Radron Vs Carlitos

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The sky was bright blue, and a few clouds could be spotted in the sky. The planet was rather quiet except for the sound of the wind. The wind blew gently along the grass. The planet was peaceful until... TSSSUE. A bright white light appeared in the planet. The light only lasted a few seconds before revealing a person who has black spiky hair, light skin, round eyes and stands to be five feet and nine inches tall. He wears black undershirt, navy blue gi shirt, black fingerless gloves, black belt, navy blue gi pants and black shoes with white tip. He has a blue halo at the back of his head. He looks around and he says to himself, "Alright I'm in Universe 6. Now I need to get to this Time Trespasser. I can't enter the Demon Realm, but he is a fusion of two Saiyans. As a Saiyan myself, I know exactly how to get his attention". He flexes his muscles, and he lets his aura burst out of him. He yells as his hair turns blue along with his aura. He continues for a few seconds and then he stops. He says to himself, "Bingo". Another Saiyan appeared before him. The fused Saiyan appeared just a foot away from him saying, "Oh another Time Patroller, eh? I hope your stronger than the last one". The Time Patroller cracks his knuckles and has a somewhat serious look, "I'm not sure but I do know one thing. I will defeat you, Radron The Time Trespasser". Radron chuckles, "Hehehe. Bold claim. I hope you have more power than what you let out earlier". Carlitos gets into a turtle style fighting stance, "Oh I will". Radron raises his eyebrows as he noticed the Halo on the back of his head. He inquires, "What's your name and where did you get that halo?". The Time Patroller readies himself to strike, "Hmm? My names Carlitos and the Grand Priest is my mentor". Radron has a surprise look, "Really? He took you in as a mentor? Well looks like I can't underestimate you too much". Carlitos charges towards his enemy and he throws a sharp punch. Radron moves his body to the side seamlessly. Carlitos eyes widen slightly, and he thinks, "That movement. Is that Ultra Instinct? Hmm can't jump into conclusions without doing another test". He uses the same arm to do an elbow strike. Radron bends his body backwards like he was going under a bar seamlessely. Carlitos quickly jumps back a few feet away from him and he thinks, "My suspicion is right. He's using Ultra Instinct in his base form". Carlitos felt someone behind him and he quickly ducks. Radron had his arm extend forward above his enemy and he says being slightly intrigued, "Interesting. You dodged my attack without looking". Carlitos attempted to strike the fused Saiyan with a kick, but it hits nothing. Radron appeared in-front of the Time Patroller and he says with a confident smirk, "Ah ah. You have to prove to me that your capable of fighting me, Time Patroller". Carlitos gets confused but he doesn't let his guard down, "Huh? What do you mean?". Radron starts to chuckle, and a strange portal opens below him, "Hehehe. Follow me to find out Time Patroller". He fell into the portal, and it closes almost immediately. Carlitos clenches his fist tightly, "He time travelled! Well, whatever he is doing might be a trap but it's my job to stop him from trespassing anymore timelines".

A white light envelopes Carlitos completely and he disappears from the planet. A few moments later, he re-appears in a very hot place. He looks around and he sees lava pools around. He breaths in the heavy, hot air. He says to himself, "This must be the Demon Realm. The temperature here is no joke". He senses a Ki-Blast heading towards him and he quickly sidesteps to dodge it. He looks up at the sky to see unfamiliar being. The being says angrily, "So you come to overthrow me huh? Lowly mortal!". Carlitos has a confused expression again, "What? Overthrow you?". The being responds, "Don't play dumb with me mortal! You may be Saiyan but you're still a lowly mortal". Carlitos shakes his head, "Your wrong. I'm not here to threaten your throne. I'm here to find someone". The being charges towards Carlitos and he says, "Lier! I'll punish you by feeding you to the hell hounds!". He gets close to Carlitos, and he throws a kick. Carlitos dodges almost seamlessly by moving his head to the side. The being gets angrier that he uses his other leg to attack. Carlitos moved his head to the other side again almost seamlessly. Carlitos grabs his two legs and swings him around super-fast. He throws the being away and he charges a Kamehameha. The being quickly catches himself and he sees a beam heading straight for him. The being puts his hands together like a wall and blocks the beam attack. Carlitos rubs his forehead, and he looks at his hand, "I'm sweating already? Damn it". He sensed a power rising and he looks at the being. The being's aura slowly starts to appear, and he shouts, "I Demon King EvilRage will not be beaten by a pathetic mortal like this!". His aura exploded outward which caused the beam to explode too. The smoke surrounds him, but it quickly disappears. EvilRage floats there in his Super Saiyan form. Carlitos has a look of shock, "What?! Is that Super Saiyan Blue Evolution?!". Suddenly, a laugh can be heard from nowhere. Carlitos looks around with his guard up. He sees none other than Radron appearing next to EvilRage. Radron wipes one tear from his eye, "That is funny. You have no idea, do you?". Carlitos asked, "What are you trying to say?". Radron says, "His hair may look like that transformation but it's not. It's just his normal Super Saiyan form". EvilRage has his arms crossed and he says, "He thought I was using a God form?". Radron looked at EvilRage and he replied, "Yeah. Well, I won't interrupt your fight anymore Demon King. I'll let you go". Radron floats away but Carlitos yells out, "I won't let you-" before he can finish his sentence, he felt a punch to the stomach. Carlitos gasps in pain as he felt another punch to the face which sent him flying. He thinks, "Man... This Demon King packs a punch". EvilRage drills his foot into Carlitos's stomach which sent him crashing into the ground. EvilRage reels his hands back and yells out, "Hell rain!". He flings his hands forward and multiple red arrow shaped ki-blast rain down towards his enemy. A huge yellow aura shines from the ground. A spark of yellow flew towards EvilRage. He saw that it was Carlitos dodging each arrow. The Time Patroller got close to the Demon King, and he swings at him. EvilRage catches his punch, and he says, "You think I was left wide open? Wrong!". He punched Carlitos in the face which sent him flying again.

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