Battle Against A Fallen Angel!

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The two Saiyans were in the hospital, standing in-front of each other. Radron placed his hand on her shoulder and Kat blushes slightly. They teleported inside the training grounds. The area is vast with a few training dummies scattered about. The walls are white with green lines across on it. A control panel was near the silver door. The two of them appeared next to the control panel. Radron lets go of his friend and he places his hands on the control panel. He started to type on it. Kat looked at the words on the hologram screen and she comments, "Whoa. Those words looks like the language of the Gods". Radron continues typing, "Yes it does. Seems like only specialized personnel have access to this room". Kat asked curiously, "How did you know to locate this place?". Radron kept typing, "Me and Valentia have been friends for a long time". After he finished his sentence, the silver door broke and flew across the training room. The door crashed into several training dummies before crashing into the wall. Kat said, "What the?!". Radron saw light blue hair sticking out from the broken door. His eyes widen and he teleported to the door. He rips the door wide open and Valentia was in it. Her armor was broken and blood trailed down her forehead. She has cuts all over her body and Valentia slowly opens her eyes, "R-Radron?". The fused Saiyan quickly removed her from the door and he holds her in his arms. He asked worryingly, "What happened to you? Who did this?". Valentia slowly raises her finger to point at the door frame, "It... was him". Radron turns to the direction she was pointing and a figure slowly walks out from the smoke saying, "I'm surprised your still conscious after that attack Valentia but the next one.... Hmm?". The person noticed two other Saiyans in the training grounds. Kat gets into her fighting stance, "Who are you?!". The person scoffs, "Ugh. I don't have to answer to you mortal. Now leave us be. This is between me and Valentia. DON'T get in my way or else you will regret it". Kat prepares her attack, "You will answer me. I'm not an ordinary mortal. You see, I have been granted the title 'God Of The Saiyans' by a Supreme Kai". The person raises his eyebrow slightly, "Oh? I guess you really are a tad bit different but my business is with Valentia. Now scram". Kat charges towards him and she throws a swift punch. The person dodges it and he throws a jab. Kat moves her body to the side to dodge it. He throws multiple jabs and Kat continues to move her body side to side. She throws a punch but the person blocks it. The two of them continuously throw attacks at each other.

Radron analyzed the person and he thinks, "Why does he look familiar? Wait a minute...". He suddenly gets a flash of memory of an alternative timeline Rage fighting against that very person. The person and Kat traded blows, each one not moving a spot. Radron looks at Valentia, "Is that person Shiziko?". Valentia says weakly, "Y-Yes. That's him. H-How did you know that?". Radron turns his head to watch the battle, "A lucky guess. Why is he here?". Valentia responds, "Its because I kicked him out five years ago. He was causing chaos in the realm. Trying to get new policies to be pushed into laws, disrupting the army, causing panic amongst the citizens. I gave him many warnings but he wouldn't stop. I had no choice but to kick him out of the Heaven Realm for the sake of my subjects. I can't have them live in constant worry and fear when there shouldn't be any in the first place. However, I didn't think he would come back. Especially being so strong". Radron thinks, "That's not right. According to Chronoa's memories. Shiziko was suppose to be kicked out two hundred years later from now and he wouldn't return until twenty years has passed. This is too early for him to be attacking. He must've been influenced by someone. Don't tell me it was Lord Dark". Radron asked, "He's an angel right? Why are his wings black?". Valentia says, "That's what happens when an Angel gets banned from the Heaven Realm and ends up committing sins. He's now a Fallen Angel". Radron looks back at the Fallen Angel.

