Radron Encounters EvilRage?!

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A large population of Demons gather around from what seems to be a grey, highly advanced castle. A fence is keeping the Demons from reaching the castle. They all call out to their king in fear and panic. Soldiers were posted all over the castle to keep anyone from breaking in. Inside the castle was a tall man that stood 6'6 feet tall. He is clad in royal robe that is black and gold. He wears a black and gold crown on his short, black, spiky hair. He has light brown skin and red eyes. He has thick black horns on each side of his head, and they pointed upward. He was in the conference room with several council members and his son. A council woman says seriously, "The citizens of the Demon realm are in a panic. We should find a way to calm them down". Another council man said being slightly frightened, "How? Didn't all of you heard that Dragon's roar?". Another councilman commented, "We did. It's terrifying". A young man looks at the king and asked, "Father. What should we do?". The king sighs and stands up. The council members looked at their king and the female council member asked, "King EvilRage. You thought of something?". EvilRage says being slightly annoyed, "Yes. All of you are useless and cowards. At least Lalatina here tries to tackle the issue at hand". Lalatina bows and says, "Thank you for your praise my king". EvilRage says coldly, "That wasn't a compliment". She has a slight saddened look on her face. An older council member asked curiously, "What are you planning to do? Your majesty". EvilRage turns his back to them and said, "I'll calm the people down myself. There is nothing to fear this, Dragon". He walks out of the conference room and his son follows. One of the councilmen said, "He is right. Our king has gone toe to toe with the Guardian several times. He is the strongest". A younger councilman that has a scar across his face said, "What if this Dragon is stronger?". All the council members looked at him and Lalatina said firmly, "Councilman Igor. We can't talk badly about our King. Didn't you see the confidence he had? He doesn't fear anything". Councilman Igor says seriously, "Just because he is fearless, that doesn't mean he is the strongest. Don't forget that the Ancient Demon is alive somewhere. I have a proposal for you all". 

EvilRage walks out of the palace and the people saw their king. They started shouting, demanding to know what will be done about the possible threat looming over the realm. EvilRage raises his hand and the guards suddenly turned to face the citizens. They pointed their weapons at the citizens and the people stayed silent. EvilRage says firmly, "I know all of you are worried or scared. I've been your king for thousands of years. I have protected and stand firm. Winning against many wars. This Dragon who has the power to roar across the Multiverses won't be any different. You all need to calm down. I will display a powerful force field all around the realm to prevent any outsiders from coming in. This realm is shut down to any type of space travels until this Dragon is defeated. I will be the one to bring back its head!". The citizens all cheered and felt their fear be lifted off from them. A general stood next to EvilRage and says, "We are ready to deploy the shields on your command. Your majesty".  EvilRage says, "Go and deploy them. If the Dragon decide to come to this realm and start attack the shields. Contact me immediately. Understood?". The general nods and he quickly flies away. EvilRage walks back into the castle and his son continues to follow him. He says with amazement, "Wow. You think of everything don't you father?". EvilRage says as he heads towards the training area, "Of course John. When ruling a realm full of citizens of different types of Demons, you must prepare for anything. It's better to rule when there are people in it rather than rule on top of a pile of rubble". Upon finishing his sentence, he placed his hand on a scanner. It completely scans his hand, and the door automatically opens. John says with a smile, "Can I train with you father?". EvilRage says, "No. You have important duties to attend to. Make sure the military finished setting up the shields. Once they do, report back to me". John nods and he quickly exits out of the castle. EvilRage enters the training area which is far away from everywhere else. The walls were red with black lines. He stretches and says to himself in relief, "Finally some peace". The moment he finished his sentence, he heard an unfamiliar voice say, "Peace huh?". EvilRage quickly turns