The Preparations

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Radron was laying down in bed after a harsh battle. He slowly opens his eyes and he sees two familiar women, "Huh? Am I back in Heaven?". Valentia responded, "Yes. We found you floating in space. We thought you died". Kat says, "Yeah. That must've been one tough battle". Radron doesn't move his body, "It was. The most toughest and difficult one". Valentia says with concern, "What happened to you? Its like your body completely stopped working except for your heart". Radron moves his eyes down and ponders about it for a few moments, "Hmm... I'm not really sure". Kat suggested, "I think you pushed your body too hard. You were well past exhausted". Radron looks at the female fusion, "Your probably right. How long was I out this time?". Valentia replied, "Five months". Radron's eyes widen in shock, "For real?! That long?". The two women nodded their heads yes. Radron looks up at the ceiling and he thinks, "If my body was exhausted then it would've only been a month. Hmm". He looks at his hand and he continues his thought process, "Most of my power seems to be back". Valentia asked curiously, "What are your plans?". Radron looks at her, "Good question". Kat suggests, "I think you should rest a bit more just to be sure". Radron moves slowly out of his bed, "No. Five months is plenty. Now as to my plans. I am going to find Lord Dark and defeat him". Valentia has a serious expression, "I don't want to disrespect you in any way but fighting him would be futile. You barely defeated the Legendary Assasin. How are you going to defeat Lord Dark?". Kat looks at Radron. He clenches his fist and he has a determined expression, "I will train. Train the hardest I've ever done. I have this transformation called Evolved Ultimate". Kat says, "Was it the one we saw?". Radron looks at her, "Yes. I haven't mastered the form yet. If I can learn everything about it and be able to master it. Then I believe that'll close the gap in power between me and him". He thinks, "Especially since I absorbed The Legendary Assasin. I need to learn and master his abilities too". Kat points at him, "If your going to look for him then I will too". Radron says, "What?". Valentia said with elegance, "I will join you as well". Radron sees the fire in their eyes and he smirks, "You two are determined. Ok then but just to let you both know, I will train you to the bone. Got that?". The two women nodded. Radron thinks, "A team doesn't sound too bad". A portal opens on the wall and they noticed. A skeletal being emerges from it, "Hello everyone". Kat shivers, "This guy gives me weird vibes". Radron says with a neutral tone, "That's because its Death itself". Kat has a surprised expression, "What? Really?". Valentia said, "Yes. He must have an important message for us". Death responded ominously, "I do. I've watched the battle you had against The Legendary Assasin. It was a very impressive feat you've pulled Radron". He says with a smile, "Thank you. Feels a bit strange that Death itself is praising me". Death responded, "I came to tell you that Lord Dark has control nearly all the Heaven realms and Demon realms. Not only that but he has controlled over some of the Multiverses". Kat says in shock, "No way... He can really do that?". Death replied, "Yes. Even as we speak, he is invading another Multiverse. I hope you can put a stop to his reign of terror". Radron says seriously, "I won't be the only one stopping him. Kat the God Of The Saiyans and Queen Valentia will help me". Death says, "Building a team. A wise choice. May I recommend an individual?". Radron looks at the two women, "What do you think?". Kat says, "I'm on board. The more the better". Valentia says with a professional tone, "Death is helping us. We should take it". Radron looks back at it, "Ok. Who do you recommend?". Death steps to the side, "This individual". A muscular being wears a black tank top, black pants walks into view. Radron has a look of surprise, "K-Kazamo?". Kat asked curiously, "You know him? He looks pretty strong". Valentia has a disgruntled expression, "Death. Why do you bring a Devil here?". Kat looks at the Heaven Queen, "He is?". Death responded sincerely, "I understand the implications of bringing a half-Devil hybrid here. However, considering the imbalance that's occurring. Him being here won't disrupt any flow". Kazamo puts his fist together, "I knew you were here Saiyan. Death here told me you were going to fight some strong people. I wanna join in on the fun". Kat leans her head to the Heaven Queen, "Why does he talk like a Saiyan?". Valentia shrugs, "How should I know?". Radron chuckles, "Heh. Alright. You can join us". Kazamo smiles and he steps into the Heaven realm. He waves his arms around, "Ow. This place burns!". Radron puts his hand up and a thin blue shield covers his body, "Heaven's Light shouldn't affect you anymore". Kazamo looks at himself and he smiles again, "Sweet!". Valentia grumbles. Radron looks at Death, "Anyone else you want to recommend to us?". Death says, "Keen senses you have. Yes, I have another individual that wants to aid you". A being with long black hair, brown tail and green-blue armor walks into view. Radron has a surprise expression again, "Jalkon?!". The Saiyan smiles in a friendly way, "Hey Rage or er... Radron. Its been a while hasn't it?". Radron has a friendly smile, "It has Jalkon but why do you look like in your prime? Last time I saw you, you were getting old and had wrinkles". Jalkon flexes his muscles, "Well Death here made me young again. I'm here to help!". Valentia grips on her clothing tightly and a vein pops out of her head, "Grr... Another Devil". Radron looks at the Heaven Queen, "Jalkon is a good guy. It'll be ok". Kat sees Jalkon's tail and her tail starts to sway back and forth, "Ooooh he's a Saiyan". Radron says, "Alright your in". Jalkon steps into the Heaven realm and he feels his skin burning. Radron puts a shield around the Saiyan hybrid. Jalkon smiles, "Thanks". Death looks at them, "Unfortunately that is all the aid I can find. Good luck on your mission". The portal closes. Kazamo asked curiously, "Why can't Death join with us?". Valentia crosses her arms, "Because he has a job to do Devil!". Radron places his hand on her shoulder, "Relax Valentia". She looks away, "Hmph!". Radron sighs and he looks at Kazamo, "Not many know this but the reason is because he is a cosmic being. Besides the hierarchy that the Omni-King made or the Greek Gods hierarchy. There is a hidden one called the Cosmic hierarchy. Death is a part of it and they are not to interfere in our problems no matter what. Unless someone attacks them". Jalkon puts his hand up slightly, "In other words. They won't do anything unless it affects them". Radron responded, "Yes or if it endangers the Omniverse. Which at least for right now Lord Dark isn't at that level of threat yet". Kazamo asked, "Then why does Death want us to stop him now?". Radron has a slight annoyed expression, "Look I'll explain it to all of you later. For right now we need to train up before challenging Lord Dark. Like I said to Heaven Queen Valentia and God Of The Saiyans Kat, I will train you all to the bone! Any other questions?". They all shake their head no. Jalkon looks at Kat, "Your a God amongst the Saiyan race?". Kat smiles, "Sort of. A Supreme Kai gave that title to me. A lot of Saiyans from my city looked up to me". Jalkon says, "That's still pretty awesome. You and me should have a sparring match". Kat feels her blood pumping, "Sure but I will warn you though. I won't hold back". Jalkon closes his hand, "Sounds good to me". Radron snaps his fingers once and everyone got transported into the training grounds. Radron says like a leader, "Alright everyone. Training starts now!"

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