Radron Fights A Soul Destroyer

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An unknown being floats above Radron's planet. The being has a black Jacket similar to Maranda's jacket. It covers the being's entire body all the way to his ankles. His shoes are the only clothing that is revealed. He wears black shoes. He sticks his hand out and his hand red glows. The entire planet starts to crack like a cookie. Lava started to seep into the surface of the planet. The being said, "Begone" and with that the entire planet exploded instantly. There was no trace of the planet left. He turns around and sees Radron, undamaged from what happened to his planet. He had an angrily look and said, "How dare you destroy my planet?!". The being floats there not saying a word. Radron puts his hand forward and says angrily, "I'm only going to ask this once. Who the hell are you?!". The being stays silent. Radron says, "Don't want to talk?! Fine then. HAKAI!". He shot a purple ball of destructive energy towards the being. The Hakai froze in place. A second later, the Hakai disappeared. Radron says being angrier and annoyed, "Tch! Not going down easy, are you?". The being puts one hand out into a fist. It glows red as the being says, "Begone". Radron charges towards the being saying, "Begone? You're the one who's going to be gone from this life!". Suddenly, Radron felt a sharp pain on his chest. He stops his movement, and he coughs out blood. He held his chest as he coughs up more blood, "W-What was that?". His vision started to get blurry as he tries to look at the attacker. The life from his eyes faded away. He floats in space, lifeless. The being turned his fist into an open palm. A blackhole appeared behind Radron and it started to suck him inside. The being made the blackhole stronger and it completely pulled Radron inside it. The being closes its hand and the Blackhole got destroyed. It left no trace of it or the Saiyan. The being turns around and was about to say something until the being felt a huge power rise from out of nowhere. It turns around and sees the Saiyan with black aura and a bit of green aura. The Saiyan roars loudly as he grows black fur, spikes on his elbows, green eyes, and a black tail. His roar caused the entire Multiverse to tremble. He finished transforming and charged at the assailant full speed.  Radron threw a fast yet hard punch. The being sidestepped to dodge it. Radron throws another punch which the being sidesteps again. Radron gets progressively angrier as he recklessly continues throwing punches. The being dodged them at first for a while. It grew tired of the unrelentless attacks and the being catches his punch. Radron tries to remove his hand but was met with a punch to the face. His soul completely left his body, and he was in utter shock saying, "What did you do?!". He looked at his attacker and all it could say is "begone". Radron's soul started to disintegrate into nothingness, and he says, "NO! I'M NOT DYING HERE!!". He powers up which made the disintegration stop. The parts of his soul that he lost started to come back to him. He swipes the air and in an instant, his body returns to his soul. He lets out a deep breath as he says, "That... felt very uncomfortable. You caught me by surprise... I'll give you that, but I've dealt with soul destroying attacks in the past. Yours is nothing special". The being puts two hands forward. He had his hands open at first until he closed them. Radron looks at him with confusion and asked, "What the hell was that supposed to do?". He thrust his fists forward in the emptiness of space. Radron's soul got pushed out of his body again and he had a look of shock. He thinks, "What the? He pushed my soul out of my body with no contact. He did it with ease!". The being lifts one fist in the air and the moment he does; Radron's hand was lifted as well. He looks at his hand and says being surprised, "What the?". The being thrusts its fist onto its own face. Radron's hand went towards his face and punched his own face. The being moves its other hand towards its own face. Radron's other hand went towards his face as well. He was about to punch his own face but was stopped just an inch away. The being puts both his hands down but Radron's hands doesn't follow its movement. Radron moves his own hands to the side and has an irritated look, "You think can manipulate my soul?! Well not anymore!!!". He swipes the air again and his body returned to his soul. Radron powers up and letting his aura explode outward from his body. His aura grew bigger and bigger to the point that it's the size of Jupiter. The being watches on silently.  The light from his aura shines bright like a star. A few moments later the light disappeared. The being sees Radron in a somewhat unfamiliar form. Radron has a Dragon crest on his chest, hair is dark red, his eyes are orange with an x mark inside, his body is no longer covered in black fur but instead was replaced with black lines that goes from his arms all the way to his chest which connects to the Dragon crest. His tail is red and spikes covering it. He has red markings that goes from his eyes down to his jawline. Radron has a serious look, "This is my ultimate form. I used this on one other person, and they died. You will meet the same fate". Radron was about to charge towards his enemy but stopped when he finally hears the being talk. It says with a flat tone, "I know you did Devourer". Radron raises his eyebrow and says curiously yet suspiciously, "How do you know I'm the Devourer huh?". The being stays silent. Radron gets irritated and charges at his enemy again, "Your not gonna talk? Then I'll beat it out of you!". He was about to throw a punch but the being thrusts both his palms onto Radron's chest. It took the air out of him and that sent him flying towards a gaseous planet. The being looks at its hands as if it was surprised at the outcome of its attack. Radron catches himself and he puts his hands together. He starts to form a black, red ki ball. The being puts two hands in-front of its face and has a fighting stance similar to a purple being from Universe 6. Radron launches his ki-blast towards his enemy. It was hurtling towards the being at extreme speeds until it was suddenly deflected back. Radron puts his hands forward to catch his own blast. Once he caught it, he closed his hands which made the ki-blast explode. The being quickly punched at the emptiness of space multiple times for two seconds. The being stopped after two seconds. Radron charges towards his enemy. A moment later, he felt multiple punches throughout his body. He gasp in pain. He tries to shake off the pain and he charges towards his enemy again. This time he charges ki-blasts in his hands. The being thrust one sharp punch in the air. Radron sensed something coming towards him and he dodged it. He stops his advances and thinks, "I have to think of a strategy here. The Zeldron in me wants to brute force into whoever this person is. I can't do that. Let's collect what I know so far. He was able to push my soul out of my body. He used some type of soul-destroying attack to obliterate my soul. He was able to manipulate my soul to attack myself. My current power, his punches shouldn't damage me. Yet it did. That can only mean one thing". The being was getting ready to unleash another attack until a voice echoed in his head saying, "Use the innocent people. Use them!". The being held its head and shakes off the voice. He says to himself, "I won't". 

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