Radron Escapes The Negative Realm

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The morning stumbles its way. The sun shined through the window of the inn. The sunlight hits Radron's eyes. His eyes twitch for a few moments before putting his hand over his eyes to cast a shadow. He slowly opens his eyes and says to himself, "Forgot to close this damn window". He pulls the blanket back as he sits on his bed. He has his eyes fully open and thinks, "I'm still in my Super Saiyan Titan form. Normally, I would feel a tad bit sleepy and yawning. I feel wide awake. That must be a perk for staying in this form. Well time to continue my quest on figuring a way out of here and to get my revenge on Lord Dark". He stands up and stretches while he thinks, "Ok so the giants have the Great Five Tortons. One of them is a Master rank mage while the other is unknown. As for Saiyans, there is Kat which she has Ultra Ego. I don't know what these other races have. I need to gather intel. The ones I haven't visited yet are the Namekians and.... Actually, what races are there besides Namekians? Hmm let's see". He closes his eyes and widens his view of ki sense. He scans areas that are several miles away. He detected the Namekian city that is twenty miles away in the North. He continues scanning past the Namekians and sensed Dragons. The city of Dragons are fifteen miles away in the West. He detected another which is the Greeks. They are thirty miles away in the south. He stops scanning for Ki and he opens his eyes. He thinks, "The Dragons seemed to be the closest so far. I'll stop by the Dragon city first and then the Namekians. I'm curious to know what kind of Dragons these are. I did have a pet Dragon once. Maybe I can get another from that city". He walks out of his room fully clothed. He throws a coin at the counter and waves at the old lady. She bows and says, "Thank you and come again". Radron walked out of the inn but just as he did, he saw Sylvia and Jata waving at him in the distance. Radron thinks, "Why are they here? I thought I was done with them. Hopefully they are here for a short chat". He walks towards them and waves at them like a friend. They were near a park. A few giant children played in the park. Jata asked curiously, "How'd ya like the Inn?". Radron says casually, "It was nice. A bit cozy". Sylvia asked while blushing a bit, "A-Are you gonna stay t-there again?". Radron puts his hand on his head, "No. I got some traveling to do". Jata asked curiously again, "Traveling? Where you headed?". Radron says with a smile, "Traveling to see if there are any grasslands. Ever since I got stuck here. I've been seeing nothing but the flat hard ground. I noticed there were clouds so I'm kinda hoping to see some grass because grass helps me calm my mind". Jata says in a friendly tone, "Oh. You're that type of person. Always want to be out with nature. I didn't take you for that type of guy". Radron smiles warmly, "Heh. Well, you can't judge a book by its cover". Jata smiles, "That's right. We'll leave you to it then. When you find it, tell us. We wanna see some grasslands too. Especially Sylvia here". Sylvia says, "Y-Yeah. It helps me f-focus my m-magic more". Radron says, "I'll definitely will. Bye". He walks away from them while waving at them. The two of them waved back. Radron is now a good distance away as he is close to the city exit. He sighs and thinks, "Good thing I came up with that excuse. That talk was sorta boring but". He steps out of the city and looks around quickly. He doesn't see any giants near him. He creates a magical ball in his hand and places it on his chest. His body becomes completely invisible as he thinks, "This is a precaution. Since I haven't met the other three members yet. They could be lurking about and hiding their Ki or Magic. Maybe even masking it but I'm invisible so I should be good". He closes his eyes and his body shrinks. He reverts back to being 6 feet and 7 inches tall. His long white hair disappears as his somewhat long black hair returned. His aura reverted back to white. He sighs in relief, "It's good to be back in base form. I feel lighter. Alright time to head to the Dragon city". He quickly flies towards the North. A silhouette walks out from the gates and looks up in the sky. He takes off a robe which reveals his shiny red armor. He says to himself, "I knew something was off about him. He is a magic caster. No normal giant can cast that magic. He made himself invisible because he doesn't want to be tracked by neither of us. I better report this to the other Tortons". He walks away.

Radron The DevourerWhere stories live. Discover now