertain me?". The Namekian clunches his fist, "Bastard! I'll make you pay for destroying that district." Radron does a "come here" motion with his hands. The Namekian quickly charged towards the Time Trespasser but one of the Earthlings said, "Wait! Don't attack him alone!". The Namekian was blinded by anger as he stretched his arms out attempting to constrict the Time Trespasser. Radron shook his head, "Nope. Wrong move". The moment that the Namekian's arm came in contact with Radron's body, he noticed his entire body disintegrating into nothingness. One of the Earthling's commented, "T-That power.... It's the Hakai!". Radron instantly appeared in-front of the one speaking and he said with a displeased look, "Oh your Earthlings. I despised your kind. Die". All three Earthlings body disintegrated into nothingness. Radron thinks, "That's right. Chronoa lets even those species join the Time Patrollers. No matter. They are fodder. Now time for the second act". He smiles as he flies towards the shopping district of Conton City. The sky suddenly became completely darkened as multiple ki-blast rain down from the sky. Each impact that the ki-blast did explode parts of the city. The giant hologram that had SLO disappeared as the platform itself got destroyed into million pieces. Radron was in the sky as he laughs manically, "Hahaha! After I'm done here. Time Patrollers won't be a concern for me anymore!". He puts one hand up and a giant red ki-blast forms. He throws it down towards the remaining shops. It completely consumes the shop and a giant explosion with a Dragon skull appeared. Radron had a devilish smile as he looks towards the high school. He puts his hand forward and he says, "Hakai". The entire school district disintegrated into nothingness. Radron looks at the mission district where the Parallels Quest and Team Registration are located. Radron was about to form another ki-blast until he saw the giant blue Shenron charging towards him. Radron's eyes widen in surprise, "That thing can move?!". The Shenron opened its mouth and unleashed a gigantic red ki-blast from its mouth. Radron says in shock, "Wait that's.... Dragon Ki?! Crap!". The ki-blast completely consumed Radron's entire body. The ki-blast was launched towards the sky and Radron thinks, "This ball is like a prison... Wait its forcing me out of Conton City! Tch! Not on my watch". Radron's eyes glow for a nanosecond and the ki-blast was cut in half but no explosion occurred from it. Radron's eyes widen again as the Shenron started flying around him incredibly fast. Radron watches it for a few seconds until he realized its strategy. Radron thinks, "Trying to force me out using the vibrations won't work! I don't want to use Death Ki just yet. I'll attack fire with fire". He felt his body starting to vibrate from the sheer speed of the Shenron but Radron quickly forms a red ki-blast. He was about to throw it, but the ki-blast disappeared. His eyes widen in shock again and he thinks, "This Shenron isn't an ordinary one. Its strong enough to cancel out my Dragon Ki. Tch! How annoying. Looks like I have no choice but to use Death Ki". He forms a ball of Death Ki and he quickly throws it at the Shenron. It made contact with the Dragon, and it roars loudly as it explodes into nothingness. Radron's body stopped vibrating, but he has his guard up. He thinks, "I remember Chronoa telling me that Shenron is the one who protects this place. Prevents sinister beings like Time Breakers from entering this place. Yet who knew that damn Dragon could use Dragon Ki". He instantly sensed someone behind him, and he turned around. He saw a being in a white cloak and had their hands in the pockets. Radron raises his eyebrow in suspicion, "You... I never seen you around here. Who are you?". The being had a stoic female voice, "You can't fathom what you just destroyed. That Shenron was a vital point for this city. It's going to take me another thousand years to make it again". Radron responded, "What? Did you say you created that giant Dragon?". The woman said not moving a muscle, "Yes I did. I am the Conton City's true guardian. What you destroyed is the seal between the outside world and here. Now this place is soon gonna be overrun with Time Breakers". Radron crosses his arms but has a neutral expression, "Serves them right. They are the ones who interfere with my plans. Now I have a question for you 'guardian'. That Shenron used Dragon Ki so does this mean you can as well". The woman instantly appeared in-front of Radron's face. She said, "You'll find out soon enough". Her eyes glow bright red and Radron felt a powerful punch on his stomach. He crashed into the giant glass that had the time machine inside. He slowly got up and he fired a black ki-blast at the woman. The guardian puts two fingers up and a wall of firey aura surrounded her. The ki-blast hits the wall and it disappeared. The woman said being emotionless, "I know Dragon Ki and Death Ki could counter each other. I knw you will use Death Ki but I won't be defeated so easily Time Trespasser". Radron had a confident smirk, "I can see that but in the end. Your fate will be the same as those Time Patrollers". The woman grabbed something from her side, and she used Dragon Ki to reveal who it was. It was another Radron. He had a slight annoyed look, "So you saw through my clone, did you? Well, I can see your clearly smarter than any of the Time Patrollers here". The woman tries to burn off Radron's arm, but he had his confident smirk again, "Nope. Burning me from the outside or inside won't work. I have mastery over Dragon Ki!". He opened his mouth, and he unleashed a point-blank Dragon Roar. The woman faded away and Radron quickly stopped his attack. He thinks, "A mirage huh? Interesting". He suddenly felt an attack heading towards him and he abnormally moved his body to turn to face her. He moved his head to the side seamlessly. He grabbed her arm and he said, "It's about time to reveal your face!".  