to the direction of the voice. He looks around with his guard up. He doesn't see or sense anyone until he heard that same voice saying, "Behind you". EvilRage quickly turned around and he was in utter shock. He says as he takes two steps back, "What the?! Radron?!". Radron smiles calmly, "Yes it's me". EvilRage quickly gets into a fighting stance and says demandingly, "How did you get in here?! Why is the Guardian Of All The Multiverses and The Legendary Super Saiyan fused?!". Radron says, "Calm down. You don't have to get so angry". EvilRage says as his aura bursts out of him, "Like hell I can. You entered my realm without me knowing. To top it off, here you are fused. I need answers now". Radron moves his hands up and down, "I'll tell you all the answers. Just calm down alright?". He thinks to himself, "Even though this is far away from everything else. I can't risk having his son detect his father's power rising or else he'll come rushing back here. That'll mess up my entire plan". EvilRage's aura starts to increase in size, "Start talking or else I'll knock the answers out of you". Radron notices his power slowly rising as he says, "I will.  Just calm down. I'm here because I need your help, ok?". EvilRage was caught off guard by what the fused Saiyan said. EvilRage responds, "Help with what?". Radron says, "I have found our wives. I know where that Unknown Entity took them. It's very difficult to enter that place though. We thought it would be easier to access that place if Rage and Zeldron were fused into me. We tried to enter it and we were about to until something pushed us out. When I analyzed it, I realized I need Devil Ki. I came here as fast as I could because you're the only person I know who has Devil Ki". EvilRage raises an eyebrow in suspicion, "Devil Ki? The Ancient Demon has that too". Radron says, "Why would I ask him? You know how he is towards Rage. He wouldn't have helped me at all". EvilRage says not letting his suspicion go, "True. Yet why come to me? I don't like neither of you. I'm no friend and certainly no ally. Why come to me? Aren't I the same case as the Ancient Demon?". Radron thinks, "He isn't letting his guard down. Well, I know one thing for sure. He is an alternate universe version of Rage. He is also as smart as him, so I know one thing that'll change his mind". Radron says, "That is a valid reason, but wouldn't it be strange if me, the fusion of Rage and Zeldron come rescue your wife without you? She will certainly not trust us at all and will probably stay there until you come to rescue her. Now wouldn't that be a hassle to deal with?". EvilRage looks to the side and thinks. Radron continues speaking, "Our wives have been there for a few thousand years already. Hasn't John asked you many times before, 'where is mom? When will she be back?' hmm?". EvilRage closes his eyes as he says being irritated, "Alright fine! Your right. Now stop with the guilt tripping". Radron has a friendly smile and says, "Alright. You lead the way out of the castle then I'll lead the way to where our wives are". EvilRage has his back turned to the fused Saiyan and walks towards the opened door, "Fine fine. I do need to ask you something. Have you-" before he can finish his sentence, he felt a hand on his back". EvilRage tries to move his body but can't. His eyes widen and he shouts, "What the hell are you doing?!". Radron grew his signature smile and says, "Oh just.... Having you join Rage and Zeldron hahaha!". The two Saiyan bodies started to glow bright. Suddenly their bodies lunges towards each other. Once they made contact, the light shined even brighter. The light lasted for a few moments before one singular body emerges from it. The person stands up and says, "That worked. Now let's see if there are any changes". He made a full body mirror appear in-front of him. He looks at himself and he still wears the same attire as before except he has thick black horns on the side of his head. He thinks, "I still feel like me except I have these Demon horns now. Hah. I'm still Radron! Yes. Now this place can be my new base of operations. Since I fused with EvilRage, that means I have his memories. I can replicate his personality perfectly. Now let's try it". He distorts his body, ki and magic to be exactly the same as the Demon King. He finishes and he looks at himself in the mirror. He turns around and thinks, "I look exactly like him down to the very atom. Good. Now I need something to eat. I'm starving and" he yawns, and he continues his thought proccess, "sleepy too. Damn that Devil. I only got four hours of sleep". He snaps his fingers and makes the