Radron Fights The Legendary Assasin

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Radron casually enters the hospital room and he sees the two women awake. One of them was sitting up while the other one was laying down. Radron walked towards them, "How are you two feeling?". Kat smiles as she lifts her hand up, "I'm feeling fine". Valentia says with a small smile, "I'm a bit better now. Thank you for taking us to the hospital". Radron smiles, "No problem". Kat says making one of her hands into a fist, "We should spar!". Radron stands between their beds, "Nope. Your not fully recovered yet". Kat replies, "Even so. I am ready". Radron pokes her arm and Kat winces in pain. He crosses his arms, "See? I only poked you lightly". Kat rubs her arm and she blushes, "W-Well... Whatever then". Valentia watches and she thinks, "Why did her face suddenly turn red? Wait a minute... Don't tell me she has feelings for him?!". Radron was about to say something until one of his eyes widen. He thinks, "What was that I just felt? This power completely different from all the foes in the past". The two women noticed and Valentia asked being concern, "Radron, what's wrong?". Radron looks at them, "Sorry but I have to go". He turns around to have his back facing them. Kat says, "Where are you going? Don't tell me your going solo". Radron looks at his fist, "I am. I need to investigate a strange power I felt". Valentia inquires, "Strange power? What is it?". Radron turns around, "I'm not sure but don't concern yourself with it. I will go find out myself". Kat has a serious expression, "Since your dead set on going alone. Just promise me you will return once your done". Radron moves his eyes to look at her, "Ok, I will". He teleports out of the Multiverse and he appeared on a strange planet. He looks around and he thinks, "This place. It's similar to the planet that Kee resided in. It was called Earth". He looks down to see various of trees and a particular person. She has black-white armor, black tail, blue eyes and somewhat long hair. The woman throws punches in-front of her. Radron looks closely and a name was carved into it. He reads it quietly, "Momo Rozu. Hmm, well she is quite attractive but she isn't the one I'm looking for". He sensed another power surge in another location and he thinks, "There it goes again. Tch! I hope this isn't some wild goose chase". He teleports out of the Multiverse and Momo looked up. She thinks, "Was someone just there???".