He reached for her hood, but he felt his hand got sliced off. His hand fell to the ground in-front of the Team Registration station. Radron was unfazed by it as he tries to yank her arm off but the moment he did, he felt his other hand get sliced off as well. The woman headbutted his face which blood spurt out. She quickly kicked him down towards the Team Registration station. The robot yelled before he got destroyed by the impact. The station collapsed on top of him. The ruble disintegrated into nothing as he got up. The blood turned into green goo and it came out of his wrist too. He said being slightly impressed, "You're the first to actually cause me injury. Looks like I can't underestimate you anymore". The woman sliced the air and multiple red ki-blast appeared in-front of her enemy. Radron's eyes widen, "What the?!" and with that he was hit by numerous ki-blast from all sides. She opened her fist and the attacks stopped. Radron's body was mushed and battered, almost unidentifiable.  The woman said, "Looks like you were all talk and no bite". Radron said being slightly irritated, "D-Damn you!". The woman puts four fingers in the air and a giant red blade that's the side of Earth formed. She said with no emotion, "Perish" and with that she moved her fingers downward. The sword moved along with her fingers and sliced Radron's body in half. All the green goo started to burn along with his body. He said in disbelief, "N-No! How can this be?!". His eyes completely burned off along with the green goo. She appeared in-front of his remaining body and she said, "You used this technique to vanquish those Time Patrollers. It's only fate that I'd do the same. Goodbye Time Trespasser". She puts her palm up and she said calmly, "Hakai". Radron's remaining body disintegrated into nothingness without doing a single scream. The woman said to herself, "Mission accomplished". She turned around and she saw another Radron. He has his signature smile, "That was quite a display. Your powers are quite intriguing". The woman said emotionless, "I knew you were going to do that. You've done that before". The moment she finished her sentence, she felt a punch to the face, and she gets sent flying. Radron responded almost evily, "Of course. I love to see the reaction of my enemies as they realized all their efforts were futile. However, you kept your composure. You really are an interesting woman". The guardian quickly catches herself and she wipes the blood off her face. She thinks, "I didn't see him move. This means that this is the real Radron". She sensed an attack above her and she looked up. She looks around but she didn't see anything. She still senses the attack and she quickly dashed to the side to dodge. Radron appeared behind her, "You have higher dimensional awareness. You really piqued my interest now". She quickly turned around but the moment she did, she felt another punch to the face. She got sent flying again and blood spurt out. Radron saw her blood and he said being surprised, "Her blood isn't red? Its blue. That means she isn't a Saiyan, Earthling, Demon nor a God". The woman caught herself again and she thinks, "There goes again. His speed is incalculable. I must adapt quickly". She was about to release her aura, but she felt a hand grab her neck. Radron appeared in-front of her, and he moved his finger back and forth, "Nope. I can't let you increase your power any further until I figure out what the hell you are". He reached for her hood, but he sensed an attack heading towards his hand. He coats it with Dark Ki and the attack got deflected. For the first time the woman's voice gave off an emotion of startled, "What?! H-How?!". Radron smiles confidently as he grabbed her hood and he yanked it off of her. His eyes widen in surprise, "Whoa. You're a... Supreme Kai!". The woman's face is purple, she has short black hair, blue eyes, pointy ears and thin eyebrows. She has a look of embarrassment as her cheeks turn bright red. Radron noticed and he started laughing, "Hahaha! That's your weakness huh? You don't want anyone to look at your face. That is by far the funniest thing I've come across ever since I started on this journey". The Supreme Kai said, "N-Nobody has ever looked at my face e-except C-Chronoa. S-Stop it! S-Stop laughing! If your gonna kill me t-then do it!". Radron wipes one tear away from his eye and his expression changed to his signature one, "Like I said before. You piqued my interest. Therefore, you will live". He lets go of her neck and she coughs a few times. She felt a force trying to suck her into something. She turned around to see a giant sphere. Her eyes widen in shock, "What the?! No.... No!". Her entire body got sucked into the sphere. The sphere grew smaller and smaller until it was a size of a tennis ball. Radron grabbed it and he said to the sphere "Jezebel, Wanda and Tara say hello to your new roommate". He opens a portal in-front of him, and he puts the sphere inside it. The portal closes and the Radron that was standing disappears. The real Radron floats in the sky and he thinks, "These reality warping powers are amazing! Now then". He rises in the air, and he unleashed his godly aura. He says loudly, "Hear me Time Patrollers. Say hello to your new GOD!". 

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