The Final Battle Continued!

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The entire Outterverse trembles under the might of Lord Dark the Ancient Demon. Radron's eyes shifted right and left several times. His body shakes, sensing the unsuppressed power of his greatest foe. He felt the barrier of Cosmic Soul Reapers around him crack. Radron quickly reacts to it by emanating his power. The cracks in his barrier starts to repair itself until.... SWWIIIISSSHHH. It broke completely, not leaving a single trace. Radron quickly forms more Cosmic Soul Reapers but he felt a stab right through his heart. He coughs up blood and his body was lifted in the air. Lord Dark walks out from the dark depths of the Outterverse. He had an almost sadistic smile, "Didn't see that one coming hmm? Hahaha". His tentacle spike was right through Radron's chest and he moved him closer. They were a mere foot away from each other. Lord Dark eyes glows a deep dark red like blood, "Let me tell you the truth of this power you wield. A power that was gifted to you by that rouge fusion Ragevil". Radron coughs up more blood and he gripped onto the spiked tentacle. He flexes his arms and he tries to pull it out but it wouldn't budge. Lord Dark chuckles sadistically, "Hehehe. No use. You are just far to weak now". Two giant hands came from his back but instead of purple, it was red and they rushed over to Radron. The hands grabbed his head and a green ring formed on his neck. Lord Dark said, "Listen closely to the truth. Hehehe. Ragevil did killed off an alternate timeline version of myself, however he didn't truly defeat 201H me. You see, I have an older sister, an annoying one at that. She fought against 201H me before Ragevil did which severely weakened that version of myself. Therefore once Ragevil battled against 201H me, he never witness my suppression armor being broken. Nor fought against my true power that you see now. He did invented this technique or in your case ability but its faulty! It will never truly kill me or any Cosmic Beings!". Radron felt the color of his face being drained by the prospect of that power bestowing upon himself and proudly showing it off. Lord Dark snapped his fingers and Radron's entire body and essence exploded into nothingness. Lord Dark looks around with the sadistic smile, "Now the only thing I can't figure out is how your able to revive yourself when everything that is made up of who you are gets erased. Cease to exist. That is quite fascinating and I think your usefulness as my plaything has extended. Only for a little while longer". Radron formed several millions of light years away from the Ancient Demon. He breathes heavily, "No way... It was a false Cosmic power all along?! Why would he do that?!". He felt his palms sweaty and his heart racing. He looks at his hands, "What can I do against him?!". Suddenly, he heard a bone chilling voice behind him, "Running and hiding? Oh where has your pride gone Radron? Hehehe". The Devourer was about to turn around and he was met with his head chopped off. A giant beam completely consumes his entire body, eradicating him. Lord Dark senses Radron again with his energy sensors and he teleports to him. Radron formed a Cosmic Soul Reaper and attempted to stab at his enemy. Lord Dark smacked it away which shattered completely into nothingness. Lord Dark says, "I see your Zenkai boosts are working but each death results in less and less of a power boost. I am curious". He grabbed Radron by the head with one of the giant red hands. Lord Dark comments, "Are you nearing your potential of strength hmm?". Lord Dark wears a huge devilish smile on his face and he crushed his head into nothingness and he shot a one handed beam attack. He spotted Radron further away than before and he appeared behind him. He killed him off once more. The cycle between Lord Dark finding and killing Radron commence. Radron flies away with his full speed which causes ripples in the Outterverse, "I got to get out of here!". Lord Dark appeared in-front of him, "Caught you again. Radron". His arms were stabbed and with a snap of a finger, Radron was erased. A moment later, Radron was found and killed off by Lord Dark in many gruesome ways. An unknown amount of time has passed until Lord Dark had Radron's face at the cusps of his hands, "Hmm. Your limit has been reach of how strong you can get. This form of yours hasn't change appearance either. Even at this level of power. You are still far too weak for me. Even though I can't assess how you are being revived. Since you can't be permanently put down. I'll just trap you like a bird in a cage. Strip of your powers. I will make you watch as I invade numerous timelines. Killing off that phony Ragevil and the annoying lower life form