Shiziko and Kat punched each other's fist which sent a shockwave throughout the training grounds. This made the two of them slide on the ground, opposite sides from each other. Shiziko spreads his wings wide open, "Is that all the God Of Saiyans can do?". Kat smirks, "No. I'm only getting started!". She swipes her hands to the side and golden chains came out from the ceiling. It heads towards the fallen Angel. Shiziko looks at them and he says with a bit of surprise, "Those chains... They have Heaven's light! Did Valentia teach you that?!". Kat swipes her hand to the side again, "Yes. Now, Heavenly chains!". Another sets of chains comes out from the wall and it heads towards him. The chains were about to reach him until they shattered into a million pieces. Kat's eyes widen in shock, "How?!". Shiziko shakes his head in disappointment, "It shouldn't be surprising. I defeated a Master user of Heaven's Light. Breaking those is nothing but child's play". He instantly appeared behind her and he slashes her back with his wing, "I'm aware Saiyans have a transform. I suggest you use it if you want to survive". Kat snap vanishes a few feet away from him. She thinks, "That was fast but he won't-" before she could finish her sentence. She saw the corner of her eye, the fallen Angel. Shiziko slashes her back again and she yelp in pain. Shiziko kicks her several feet away and he flaps his wings, "You are proving to be a disappointment God Of The Saiyans". Kat catches herself and a bit of blood started to come out from the wound. She thinks, "I was barely able to react. I hate to admit it but he is right. Also, Radron is watching. I don't want him to think I stayed the same. Alright time to show him that title has weight!". She closes her eyes and she was wrapped in a flame like aura. She opens her eyes and the flames shot up for a moment. Her eyes are red along with her hair and her body is slimmer. She takes a step forward before winds blew from behind her. She appeared in-front of the fallen Angel and she punches him in the stomach. Shiziko has an angered expression and he throws a very hard punch to her face. He follows it up with a wing smack. She was launched across the training grounds. Shiziko pats his stomach once, "You may have God ki but that doesn't make you a GOD!". His aura exploded from within and it is grey. He points his wings at her and he shot multiple feathers. Kat catches herself just inches before making contact with the wall. She looks up to see a barrage of feathers making their way to her. She puts her hands together, "FINAL FLASH!!!". She unleashed a yellow beam attack and it obliterates the feathers. It heads towards the fallen Angel but he smacks it away. She appeared in-front of him and she threw a fast punch. Shiziko blocks it with his wing but Kat's aura grew bigger as she puts more force into it. The force of the attack started to make Shiziko slide across the ground. She threw another punch which sends him sliding as if he was on ice. Shiziko flaps his wings once but Kat was already in-front of him. She puts her hand on the ground and she kicks him in the face. After that, she axe kicked him away. She uses her hand to jump up into the sky and she moves her body around to have her feet pointed to the floor. She dashes once and she disappears. She appears above him and she sledgehammers him to the ground. She puts her hands together, "Let's try that again. FINAL FLASH!". She unleashed a beam attack at her enemy. Shiziko spreads his wings to stop the momentum and he smacks it away, "That move again? I told you it-" before he could finish his sentence she appeared in-front of him. She reel back her fist. Shiziko attempts to smack her with his wing but Kat threw her punch at an extreme speed. She punched him in the face but she changed the directory of her fist and slammed him into the ground. It cracks and she unleashed a one handed ki-wave attack. It hits him and he traveled several miles into the ground. Valentia says weakly, "H-Hey! We... are in H-Heaven you... know!". Kat stops her ki-wave attack and she looks at the Heaven Queen, "I know. I promise I'll repair it after I'm done". The entire Heaven realm started to shake. Kat has her guard up as she looks around. Radron looks around too and he thinks, "This feels familiar". Valentia's eyes widen in a bit of fear and Radron noticed. He asked, "Do you know what he's about to do?". Valentia says, "Yes. I've only seen it once but he's-" before she could finish her sentence, the entire area was wrapped in darkness. Radron looks around for a moment and he looks back at Valentia. Her entire body was grey and she had her eyes closed. Radron shakes her a bit, "Valentia... Valentia!". He thinks, "She's unconscious but this power. I recognize it now. He used this when he fought against Rage". Kat looks at her fist and she saw it moving in slow motion. She thinks, "Why am I moving so slow? Why is it so dark? I can't see anything!". She felt a throbbing pain in her stomach and her back. She yells in pain as she stumbles forward. She felt multiple slashes all around her body and then a kick to her stomach. She falls to the ground and