mirror disappear. He was about to walk out of the training area but stopped when he noticed John standing in the doorway. John says, "Father, they have finished setting up the shields". EvilRage says, "Good. Now move". John moves out of the way and asked, "What are you going to do Father?". EvilRage walks across the hall towards the royal dining room, "eat". John says with a smile, "May I join you?". EvilRage pulls one chair out and responds, "Sure". He sits on the chair and rings the bell. John sits across from his father. The door opens and several waitresses came out holding dishes. They placed it down on the table and opened it up. Steam came from the food and EvilRage sniffed it. He grows a big smile on his face, and he started serving himself steak, chicken, mash potatoes, and some unknown green meat. He starts to eat the food and John served himself the food as well. John says before taking a bite out of a chicken leg, "I have a suggestion father". EvilRage swallows the steak and says, "Go on with it". John says, "I think we should send a team of highly skilled scouts to try to locate the Dragon. That way you can directly face it head on and defeat it". EvilRage says being unimpressed, "That's your suggestion?". john nods and EvilRage says, "No. We have to think of the possibility of this Dragon being intelligent. He could look at the sigil on their clothing and realize it's from our realm. It might just go into hiding, making it nearly impossible to find". EvilRage (Radron) thinks, "Dragon huh? They might be referring to me when I fought against Davantos. I'll have to keep my anger in check more often. Who knows what other realms or civilizations I alerted with that". John says cusriously, "Right. Well, what would you do?". EvilRage holds a spoonful of mashed potatoes, "Hmm? Oh. Wait for the Dragon to come to us. Even if it is intelligent, it would eventually come to Universe 6. Once it does, I'll trap it with Devil binding. Then I'll trap it inside of a dimension. Once trapped, it won't be able to escape and that'll make it easier for me to kill it". He ate the mashed potatoes and John smiles being impressed, "That sounds like a great plan father". The two continued eating together for thirty minutes. Eventually, EvilRage is in his bedroom, and he jumps on the bed. He smiles in bliss and thinks, "Ah finally a comfy bed. It's so soft. Better than the bed I had at my previous base. I dare say it might be better than the one I had back on Zanton". He closes his and after a few moments, he fell asleep. A whole day has passed. The sun comes crashing right into the sky and EvilRage woke up. He yawns and he slowly gets out of bed. He hears the doors open and two female servants walked into his room. They wear skimpy outfits and they bowed. Both of them said at the sametime, "Good morning your majesty". EvilRage has his eyes half open and was confused. After a few moments, he realized why they're in his room. He thinks, "I didn't take EvilRage to be that kind of ruler. I don't find them attractive at all. If it was Farah or Celestia, I would say yes in a heartbeat". He notices the two servants undressing themselves and EvilRage stands up. He says firmly, "Stop. I am not in the mood". The two servants grabbed their clothing, and they quickly exited the room. He sighs and thinks, "I hope it's not like this every morning. They might think something is up if I deny them too much. Hmm". He ponders for a few moments until he thought of an idea, "That is perfect. I can just create a clone of myself that'll be 70% EvilRage. Yes, that'll prevent suspicion. Good. Now then". He takes out an advanced holophone and a usb device. He plugs it in his holophone and thinks, "This isn't as strong as my supercomputer, but this'll do. Finding information will take longer though". He hears the doors open again and he turned around. He sees John standing in the doorway, "Father. Why aren't you up yet?". EvilRage stands up and quietly puts the holophone away, "Huh? I'm the King. I'll get up whenever I want". John says, "I understand but you do realize it's almost noon, right?". EvilRage's eyes widen, and he thinks, "Crap. I overslept. Tch! I had this whole day planned out too". EvilRage says, "I do. I decided to take a seat back today". John says, "Right. Well, breakfast is still out for you". EvilRage walks towards the door and says, "Good. I am hungry". He walks past John and towards the dining room. After a minute, he arrived, and he sat down. He sees eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes and strange looking bread. He grabs his fork and knife and starts eating. He thinks, "Mmm