Reunion With An Old Friend?

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Radron woke up from a deep state of unconsciousness. He looks around and he sees a blue field of grass with different types of flowers. He slowly gets up and he scratches his head, "Where am I? What happened?". He heard a familiar voice behind him, "Hey, Radron over here!". Radron says to himself, "That voice. No it can't be". He turns around and his eyes widen in surprise, "Its you... Its really you. Farah!". She smiles warmly at him, "Of course it is silly. I'm not the only here you know". Radron sees two other women standing next to Farah. He starts to tear up, "Celestia and Julia. Your here". Celestia has a sweet smile, "Of course. We are here for you Radron". Julia points to him, "She's right but what's with the water works? Don't tell me your going to cry". Radron rubs his eyes, "No. I just got pollen in my eyes is all". He moves his hand away from his face and he smiles, "See? I'm not going to cry". Julia chuckles, "That's my Radron for you". Farah runs towards him and she said with a joyful tone, "Let's spend the rest of our lives here together forever". Radron opens his arms and he has a blissful smile, "Yeah. I'm fine with that".  Farah jumps in his arms and she wraps her arms around his neck. Celestia runs towards them, "Hey no fair! He's my husband too you know". Julia also runs to them, "We agreed to have equalized time to spend with him Farah!". Radron puts down Farah and he opens his arms, "Its ok Celestia and Julia. There's enough room for the both of you". They jump into his arms and he hugs the three women. Farah says, "Let's go home". Radron smiles, "Yeah. I'll carry you three". Celestia and Julia giggles. He thinks, "This is what I wanted all along. To be here on Zanton with my love of my lives. Also, my kids... Wait where are they?". Just as he thought that, he heard a voice saying, "Radron we need you. Please open your eyes. We need you". Radron looks around, "Hey do you hear that?". He looks down his arms and he saw the women were gone. He frantically looks around, "No. No. Where are they? They were just here". He sensed a familiar presence and he turns around. His eyes widen in shock, "No! Tazon! Let him go!". The figure holds his son. She moved around to look at him. She says with an emotionless tone, "You are weak. For that, your son had to pay the price Radron". The fused Saiyan took a few steps back and he holds his head, "No. This can't be real. It can't be!". He suddenly appeared in space and his eyes widen again as he watched Planet Zanton explode in-front of him. He starts to breath very fast and he heard a sinister yet evil voice whisper in his ear, "Your entire planet is nothing but a toy to trigger you Radron or should I say Rage, Zeldron and EvilRage. You only exist to make my life more amusing. You are all my puppets. That is why you three were born". Radron instinctively turned around and he threw a punch. However, he saw a giant shadow cast over him. He looks up to see a Galaxy sized Lord Dark. He laughs evily, "Hahaha! What are you going to do child? You are powerless". Radron breaths even faster as his blood boils. He grits his teeth as veins pop out of his head, "LORD DARK!". His aura bursts out of him as he roars like a Dragon. Radron charges towards the ancient Demon. Lord Dark has a disappointed look, "Typical. Throwing a tantrum. You aren't fit to fight me. Begone". The moment he said that, Radron was submerged in a purple liquid. Radron tries to breath but he felt the liquid entering his lungs. He tries to swim out of it but he felt his body becoming heavier and heavier as he descends further into the dark deeps of the liquid. His eyes are half open as he extend his arm upward and he says in his mind, "No. Not again. I can't die here". He was about to close his eyes until he felt something on his body. His eyes snapped opened and he saw a pair of giant melons on his face. He tries to yell but it was muffled. The person heard his yell and they removed their breasts. The person smiled, "Your finally awake. I'm glad". Radron breaths heavily, "Finally... I can breath". He takes a few minutes to catch his breath. He looks at the person and he has a surprised expression, "Kat... Is that you?". She smiles cheerfully at him, "Yep its me. The one and only". Radron says, "Its been so long since I last saw you". Kat says playfully, "Oh it sure has. Yes yes". Radron looks to the side, "I'm sorry for how I reacted back in the Negative realm. Its just that the power and the trauma caused me to act that way". Kat has a sympathetic expression, "I was honestly frighten when I figured out you were that creature that destroyed cities and countless people. Yet you saved everyone from the Negative