she felt her hair pulled. Shiziko says in a irritated tone, "I can't believe I have to use this form on you but now you have no chance against me. Nobody can see me nor can they sense my very presence. The only sense you have is hearing and feel. This is my Shadow realm. This is my domain! Feel my wrath!". He throws her up in the sky and he jabs her stomach several times. Kat spat out and she gasps in pain. Shiziko uses his wings to slash her arms and smack her in the air. He points one finger at her and a grey beam forms. He fires it at her. Kat hears the sound of the beam and she winces in pain while moving her arms. However, the beam reached her and it exploded. He moved his wings forward and sent multiple feathers at her. Kat hears it and she tries her best to move her arms forward. Her movements were too slow and the feathers pierced her body. She gasps in pain again. He moves his arm back before he slashes the air. Kat abnormally teleported to his location. Shiziko held a black object and he lifts it up. Kat's body was lifted up as well. Shiziko says, "You manage to survive in my realm. Especially with weakened moves like those but its now time for you to DIE!". He lifted up his wing and he prepares to strike at her neck. Radron runs towards her, "Kat! I'm coming to help!". Kat yells, "No! Don't. I will be the one to defeat him. You should know this isn't my final form". Radron stops running and he smirks a bit, "Heh. Alright. Give him hell". Kat's aura burst out around her and it shoots up. Her hair grows slightly longer and it spikes up. Her eyebrows disappear and her eyes changes to a shining yellow. Her aura changes to a dark purple as she lets out a yell, "AAAHHHH!!". The entire area shakes and Shiziko quickly lets go of her. He jumps back and he thinks, "This power.... Its that of those Godly destroyers. I didn't expect her to have such power". She gets up as her aura flares around wildly, "You want to know why they call me a God Of Saiyans? This is why!". She powers up and her aura grew larger. Shiziko watches on as he finally gets into his fighting. One fist is in-front of the other, he bends his knees slightly and his wings are half folded. Kat stops and she gets into her fighting stance. She thinks, "Damn. I still can't see nor sense his presence. I was hoping after transforming into Ultra Ego, I would be able to". Shiziko walks backwards as if he is slipping into another dimension. Kat raises her fist and she thinks, "I'm moving almost to my normal speed in this form". Shiziko appears behind Kat and he was about to slash her until her aura burst out of her. He quickly slips into what appears to be a dimension. Radron notices and he thinks, "This guy is a crafty one. He is hiding in the shadows, making the least amount of noise as possible". Shiziko appears several yards away from Kat and he moves his eyes to look at the male Saiyan. He thinks, "That Hakai aura of her's will prove to be somewhat of a problem. However, that Saiyan holding Valentia there has been following my movements ever since I activated my ability. How? This void I created is suppose to nullify everyone's sight and the ability to sense my presence. Yet it's not affecting him. He's going to be a real problem". He suddenly heard the female Saiyan say loudly, "Hakai!". Shiziko quickly turned around and he saw the Hakai ball heading towards him. He quickly flies up to dodge it and he shifts his focus onto Kat. She fires Hakai all around her and Shiziko thinks, "My ability is certainly affecting her. She is aimlessly attacking. Its quite amusing but I have to end this fight quickly". He slips into the shadows again. Kat continues firing the Hakai's in multiple directions. Shiziko appears in-front of her and he punches her stomach. She gasps in pain but she aimed her hand at him, "I... I know where you... are!". She fires a Hakai but Shiziko rolls to the side to dodge it. He grabs her arm, "Enough! All mighty Gods. SMITE THEE!". A giant golden arrow appears above her and it fires at her. Kat stops firing her Hakai and she unleashes her aura. The arrow makes contact with the Hakai aura as it starts to turn into particles. Kat thinks, "What?! Its not being destroyed fast enough. Can he also affect the speed of the Hakai?!". It reaches her and it starts to penetrate her head. Kat's body glows a bright purple and Shiziko's eyes widen in shock, "What are you doing?!". A giant explosion occurred throughout the shadowy realm. Shiziko jumps back a few yards away and his arm is bleeding and he has a few cuts on his face. He thinks, "I was a bit careless there. If I didn't shielded myself with my wings, I would've lost an arm". He looks at his wings and parts of it was completely missing. Shiziko thinks, "That was the risk I had to take. It's going to take some time to heal that". Kat held her arm as she breaths heavily and she thinks, "I... I got him. I only use that move if I can't attack my opponent. The downside is that it drains a bit of my stamina. Though me and him should almost be even. I just need to find a way to locate him". She gets into her fighting stance again and she hears a beam heading towards her. Kat