The Problems And Training

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Radron had morphed his body to look like Demon King EvilRage. He marched down the grey hallway and towards the throne room. He saw a few people bowing down but as he got closer, he saw more. He exited the hallway and saw two-hundred people bowing and waiting. Half of them were high ranking military personnel, eight of them were council members and the remainder were scientist. EvilRage walked on the red carpet that's between them. He walked up the few steps and finally sat down on the throne. A moment of silence before he clapped once loudly which got the attention of everyone in the throne room. They looked up at him and awaited his speech or command. EvilRage has a visibly annoyed expression, but he is suppressing his anger. He looks around the room to make sure everyone looked at him. He nodded once and he finally said, "All of you are damn worthless! A dragon really has shaken up everything". A councilman that is in the front row said, "Your majesty. If I may". EvilRage signaled him to stand up and the councilman stood up straight. He said respectfully, "Your majesty. The Dragon is much more powerful than we had presumed. The roars of the Dragon were not only heard but felt too. The pressure it had exerted reached all the way here and it was terrifying". EvilRage said as he started to feel slightly frustrated, "We already established a plan to deal with the Dragon. Is that not enough?". A woman that is bowing down next to the male council member said, "If I may my king". EvilRage signaled her to get up and she stood up straight too. The council woman said firmly, "That is a solid plan. However, I don't think that is enough to calm the population. We need a new plan". EvilRage puts one finger on the side of his head, "What do you suggest Lalatina?". Lalatina puts her hand above her chest, and she said, "We need to send a group of highly trained warriors to hunt down this Dragon". Upon proposal, everybody started to mummer. John remembered that he proposed a similar plan to his father. He looks at him and wonders what he will do next. EvilRage slams on the throne chair which made everyone immediately stop. They all have their attention to their king. EvilRage says seriously, "No. We won't do that". Lalatina asked curiously, "What is the best course of action. King EvilRage". He stands up and says with conviction, "I will hunt down this beast myself!". His words echoed throughout the room. Everyone had a surprise expression and EvilRage continued, "To truly calm down the population as rampant as it is outside. I need to go find it myself and bring back its head. Anyone here rejects this idea?". He looks around the room to see if anyone shows any sign of disapproval. The councilman exclaims happily, "That is brilliant your majesty! Having the fight take place out of the Demon Realm instead of inside will surely take off some weight of the civilians". EvilRage puts one fist in the air, "Exactly. I will show this Dragon to not disrupt this realm ever again!". They cheered as they took a stance. Lalatina looks down with concern. John smiles and thinks, "Father always comes up with a great plan". EvilRage walks down to the carpet. He stood in-front of the giant palace doors, and he opens them. He walks outside and he sees the restlessness of his subjects. He gives a speech with confidence and conviction. After the speech, the people cheered and the restlessness that was once there is gone. After an hour, everyone returned to their homes or workstations except for Lalatina. EvilRage sat on the throne, and he noticed Lalatina patiently waiting nearby. He asked, "What are you still doing here?". Latatina said respectfully, "I wanted to talk to you privately my king". EvilRage said, "It's just the two of us so let it out". Lalatina responded, "There are other issues besides the Dragon. Ever since the citizens started the riot. There have been casualties, robbing, destruction of property and gangs rising up to overthrow the council and possibly you". EvilRage had a surprised expression. He thought to himself, "Overthrow? Wait... My clone. He ignored almost everything Lalatina has said. Damn him. The next one I create has to pay attention to details like those. The Zeldron and EvilRage in me doesn't like getting involved with politics. I have no choice in this matter". Lalatina looks at him and she is staring at him. EvilRage moved his eyes to look at her and he said, "Alright. Tomorrow at noon will be the next council meeting. Inform everyone right away". Lalatina nods and she quickly exits the throne room. EvilRage sighs as he puts a hand over his eyes. John walks in the room and he asked with concern, "Everything alright father?". EvilRage says, "Hugh. Yes. Tomorrow is the council meeting. It's at noon. Don't forget it". John says, "I won't. Aren't you going to eat