known as Alara". Radron's body exploded and instead of being revived, his body got smaller. He looked at himself with a horror expression, "No... What did you do to me?!". A cage formed around The Devourer and he was forced back into his base form. Lord Dark grabbed the cage and lifted him up to his face, "That suits you perfectly. Hehehe. I think I'll keep you fused like this. A lot easier on my part since you have Rage and EvilRage inside of you". Lord Dark opens the portal in-front of himself, "Now then. One last piece of truth before you fill in your role as my little birdie. The Cosmic being known as Death that you know. That is just a personification of him. That isn't his true body nor his true power. If you want to truly have Death's power or eradicate the true source of himself. You need to attack his concept. I will show you". He walked in the portal and they appeared in a black-grey realm. Death sat on his throne, guiding souls to their rightful place. Death immediately sensed danger and he grabbed hold of his scythe. The moment he does, it shatters completely. Death turned around and he was met with a slithering tentacle around his skeletal body. Death remarks, "You... Ancient Demon... Are attempting to overthrow me again? Are you that desperate to be part of the Cosmic Hierarchy?!". Lord Dark emerges in the shadows of the realm and with the snap of his finger, the souls in the area exploded into nothingness. The entire Death realm was engulfed by a dark void. Death's skeletal face showed no reaction but deep down, he was nervous yet angry. Lord Dark lifted up the cage, "Look at your savor that you trusted so much. He is now my pet". He snaps his fingers again and Radron yelled in pain. His entire body mutated into a bird with his hair on top of it. Death's voidless eyes widen, "Radron... No... The only savor in the Multiverses. No, the Omniverse has failed?". Lord Dark pointed one finger in the air, "Yes he has. I know it wasn't your handy work that made him deathless but that doesn't matter anyway since he is powerless. Unable to save you and your concept". Death shakes his head, "No don't! If you do that then everything will become unbalanced. Do you think your parents would approve of this?!". Lord Dark's overconfident and sadistic smile shifted into a frown, "I don't give a damn what they approve or not. I have the means to do as I please. Now, become one with me!". He shot a beam but from Radron's eyes, it was invisible. Only a second has passed and Death's body erupted into dust. All the dust moves towards Lord Dark and gets absorbed by him. The entire domain crumbles and ceased to exist. Lord Dark makes a large screen formed and it showed the revival of Zanton along with every single planet that was blown up, every single person that has ever died was brought back to life. Lord Dark chuckles evily, "Hehehe you see that? All you fought for is now back but watch this". He zoomed into Zanton and it showed Rage's kids along with Zeldron's kids and EvilRage's kids. Even their parents are on Zanton along with Zeldron's grandfather Broly. Lord Dark has a bewildered expression and he thinks, "Hmm? All the dead should be revived. I transported all who is related to Rage, Zeldron and EvilRage to Zanton. The only ones missing are their wives. Does this mean they were revived before I absorbed the concept of Death into me? I will investigate that soon. For now, I want my fun". Radron stretched out his wings to reach for his children, "My kids... Papa will be home soon". Lord Dark tries to contain his laughter, "Coming home? Heh. No, just watch and see". He snapped his fingers and all of them screamed in agony. Their bodies shifted, getting multilated in-front of The Devourer. Finally, they formed back to their former selves but their eye sockets are devoid of any eyes along with their mouth. They started roaming the planet and killing off any life that may have been found. Radron watched in horror, seeing his family become nothing but lifeless corpses. He slammed his wings on the ground of the cage and he yelled. Tears flow down from his eyes, "You... Monster!". Lord Dark gave a loud hearty laugh, "Hahahaha! Yes! That's what I've been wanting to see. You are truly in the role of my pet bird now". Radron continued to cry and he slammed his head on the floor of the ground. The hope and anger inside him, starts fade away. Despair, hopelessness and depression starts to settle inside him. Lord Dark licks his lips, "Yes. I can sense it. You are becoming hopeless now. You see, it was an impossible task right from the very beginning to kill me". He continues to laugh evily, "Hahahaha! Nothing can stop me and soon not even my parents will".

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