Radron Storms Lord Dark's Dimension Continued

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The Multiversal Warriors face off against Dorgo The Consumer Of Life. Kazamo looks down at the creature, "As much fun it'll be to fight you. I have to end this battle quickly". Dorgo roars at him as it runs. Kazamo flies downward towards the creature. Dorgo uses its tail to smack him but Kazamo placed his hands on it. He uses the momentum of the tail to jump off of it and punch the creature's back. The force of the punch caused the ground to crack. Dorgo yelps in pain before it opens its mouth. It shot multiple red-purple energy blasts. Kazamo snap vanishes around until he reaches behind the creature. He grabs its tail and lifts it off the ground. He throws the creature up in the air. Kazamo eyes glow as he zips upward and he soon reaches the creature. He sledgehammers it to the ground. Kazamo moves his arms backwards in a slow pace and flames surrounds his arms. His eyes glows again as he says, "This is the true power of the DEVILS! FLAMING DESTRUCTION!!!". He thrusts his hands forward and he puts his fists together. A tornado of flames shot out from his hands. It swirls around and it moves towards the creature. Dorgo shakes his head to shrug off the pain and it looks up. The creature opens its mouth and it sucks up the flames. Kazamo had a bewildered expression, "Huh?". Valentia shouts, "It can consume anything that is life energy!". Kazamo thinks, "So that's what it did. I just have to use my fists instead. Shouldn't be much of a problem". Dorgo's body glows blue and the wounds it sustain was regenerating. Kazamo thinks, "It can regenerate too? Ok, I just have to attack it hard and fast". He cracks his knuckles before zipping towards the creature. Dorgo jumps up in the air and it opens the mouth. It unleashed a narrow red-purple beam attack. Kazamo zips under it and he flies towards his enemy. Dorgo stops its beam attack and it snap vanishes. Kazamo stops his movements and he looks around, "Where'd it go?". Dorgo appeared behind the Devil hybrid and it headbutts his back. Kazamo gasps in pain before getting launched higher into the sky. Dorgo's body glows and it grows limbs. It stretches out and moves towards the Devil hybrid. Kazamo catches himself and he zips towards his enemy. He slices each limb in half. The limbs regenerate back and it attempts the attack again. Kazamo increases his speed and he appears in-front of the creature. He punches it square in the face and then he hammers the creature into the ground. Kazamo claps his hands together and he slowly seperates them. Flames appeared in his hands and it grows bigger. Valentia shouts, "What are you doing?! That's not going to work!". Kazamo says as he continues to seperate his hands, "I know that but I have a plan! You need to heal the others". Valentia thinks, "This plan of his better work or else all of our work we did would go down the drain". She then said, "Alright fine" and she flies towards the other members of the Multiversal Warriors. Dorgo crashes into the ground but it quickly gets up. The creature shakes off the pain as it roars at the enemy. Kazamo moves his hands up and a giant flaming ball was above him. He closes his eyes, "No matter what. I will keep fighting to seek out the strongest this Multiverse has to offer. This'll just be one in many... FLAMES OF HELL!". He throws down the ball of flame. Dorgo opens its mouth and it starts to suck it in. Kazamo wraps his arms in flames as he flies at extreme speeds. Dorgo continues to suck up all of the ball of flames. Kazamo zips through the ball of flames as his body absorbs it and he flies right into Dorgo's mouth. Dorgo's eyes opened wide as it realizes what's about to happen next. A huge flaming explosion occurred. Small pieces of flesh falls on the ground but it starts to move around slowly. Kazamo stands on the ground and he opens his hands, "No you don't!". His aura explodes out of him and he uses it to create a vacuum. The small pieces of flesh lifts off the ground and it moves towards the Devil hybrid. Kazamo unleashes a huge flaming wall which burned off the pieces of flesh. Kazamo takes a deep breath before exhaling. The wall of flame disappeared and he reverts back to base form. He lands on the ground and he smiles, "That was a good fight". The other members of the Multiversal Warriors flew towards him. Jalkon said, "Whoa. That was some crazy power". Kat chimes in, "I had no idea you were that strong". Valentia crosses her arms, "I guess you are kinda strong. Devil". Kazamo moves his arm up, "I didn't want the gap between me and Radron to be that huge. I'm trying to close the distance". Kat says, "Well we all are too". Jalkon comments, "Man that creature was something else huh?". Kazamo stretches his arm, "It sure was. I didn't know a thing like that can even exist". Kat nods, "Agreed. Being able to consume all life energy was tough to deal with". Valentia puts her guard up, "We aren't in the clear yet. Something's coming!". The other Multiversal Warrior's sensed a powerful presence heading to their direction. A being landed on the ground which caused the entire plane of existence to shake violently. A cloud of dust kicked up which covered the being. Jalkon comments, "This being... Why can't I sensed its ki?". Kat says, "Your right. I can't either". Kazamo moves his eyes to the side and he sees a foot in-front of him. He blocks the attack but it sends him sliding across the ground. Jalkon quickly turns around but he was met with a fist. The force of the attack sent him flying into the sky. Kat yells as she transforms into her Ultra Ego form. She surrounds her body with Hakai. She quickly looks around and she sees a shadow of a being punch Valentia in the stomach. Afterwards, it kicks her up into the air. Kat charges towards the being, "I found you!". She throws a punch but the being catches it. Kat smirks, "Big mistake! Hakai!". She uses her aura to crawl onto the beings arms and at first it seems to disintegrate it into nothingness. However, the beings arms regenerates and it was coated with a familiar black aura. The being headbutts Kat and it knees her in the stomach. It then slams her to the ground several times before tearing her arm off completely. Kat screams in pain as blood splatters all around the ground. The being kicks Kats face and she falls to the ground. It attempted to grab her face before sensing an energy increase. It looks up to see Kazamo in his strongest form again. He says seriously, "That goes too far! You fiend!". He charges towards the being in full speeds. He throws a rapid punch but he saw the being dodging abnormally. He thinks, "Those movements... Its similar to- ARGH!". He felt a knee to the stomach before a punch to the face. He was launched away from the rest of the Multiversal Warriors. Jalkon landed behind the being, "Get away from her!". He unleashed a point blank red ki-blasts. Jalkon stopped and he looks around. He saw a fist coming into view and he managed to block it in time. However, he felt a stab in his stomach and he coughs up blood. The being smacks him into the ground and slams its foot onto his face. The being throws Kat away like a broken toy. Kat rolls on the floor and blood splatters on the ground. She uses her other hand to stop rolling and she tries to calm herself. She thinks, "This wound hurts. I need to use Heaven's Light to close it". Her remaining hand glows and she puts it over her arm. It glows as well and the bleeding slowly stops.

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