realm. This conflicted with me. I had a lot of time to think about everything. After some time, I came to the conclusion of finding you again. I wanted to see you. I asked the others if they wanted to join me but they all declined. I guess they still hold a grudge against you". Radron looks down with a saddened expression, "I see. I can't blame them. I practically went insane". Kat gently placed her hand on his cheek, "Well I am here for you now. Radron". He looks at her, "Kat...". The door slammed wide open which caused the two of them to jump a little. They turned their attention at the person standing on the door frame. Radron has a surprised expression, "Wait... Valentia?!". She points to Kat and she said in a jealous tone, "Just what are you doing on top of him huh?!". Kat hugs his face, "What do you ever mean? I'm just comforting him is all". Radron says, "K-Kat get off of me". Valentia walks towards them but each step is a stomp, "Unhand him this instant!". Kat says, "What are you going to do huh?". Valentia is only two inches away from him. She says, "I allow you to enter my realm! I am the Queen here so I demand you to unhand him or else I'll have the guards kick you out". Kat lets go of his head and she pouts, "Oh fine then. Party pooper". Valentia gets irritated, "Party pooper?! I am not. I don't go around throwing myself at a man. I have honor and status". Kat gasps, "Huh? Just what are you implying?". Radron has one finger up, "Uh can you two stop it?". They look at him and they said combatively, "No!". Radron has a comedically sweat bead moving down his head as he watches the women bickering against one another. He thinks, "How did I get in this mess in the first place? Wait a minute. Did she just say we are in Heaven?". Radron clears his throat and he says, "Hey Valentia. You said we are in Heaven right". Valentia turned her attention to the male Saiyan and she returned to her calm and elegant manner, "Yes we are. We carried you here". Radron tilts his head to the side slightly, "Carried me? Wait a minute". He suddenly remembers what happened to him when he challenged the Legendary Assasin. He says, "I was just a soul without a body or power". Kat looks at him with a sadden expression, "Yes. After the conflict, me and Valentia searched for you. It took us several minutes to find you until I stumbled upon you. I was so heartbroken to find you in that state. You pleaded me to help you. I couldn't ignore it so I helped you up and took you to Valentia. She took off the restriction on your soul and we gave you just enough life energy to keep you alive". Kat stopped her sentence and Valentia said, "We've arrived to Heaven and I placed you in the best hospital we have. I had the best doctors and nurses look after you everyday for the past month". Radron has a surprised expression again, "Wait a month? I was out for that long?". Valentia replied, "Yes. The damage that was inflicted on you was something I've never seen before. A being that could reduce someone as powerful as you to just a mere weakened soul. Who could've done this to you?". Radron grips his blankets tightly, "He was The Legendary Assasin". Valentia has a shocked expression, "Him?!". Kat has a confused look, "Huh? Who is he?". Valentia clears her throat as she regains her composure, "The Legendary Assasin is the second strongest Assasin in all the Multiverses. The only one that is above him is Hinari". Radron asked somewhat seriously, "How did you know that?". Valentia says with a straight face, "That's because Death itself told me". Radron has a shocked expression, "What? You met Death?!". Valentia nods, "Yes. Ever since you started to Time Travel. Death told me a warning to pass onto you whenever I'm able to see you. He told me 'Whenever you meet Radron please tell him that Lord Dark has caused a blockage for the souls. They're unable to reach their appropriate destinations. I can only do so much. We need Radron to undo the blockage or else it'll cause a massive imbalance in the Multiverses. Even Timelines'". Radron looks down and he thinks, "He is creating a blockage but how?". He suddenly remembers the time he went to the Demon realm. His eyes widen at the realization of Lord Dark's plans. He says, "I know how he's creating a blockage of the souls". Valentia asked, "How?". Radron explains, "I went to Universe 5's Demon realm. Don't ask me why I was there. Anyways, I saw the citizens worshipping statues of Lord Dark. If Death can't do his job properly then I can only assume he has taken control over most of the Demon Realms". Kat says being slightly confused, "Wait wait a minute. When you say Lord Dark. Do you mean The Destroyer Of Worlds?". Valentia looks at her with a serious expression, "Yes". Kat felt her heart drop and her body