Can You at Least Try?

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The kids were bouncing with excitement as we walked through the main gate at Disney. We had the kids between Lloyd and I. I was even excited and I looked at Lloyd who looked so uncomfortable. My mom walked up beside me.

"Is he going to be able to make this trip and not shoot someone?" She whispered to me and I groaned.

"Mom come on...don't give me that thought." I said.

"Only because you know it's a chance." Melanie said and I sighed. I looked back over at Lloyd who was saying something to one of his guards.

"Hey, can you take the kids over there for a second. Put sunscreen on them." I said and Melanie nodded. Both kids took her hands. Lloyd looked at the guards.

"Go with them." Lloyd said and they followed as Melanie walked off to the side to a bench.

"Can you not?" I asked.

"What?" Lloyd asked.

"Look like you are about to kill everyone here. Lloyd, I know this isn't your thing and I know you don't want to be here but for me...for the kids...can you at least try?" I asked. He growled with a grimace.

"Jovi, this isn't me, I'm dead serious, let me go back home. You stay with your mom, the guards, the kids, just let me go." Lloyd said and I shook my head in amazement. I knew tears were threatening to fill my eyes, but I had to be strong, brave.

"You know, when we got married, I knew you were a hard ass, I loved that about you sometimes. When we found out we worked on opposite sides I still loved you. I left everything for you, I've killed for you, I've sacrificed for you. Yet I ask you to do one fucking thing for me and you can't even loosen up and have a good time. You know what Lloyd fine, you want to go home...go home. Don't expect me and the kids to come back though." I said and went to walk away, and Lloyd grabbed my arm tightly pulling me back to him.

"Threatening me Pumpkin? You take those kids and run, I will make your life a living hell." Lloyd said in a growl close to my face.

"If you could find us." I said pulled from his grip. "Go home Lloyd." I said and walked over to the kids.

"Mom...?" Preston asked and I looked at him.

"Yeah bud?" I asked.

"You and dad okay?" Preston asked and I smiled at him.

"You bet." I said with a smile. I turned and didn't see Lloyd anywhere. I sighed and then looked at the guards.

"Looks like you're with us fellas. Let's roll." I said and a kid took each hand. "Where to first?" I asked.

"It's A Small World!" Tula yelled exited and I smiled.

"Alright, let's go. Please stay with me, grandma or the guards okay?" I asked and they both nodded as we headed through the park. I sighed as we walked.

"Where did he go?" Melanie asked.

"I'm guessing home. He didn't want to be on this trip any way and I wasn't going to force it anymore." I said.

"I saw him pull you back to him after you went to walk away..." Melanie trailed off.

"Yeah, because I said if he left, I wasn't coming home with the kids." I said and Melanie groaned.

"You love making things worse." Melanie said and I just shrugged.

"Just stating what may need to be done." I said. I heard one of the guards' cellphone rings, but I didn't hear the conversation.

"Mom, do they have to be here?" Preston asked.

"Your father thinks it's necessary and what have I always said?" I asked.

"What dad says goes..." Preston groaned and I gave a small smile.

"Expect when you are in charge right mom?" Tula asked and I laughed.

"Sunshine, I'm always in charge." I said and winked at her.

Once we arrived at the ride we ended up in line and I sighed. I had warned the kids about lines and waiting, they were fine. As I was waiting in line, I felt someone come up behind me and cover my eyes. I went to elbow whoever it was and was stopped.

"Miss me pumpkin?" Lloyd asked.

"Not in the slightest." I answered as he uncovered my eyes.

"Dad!" Preston yelled excited to see him.

"You came back." Melanie said and Lloyd sighed.

"I did...with gifts!" Lloyd said and pulled out Mickey ears for each kid and then handed me some as well.

"Oh no, these are meant for you." I said and put them on Lloyd. I could feel the heat radiating off of him as I quickly pulled out my phone and took a picture. He ripped them off his head and I laughed hysterically.

"Punishment will be coming..." Lloyd said.

"Can't threaten that here. We are in a child friendly environment." I said and he pulled me closer to him by my waist.

"Hotel room is fair game." Lloyd whispered in my ear, and he smirked when he felt me clench my legs tighter.

"Don't you hate always being an ass?" I asked as he pulled his face away from my ear.

"Nope. I'll ease up though." Lloyd said and I sighed knowing I had to accept it. Lloyd leaned in and gave me a small kiss. As we waited in line the kids were just so excited to get on the first ride. Once we got on the boat Lloyd had no idea as to what this ride would entail.

As the ride started and the music started playing Lloyd looked at me and I tried not to laugh.

"Pumpkin..." Lloyd growled and I looked at him.

"Yes, my love?" I asked and he growled. After a few minutes on the ride Lloyd growled.

"Okay that's it!" Lloyd said and went to pull his gun I didn't know he had on him. I literally grabbed his thigh digging my nails in.

"Don't you fucking dare! How did you even get a gun in here?" I asked seeing it in the back of his pants.

"I have my ways..." Lloyd said and I groaned.

"Don't shoot the ride Lloyd." I said and he groaned. Once it was over, we walked off and Tula looked at Lloyd.

"Shoulders?" She asked and I smiled at him. He grabbed her and lifted her up. Lloyd then linked his fingers in my free hand, and I smiled at him.

"Can we go home now..." Lloyd asked. I laughed.

"Sorry husband, the fun is just beginning." I said taking off my mouse ears and putting them on Lloyd.

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