so good! Choosing the Demon Realm was a great idea for a base. Farah still cooks better but right now this is great". He continues eating and the food on his plate shrank until there was nothing left. EvilRage burped and patted his stomach. He thinks, "That was good food. Now then time to-" before he could finish his thought process, a woman entered the dining room. He sees the woman wearing council clothing. He says with sight annoyed tone, "Lalatina. What are you doing here?". Lalatina bowed and says, "I came to deliver updates about the Dragon my king". EvilRage crosses his arms and says, "Get on with it". Lalatina looked at him and said firmly, " There hasn't been any detection of the Dragon near the realm. Also, twenty soldiers are posted at each shield". EvilRage says, "Good. Have them continue guarding it. Anything else?". Lalatina walked closer to the King, and she stood a few inches away from him. EvilRage raises an eyebrow in suspicion, "What's the meaning of this?". Lalatina said in almost whisper, "Your majesty. One of the councilmen proposed a plan to call upon the Ancient Demon if you were to fail in defeating the Dragon". EvilRage says angrily, "They what?!". Lalatina says, "The majority of the council agreed to it". EvilRage had an angry expression but inside his mind, "The council really doesn't have faith in their king. This is a problem. If they were to call upon Lord Dark, I definitely wouldn't be able to defeat him the way I am now. On another hand this is good. When I am ready to face him, instead of searching for him I can have the council call him. Hmm. EvilRage would've react by executing them for betraying him. That is what Lalatina is most likely expecting. I need to act fast". Lalatina looks at him and asked curiously, "What would you do now your Majesty?". EvilRage says slamming his fist onto the table, "I demand for them to be fired immediately and have parole for the next ten years". Lalatina had a surprised expression and asked, "A-Are you sure that is an acceptable punishment?". EvilRage says, "If they attempt to call upon the Ancient Demon, have them executed on the spot. Understood?". Lalatina nods and quickly exits out of the room. EvilRage sighs in relief and thinks, "That shouldn't raise suspicion of me. Now than. Before going back to my research. I need to meditate". He stands up and teleports to the training area. He crosses his legs and floats above the ground. He forms his hands into a complete open circle. He closes his eyes, and he feels all the Ki inside his body. It flows around his body roughly as they aren't settled in with each other perfectly. He tries to calm each Ki in his body. The normal Ki settled down quickly and same goes for God Ki and Titan Ki. The Death Ki, Dragon Ki and Dark Ki conflict with each other. He calms his mind by clearing all thought. He drops his power level to near zero and he relaxes his body. He goes towards the Dark Ki like a hand reaching a thorny plant. He uses his soul to grab it. Dark purple lighting surges around and singes his hand. He lets go of it for a moment to examine the singe on his hand. He inhales and exhales calmly. A moment later, the singe on his hand completely healed. He tries to grab onto the Dark Ki again and it singes his hand again. He winces in pain, but he tries to calm the corrupt power down. It singes his hands more and he noticed his arms starting to turn purple. He quickly let's go of it. He felt his heart beating abnormally and he hears strange, sinister voices in his mind. He snaps out of the meditated state, and he falls to the ground. He grabs his chest, and he continues hearing the sinister voices saying, "You are the Devourer. Kill all Demons and Devils. They caused you so much pain. Kill them all". He grabs his head and says, "Get out of my head. Stop it!". The voices continue, "You hate them, don't you? Kill them all". He shakes his head as he says louder, "No! Not yet. Get the hell out of my head!". The voice says, "Don't you want Farah and Celestia back? Kill them now! Starting with the Prince". EvilRage shakes his head more violently and he unleashes his aura, "No! I WILL DO IT ON MY TIME DO YOU HEAR ME?!". He looked deep inside of himself, and he grabs onto the Dark Ki again. It attempts to do more damage to his soul, but he overpowers it. Some of the purple on his arms disappear and the black lightning is gone. The voices in his head were gone as well. He slowly breaths out in relief as he thinks, "That damn Ki tried to take control of my mind. I won't let it. Especially since it mentioned killing John. For some reason deep down, I didn't want