anything?". The moment he said that EvilRage's stomach growled. He stands up, "Yes I will". The rest of the day went by peacefully. The next day rammed its way in, and the sun is in the middle of the sky. EvilRage sat on the chair and his son is next to him. The rest of the council is seated. Lalatina said, "First order of business is the robbery that has happened. Ever since our king announced his plan to the public. The crime has decreased but it's still going on. How do we proceed with this?". EvilRage has his arms crossed and has his eyes closed. A council member added, "We could make the punishment harsher. I'm thinking twenty years in prison". Another council member commented, "That's going overboard. How about we torture them to never doing it again?". A female council member said, "That isn't a bad idea". The rest of the council nodded but EvilRage sighs. John said, "The best course of action would be to have at least two security guards posted on the stores that gets robbed the most". A council member said, "That isn't a bad idea". Lalatina looks at EvilRage and asked, "What do you think my king?". EvilRage replied, "I won't input on such trivial matters. If there is an agreement on that action, then so be it". The council discussed amongst themselves for a few minutes before coming to a decision. Lalatina said, "We will have mandatory security guards posted on the stores that'll most likely be robbed. On to the next issue. The casualties that happened due to the riots. Some of the culprits weren't arrested. How should we proceed with this issue?". John suggested, "We should locate them and punishment. Those who killed military personel should have harsher punishment. Torture if need be". The council discussed amongst themselves for a few minutes. Lalatina inquires, "How harsh should the punishment be? My prince". John slams his fist down on the table, "Thirty years in prison and some torture". EvilRage opened one eye to look at his son. John noticed at the corner of his eye. He clears his throat, "Ahem. Apologize but thirty years and one year of torture should suffice". EvilRage closes his eye again. The council looks at EvilRage for answers, but he didn't say anything. Lalatina wrote down, "The murders will be found right away. Killing military personnel will be held in prison for thirty years and one full year of torture". She stops writing and says, "Onto the next. What shall we do about the destruction of property?". A council member added, "Repair and chop off a limb to pay off the destruction they caused". A female council member said, "No. How about forcing them to rebuild the damages they caused and to give up most of their money as well". The other council members agreed to the proposition. They look at EvilRage and John. John nodded but EvilRage didn't say anything. Lalatina wrote down the agreement and she said, "Onto the final issue. The gang known as "Kalstars rose up and threatened to overthrow not only us but our king as well". A councilman said, "How dare they think of that! They should be punished immediately". A female council member added, "Agreed. A life sentence would do". Another councilman commented, "No. They should be hanged!". The rest of the council nodded in agreement. They look at EvilRage and John for confirmation. John looks down and ponders. EvilRage opens his eyes and finally said firmly, "Tell me more information about these Kalstars". Lalatina holds a document, and she reads it, "Kalstars are a radical group made up of mostly Oni's and an ex-councilman known as Igor". A councilman said, "That bastard. He should've been killed!". Lalatina continues, "They have a few bases of operations scattered around the Demon Realm. The ones we found are two of them which are held in shrines that worship the Ancient Demon". EvilRage raises his eyebrow, and he thinks, "Are they really trying to call Lord Dark here? I can't fight him yet. I need more power". Lalatina asked, "What do you think we should do my king?". EvilRage said, "Let's not make a move yet. Let's find more Kalstars's base of operations. If they show any sign of summoning something. You have my permission to storm in there and kill all the members inside. Understood?". All the council member nods but John still ponders. Lalatina writes down what EvilRage has said. She said, "This concludes this council meeting". Everyone stood up and except for EvilRage and John. EvilRage said, "I noticed you didn't agree. Why?". John said, "I... I don't think that is the best course of action father". EvilRage said with slight curiosity, "Oh? Then tell me. What is best to handle that situation?". John looks down, "I... I don't know". EvilRage stands up, "Once you have the answer. Tell me. I'll be heading to the training area. Do NOT disturb me. Understood?". John nods and EvilRage exits out of the council meeting room.

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