Radron appeared in a strange land. The ground is brown but the sky is in a constant swirl of blue and black. He thinks, "This place. It looks like an entire new plane of reality all together but why?". He takes a few steps forward until he heard a voice above him say, "You finally took the bait". Radron looks up but whoever was speaking was gone. He felt a chill down his spine and he sees a shadow with a samurai hat walking past him. Radron instinctively fired a ki-beam at the shadow. However, it disappeared and the shadow was behind him. It pops the sword forward. Radron snap vanishes in the air before the weapon made contact with him and he thinks, "Who is this guy? That hat seems familiar". The moment the last word was spoken, the shadow appeared in-front of him. Radron's eyes widen as he felt an attack from above. He crashed into the ground and the shadow said ominously, "Doesn't seem like you recognize me. Its only been a month and two weeks since our last encounter". Radron slowly gets up and he thinks, "A month and two weeks?". He gets flashbacks of a person with the exact same hat. Radron quickly gets into his fighting stance, "Y-Your that Legendary Assasin right?". The shadow stands next to him but with its hat down, "Yes. You see Master was hoping you would fight Shiziko but he was disappointed that you didn't. He ordered me to go after you". Radron uses his elbow to strike, "Your saying Lord Dark is watching right now?!". The shadow maneuvers around the attack and he's in-front of the fused Saiyan. He uses the hilt of the sword to hit him in the stomach, "That is all the information you get so called 'Devourer'". Radron spat out and he thinks, "H-How did he-" before he could finish his sentence, he felt a sword hilt hit his face. The force of the attack sent him flying across the unknown plane of existence. Radron's eyes widen when he felt someone grab his tail. He was slammed to the ground numerous of times before he was thrown up into the sky. The shadow puts his hand upward and he sent multiple purple ki-bullets. Radron thinks as he continues to head into the sky, "What did his sword do to me? I can't think straight". His eyes widen as each ki-bullets hits him. He yelps in pain before he sees a giant pit of black lava. He falls towards it and he tries to move his body. He says to himself, "I-I can't move anything. He cut off my body from my nervous system. Not only that, he is messing with my mind. No. This isn't real!". He falls faster and faster until he saw two red eyes. Everything suddenly became silent as he hears, "Goodbye Radron. Disruptor Wave". The shadow moved its hand downward and a almost distorted looking wave heads towards the fused Saiyan. His eyes widen in shock, "N-No way. That's just like that bastard The Unknown Entity. CRAP!". He tries to move his body but it wouldn't budge. The wave got closer until his eyes shine a white glow. His aura burst out of him but it was white with blue. His entire body gets engulfed by his aura as he enters the black lava. The wave makes contact with the aura but the entire plane of reality shook intensely. The shadow stands still and watches on curiously. Radron flies out of the black lava and lands on the ground. His hand was on the ground. The other hand was behind him in a fist. His hair was long and white. His entire vest was off, leaving him with his muscular chest exposed. His eyes are pure white and his tail is white as well. Radron has a serious look, "Trying to input an illusion in my mind was clever but I have encountered this before through EvilRage. Also, cutting my nervous system entirely was a bit difficult to reconnect but that too I've encountered it from Zeldron". The shadow commented, "Interesting. Your ki acted on its own accord like a fail safe. Correct?". Radron stands up straight, "Yes. Although I never trained it to be that way". The shadow puts his hand forward and he unleashed multiple purple ki-bullets. Radron snaps vanish all around to dodge until he appeared behind the shadow. Radron says with slight annoyance, "Stop coating yourself with this strange darkness and fight me head on!". He throws a fast yet sharp punch. The shadow disappeared and Radron looks around cautiously. He sensed a presence above him and he instinctively shot a Kamehameha. The shadow swipes the Kamehameha away and it points to the fused Saiyan. Radron snaps vanish to the side to dodge an incoming attack. He focuses on the Shadow and he charges towards it with full speed. Radron had one hand on top of his fist as he coats it with Titan ki and God ki. He seperates his open palm and he reels back his punch. Radron reached the Shadow and he thrusts his fist forward. Suddenly, his punch was stopped by the hilt of the sword. Radron tries to move his fist and he thinks, "What the?! I can't move. He didn't cut off my nervous system so what is this?!". The moment he said that, his arm exploded. He held in the scream as he jumps out of the smoke and blood flies all around. He thinks, "Damn it. That's a similar technique that Yara used". The shadow was behind him and Radron tried to attack him with his other hand but it was stopped. His eyes widen, "No... NO!". His other arm exploded and he lands on the ground. He stands up as he pants, "Even in Super Saiyan Titan. He's still moving too fast for me". Green goo comes out from his wounds and blood stops. The shadow appeared in-front of him and it grabbed the goo. Radron's expression changed to a confident smirk, "Oh that's a risky move on your part. Too bad that-"Before he could finish his sentence, the shadow yanks the green goo out of his body. Radron's eyes snap wide open as he lets out a piecing scream and the range of it reached across Multiverses and even a few timelines. He falls on his knees and he lets out another scream. The shadow holds the green goo in one of its hands, "You relied on this Majin's abilities to heal in order to get a near-death boost. However, that won't be possible for you anymore. I completely severed this Majin from your body. She is no longer apart of you". A bright light comes out of Radron and the next moment, he vanished. The shadow looks around, "You can't escape. You are trapped here. Radron". The green goo tries to form a body and the shadow looks at it. The being throws the green goo on the floor and black chains comes out from the ground. It wraps around the green goo and it stops forming a body. The shadow says with an imposing tone, "You are a disgrace Majin Tohru. You failed in the one single mission Master gave you. Once I am done with the Saiyan. You will return with me back to Master". The shadow disappeared.