grew cold, "He... He is pure evil. There isn't a shred of good in his heart". Radron slowly sits up, "That is w-why I must defeat him. I'm the only one that can". Kat says with worry, "Even so, your in no condition to fight. You've barely gotten your body back a few days ago". Valentia looks at him, "I have to agree. You need to continue to rest". Radron looks at his hand and he thinks, "They might be right. I don't feel as powerful as I normally do. I need some advice from someone I trust". He closes his eyes and a silhouette of Rage, Zeldron and EvilRage formed. Rage crosses his arms, "My advice is to rest. I've experienced training for several days non-stop and its not good for the body. Neither the mind". EvilRage comments, "If we want to get back to training as soon as possible, we should take Kat's and Valentia's energy and stamina. That would speed up our recovery". Zeldron says, "I have to agree on Rage. Besides, its better if we gained power on our own". Rage looks at his evil counterpart, "We shouldn't take their energy away from those whom helped us. Its not right". EvilRage looks away, "Hmph! If you want to take the slow route to recovery. It'll be on all of you". Zeldron says, "Uh your in this body too. It'll affect you as well". EvilRage looks at Zeldron with an annoyed expression, "What I mean is I'll blame you if our recovery ends up being longer than we expect". Rage asked curiously, "What was that form and power you used?". Radron says, "Power?... Oh that". He creates a silhouette of his new form between the three of them. EvilRage comments, "It looks similar to the Ultimate form". Zeldron says, "Definitely. It shares characteristics from it". Radron says, "Hmm... It might be a combination of all the Ki's we had into one new Ki". Rage puts his hand on his chin, "That does make sense. According to our knowledge of Timelines, a future version of me has done the same. It was called Vex Ki and the form was called Vex Instinct". Radron says, "Well we are definitely going to need a name for it". Zeldron has his fist up to his chest, "How about we call it Legendary Power Ki!". EvilRage says, "Don't be an idiot. That name is far too long. Let's call it Void Ki". Rage says, "If you want my input. Just call it Vex Ki". Radron takes in the suggestions and he ponders. After a few moments, he snaps his fingers, "I got it! Since our Ultimate form had all the characteristics of the powers and Ki we've obtain. How about we call it Ultimate Ki". Rage nods, "Logically it does make sense. I'm fine with it". Zeldron smiles, "It sounds strong. I like it". EvilRage sighs, "Keeping it simple huh? I know where you get that from". He turns his head to look at Zeldron. The Legendary Saiyan said, "Hey. Simple is the best way to name stuff". Radron says, "Its settled. The new combined Ki will be called Ultimate". EvilRage looks at the fused Saiyan, "Now what are we going to call this new form? It'll be quite confusing if we end up calling it Ultimate". Radron says with a straight face, "When I was in that form, it felt like I was still in Ultimate except it changed... Like it undergo some kind of evolution". Rage says, "Your right. The new form kept some of the appearance from Ultimate". Radron puts his fist on top of his palm, "Ok. Let's call it Evolved Ultimate". EvilRage sighs again, "Ugh. A simple name again?". Radron looks at the Demon King, "Yeah. Its technically the same form except it evolved". Rage says, "That means we can no longer go to the previous Ultimate form since they are one in the same". Radron has a slight annoyed look, "I just said that". Zeldron says with excitement, "If we can master this new form then it'll definitely close the gap between us and Lord Dark". Radron says, "Probably. I need to go back to give them an answer". Rage said, "The next time we do this, we have to figure out how is EvilRage here. You are a fusion of me and Zeldron". The Legendary Super Saiyan has a straight face, "Your right". EvilRage has an almost evil smile, "Oh its a secret". Radron says, "We'll figure that out later". The Silhouette of the three Saiyans disappeared and including the Evolved Ultimate. Radron opens his eyes and he looks at the two women, "I've decided to rest". Valentia smiles, "That is a wise decision but I need to return to my duties as Queen of this realm. I'll check up on you again whenever I have time". Valentia walks out of the room. Kat smiles, "I'll be staying here with you". Radron says, "That's great but can you get off of me". Kat's cheeks turn a bit red in embarrassment, "Hah sorry". She gets off of him and she stands next to the bed. Radron thinks, "Once I feel like I'm able to tap into Ultimate Ki again, I'll start my training". 

Radron The DevourerWhere stories live. Discover now