that to happen. I wouldn't ever want that happening. Tch. I'll have to figure out later on how to completely control Dark Ki later". He heard footsteps heading towards him. He turned his head to see John with a worried look, "Father. Why did your power increase like that?". EvilRage slowly gets up and says being slightly irritated, "Its nothing. I was doing mental training is all". John says, "Ok. I came to report that the councilmen that plotted to call the Ancient Demon have been fired and are on parole". EvilRage says making his way out of the training area, "Good. We don't need traitors amongst the council". John looks at him and asked, "You're not going to continue your training?". EvilRage says being more irritated, "No. Stop asking me questions and don't let anyone go into my room. I'll be resting. Understood?". John nods and EvilRage teleports into his room. He falls on the bed and thinks, "That strained my mind more than it should have. Some rest will fix it". He puts three blankets on top of him and he lays on his side. He closes his eyes and a few moments later, he fell asleep. Another day passes and he slowly opens his eyes. He yawns, "I can feel my mind better already". He sits up straight on his bed and he stretches. After spending a minute of stretching he sniffed himself and thinks, "Huh? I smell. Gotta hit the shower. He walks towards the bathroom door which is near his bed. He opens it and grabs a grey towel from the door. He enters inside and closes the door. He turns on the shower and he takes off all his clothes. He distorts his body back to how it was previously. Radron looks at himself in the mirror and comments, "Is it me or is my body a bit more muscular than the last time? Well, it does make sense. I did fuse with EvilRage after all. Man look at these gains". He flexes proudly, "Loving how I look right now. I am definitely a catch heh". He walks into the shower and washes his body. After several minutes, he walks out of the shower with his towel on and his body back to looking like EvilRage. He hears knocking on his door. He looks at the door and asked, "Who is it?". A Female voice said, "We came to help you relax your majesty". EvilRage (Radron) face palm and thinks, "Those two again? Why must EvilRage need them every day?". He realizes something and He responds, "Instead of doing that. Call upon the Talor to make me new clothing. One that is flexable and one that can be used in combat". The Female servant says, "Yes your majesty. Will that be all?". EvilRage says, "Yes. Now go". He hears the footsteps getting further and further away. He thinks while he makes his way to his bed, "I need to get that Majin regenerative ability. But whom?". He hears a knocking on the door and a male voice says, "My king. I have your new combat uniform". EvilRage being surprised says, "Oh. Enter". The doors open and a man that is 6 feet tall, wears dark green tuxedo, grey skin, long horns that point backwards enters the room. He says, "Here it is. I decided to go with a different color scheme here and the material used will make this combat uniform harder to be damaged".  EvilRage looks at the clothing and he sees a red gi with black under shirt, the gi is long sleeves, the belt is green, pants are red with black streaks, black Gi shoes with a green tip. EvilRage gets up and walks towards the combat uniform. He grabs it gently and feels it. He says, "This feels comfortable and soft". The Talor says proudly, "Yes. I made sure it is to your liking my king. I do notice you wear your training uniform around the castle at times. I decided to combine both. A stay at home and combat uniform together. Do you like it?". EvilRage says as he removes the battle suit out of the clothing rack, "I am quite impressed. I will wear it right away. Go now". The Talor nods and quickly exits the room. He puts on the combat uniform, and he smiles thinking, "This is great. It's a perfect size and I know exactly what Majin to absorb. It is Time Patroller Gina". He grows a smile on his face and continues his thought process, "She is stronger than those gang of Majins. The best way to drag out a Time Patroller is by messing with timelines. I know exactly where to go". He sticks his hand out and made a clone of himself that looked like EvilRage and has the majority of the personality like him. EvilRage looks at his clone and asked, "You know what to do right?". The clone nods and EvilRage says, "Good. Now do your duties King". The clone nods again before exiting the room. The real EvilRage faded out of this timeline.

To Be Continued...

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