Radron appeared inside of a stone like temple. It was dark all around and Radron has his eyes closed. He breaths very heavily and he thinks, "I can't feel that Majin inside of me anymore. How? How did he do that? I still needed that Majin damn it!". He hears footsteps outside of the temple. He tries to calm his breathing as he thinks, "What am I suppose to do? I can try to transform into Legendary Death Super Saiyan to regenerate my arms but then what? Can he too completely take out ki? If so, I can't risk using that form. Not even my Evolved Ultimate". He hears someone walking around the temple. Radron grits his teeth as he tries to calm himself and he thinks, "I can't think straight like this. I need to find a way to defeat him". He heard a voice saying, "Found you". The shadow appeared in-front of him and the next moment, the entire temple exploded. Radron was sent flying in the sky. The shadow appears in-front of him, "I thought you would be more courageous to fight me head on instead of hiding like a coward". Radron's eyes widen in shock, "NOOO!!!!". The shadow said with no emotion, "Disruptor Wave". A distortion like wave hits the fused Saiyan's body and his entire body started to mutate. Then a few moments later, his body explodes. The shadow grabs holds of his soul before it could morph into a new body. The shadow comments, "Yara told me that you can negate death. Let's see if its true". He closes his hands and the soul exploded into nothingness. The shadow looks around for a few minutes until the entire plane of reality started shaking again. However, the sky started to crack and he heard a roar across the sky. Multiple ki's started to form in one spot just a mile away. The shadow instantly noticed and he appears in-front of what appears to be a soul forming. He comments, "Seems like even your soul being destroyed isn't enough. Is it your ki's acting like a fail safe that's causing you to negate death? Let's test that theory". He grabs the partially formed soul and he crushes it like before. The shadow thrusts his hands to the side as it sends a giant wave of distortion. All the ki in the area instantly gotten vaporized into nothingness. The shadow looks around again and another roar could be heard. It turns around to see a soul forming again. It appears in-front of the soul, "Theory failed. Is it your spirit? No. That too is destroyed. Is it from an atomic level? Let's test it". It grabs the soul and crushes it again. This time the shadow sent a darkness wave all around the plane of reality, destroying every atom. The ground turned became grey and any life has perished. The shadow hears yet again a roar and it turns around. The shadow's eyes widen slightly in shock, "Hmm?!". A giant Dragon-Titan hybrid was in-front of it as he roars loudly again. The plane of reality shook more violently than before. The shadow reaches for its sword but the Dragon-Titan hybrid slashes its hand. The shadow dashes several light years away and it thinks, "How was he able to form his body that fast? I destroyed the atoms and ki around the area. Nothing can exist here yet, he negated death time and time again. How is he able to do that?". The Dragon-Titan hybrid opens its mouth and it fired a black-white ki-beam. The shadow grabs the sword and it quickly slashed the beam attack. The sword makes contact with the attack and the Shadow's entire body started to shake, "I... I can't cut through?!". The beast appeared behind the shadow and he slashes at the shadow's back. The beam broke through the sword and completely consume the Shadow. The beast disappeared and the shadow drops to the ground. Purple blood comes out from its wounds. The shadow slowly stands up and it looks up to see the Dragon-Hybrid shrink down. His entire body started morphing into a familiar Saiyan. The tail became thin and white-black and fur wraps around it. The shadow watches on with a serious expression. A flash of darkness consume the entire plane of reality. The Saiyan lands on the ground and he looks at the shadow. He says with angered but with a somewhat contained composure, "You've pissed me off. Now die". The shadow grabs the hilt of the sword, "You've gotten that near-death boost with the help of the Majin. Hmph. I will still-" his sentence was cut off with a point-blank beam to the face. Its entire body disintegrated into nothingness. Radron puts his hand down and he looks at the sky, "Hmm". He felt a presence next to him. Radron doesn't move but he has a serious expression. The being said, "Congratulations on defeating a fake version of me without the use of that Majin. However, you had to use your strongest form to defeat it. Tell me, how do you plan on defeating me?". Radron tightens his fists, "I'll find a way. I have to". The being puts his hat down, "Very well". Radron in blink of an eye throws an attack. The being caught the attack without showing any emotion. Radron grits his teeth, "Legendary Asassin, I will defeat you!".

To Be Continued...

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