puts her hand forward, "Hakai!". She unleashed a Hakai ball. It makes contact with the beam and it turns into particles. Shiziko appears behind her and he quickly jabs her back. She was about to turn around until he grabbed her arm and he uses the momentum of her turn to yank her. He moves his arm back before slashing the air again. Kat appears in-front of him. He held a black object like before. He smashes it and blood came out from her wounds as she yelled in pain. Shiziko smacks her with his wing and she was sent flying. He points his finger at her and he fires multiple grey beams. Kat thinks, "At this rate I won't be able to defeat him. I wanted to save this technique when I fight Radron but with this situation. I have no choice but to use it". She expands her aura and the grey beams made contact with it. They turn into particles and Shiziko scoffs as he prepares his next attack. Kat catches her breath and she flies up. Shiziko looks up and he says, "What are you trying to do now? Your won't reach me again". Kat puts her hands up, "Oh you'll see". A giant golden ki-ball formed. A beam of light was shot from the golden sphere and it heads towards the fallen Angel. He jumps up, "That beam is too slow". He looks up and he saw multiple beams of lights fired towards him. A few of them were zig-zagged. Shiziko snap vanishes to the side to dodge the beams of lights. Each of those missed beams hits the ground. Shiziko was flies towards her, "No matter how many you shoot at me. They will never.... Huh?!". He saw a giant light from the corner of his eye. He quickly turns around and the light shrinks into multiple beings. They look up at him and they jumped. They charge towards him and Shiziko slips into the shadows. Kat fires multiple light beams in all directions. Shiziko appears behind Kat and he was about slash her with his wings until a beam almost hits him. He moves his body to the side and he sensed multiple beings charging at him. He slips into the darkness again as Kat fires even more light beams in all direction. Shiziko appears a mile away from her and he thinks, "Damn her. She's trying to fill this entire realm with those light beings. This is my domain. I won't let her defeat me!". His aura bursts out of him as he forms a purple ki-blast between his broken wings. The light beings run towards him and all of them jump up to the same altitude as the fallen Angel. Shiziko says being frustrated, "Damn it all! Shadowy blast!". He shoots the ki-blast and it consumes multiple light beings. He sensed more from behind him and he quickly turns around. He shot multiple feathers at them. Each one was stabbed and they turned into a gold goop. A light being jumps up and it grabs the fallen Angel's leg. He quickly slashes the light being's head off. It turned into gold goop. It attaches to his leg. He flaps his wings multiple times, "Get off!". Kat says loudly, "I finally found you! Now take this, Rah!". She throws the golden ki-ball at him. He unleashes his aura and the entirety of his eyes turn purple and purple lighting surrounds him, "I WON'T BE DEFEATED BY THE LIKES OF YOU!!!". He puts his hands forward as he catches the golden ki-ball. 

Radron watches on and he thinks, "That ki. No doubt its Dark ki. Damn that Lord Dark but the power Kat's displaying is quite impressive". The shadowy realm started to brighten up as it cracks. Shiziko creates a purple blast between his hands as he attempts to push back the golden ki-ball. The realm lights up more and the entire realm shatters. Kat moves her hand up, "I can move normally, see and sense him perfectly. Now's my chance!". She snap vanishes behind him, "You fell into my trap. Now take this... HAKAI!!!". Shiziko's entire body started turning into particles as he yells, "No! Damn you!". Just as he said this his entire body disintegrates into particles. Kat lets out a deep breath before reverting back to base form. She starts to fall from the sky until Radron caught her. She asked, "H-How are you able to carry me and Valentia at the sametime?". Radron lands on the ground, "Lets just say I have an extra pair of hands". Kat looks down to see two extra set of arms holding her. She looks at him, "I'm not going to even ask". Radron chuckles, "Hehe. Its better if you don't. Anyway, what was that technique you used?". Kat says, "Oh its called Heavenly Sphere". Radron asked curiously, "Oh. Did Valentia taught you that". Kat smiles, "No, actually I came up with it. Anyways, I was planning on using it against you in our sparring match". Radron walks towards the broken entrance, "Were you now? Heh. With an attack like that, you would definitely surprise me". Kat says, "Only surprise you?". Radron responded, "Well it might overwhelm me a bit too". Kat says, "That's a better response. I trained a lot you know. I still want to spar with you". Radron exits the half-destroyed training grounds, "Maybe some other time. You and Valentia need to recover first". Kat looks at Valentia and she noticed the Heaven Queen was unconscious. She says, "Your right about that". Radron teleports to the hospital.

To Be Continued... 

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