Lloyd Called in A Favor

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"Are you sure you're okay with all 3 kids tonight?" I asked my mom as I paid for the pizza that was delivered.

"Yes, you and Lloyd go out. Discuss life together in Cambridge. I think he has a place he wants to show you on his phone. The sooner this gets all figured out the better." Melanie said and I smiled. I turned to all the kids.

"Can you all please behave tonight. I don't want to come back to bad report." I said. I saw Claire lying on the bed with Tula on one side and Preston on the other.

"We are always good." Claire said and they all laughed. I shook my head with a smile. I walked over giving them all a kiss and Lloyd walked up behind me placing his hands on my hips.

"Pumpkin, can you please go get dressed?" Lloyd asked and I turned to look at him. He was in a suit, black suit, white button up shirt but the top few buttons undone. I moaned seeing him. I leaned in giving him a small kiss and I walked into our room and saw an outfit lying on the bed and I smiled back as Lloyd followed me in.

"A dress?" I asked and he laughed.

"Yeah well New York damn near killed me not being able to have you in the car in that romper." Lloyd said and I smiled. I took the dress and walked into the bathroom. I changed into the red deep plunge dress and heels that Lloyd got me and I walked out of the bathroom once I was fully ready, Lloyd stood in shock.

 I changed into the red deep plunge dress and heels that Lloyd got me and I walked out of the bathroom once I was fully ready, Lloyd stood in shock

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"Screw dinner, I'm keeping you here." Lloyd said rushing me and wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck then down the deep v on the dress in my cleavage. I moaned but gripped the sides of his head and brought him up to look at me.

"We are in London and you promised me a night out Mr. Hansen." I said and he growled.

"Yeah, I think you will like your surprise for dinner." Lloyd said and I smiled. He took my hand. We headed out of the hotel room. Once on the elevator Lloyd placed his hand on my hip and I felt him rubbing up and down, I knew what he was feeling for.

"Pumpkin, are you wearing any panties?" Lloyd asked. I smirked at him and then pulled him down whisper in his ear.

"Get me in the car and find out." I said and he growled. Once we got off the elevator he rushed out to the car and we got in the back seat. I noticed no patrician. Lloyd pulled me to straddle him anyway.

"Any of you fuckers look back here you get a bullet between the eyes." Lloyd growled. They were all facing forward and I looked at Lloyd and I smiled leaning down to passionately kiss him. I reached down and unbuckled his pants pulling him from his boxers. I lifted my dress up slightly and slid down on Lloyd and he growled. We didn't even say anything and the only sounds in the back seat was our bodies together and the sound of the tires hitting the road. I started moving back and forth on Lloyd faster and he smiled as he grabbed my hips moving me.

"Thats right Pumpkin..." Lloyd growled out. I tightened around him and cried out Lloyds name as I released. I didn't even care about the others in the car. Lloyd started bucking his hips up into me and I stifled my moans in his shoulder as he released inside of me. I rested my forehead on his shoulder for a moment as we caught our breath. After a few minutes I got off Lloyd and we readjusted our clothing. He took my hand as I sat beside him.

"I like the start to this night." Lloyd said and we both gave a small laugh. We finally pulled up outside a restaurant and I smiled seeing where we were.

"Really?!" I asked and Lloyd nodded. He got out of the car and then helped me out. I looked through the windows and it looked dark.

"They looked closed Lloyd." I said and he knocked on the door.

"Mr. Hansen?" The man asked when he opened the door and Lloyd let me walk in first. The man who opened the door led us to an empty dining room and I smiled seeing a candlelight dinner table. I turned to look at Lloyd.

"You rented the place out, didn't you?" I asked and he smiled.

"Of course I did." Lloyd said and I smiled shaking my head.

"Bankrupt Lloyd, we will be bankrupt." I said and he laughed. Lloyd pulled my chair out for me, and I sat down. He leaned down and kissed me cheek.

"It would be worth it." Lloyd said and I smiled at him as he sat down. I noticed we had no menus, but a waiter approached but only with wine. Lloyd tasted it first and then nodded. The waiter filled up both of our glasses and walked away.

Before I could say anything, else someone came walking out from the kitchen and I damn near fainted.

"Mister and Misses Hansen, how are you doing tonight?" Gordon Ramsey asked shaking Lloyd hand and then leaning down and kissing both my cheeks. I just sat in shock.

"We're great, thank you for doing this. My wife is a huge fan of yours." Lloyd said and I instantly turned as red as the dress I was wearing. Gordon looked at me and smiled.

"Now he is embarrassing me. I just love watching you cook Mr. Ramsey, your recipes always seem amazing." I said and he shook his head.

"Gordon please. Well, your amazing husband told me some of the recipes of mine you loved so much and I will be making those for you both tonight. So please sit back and relax. First course will be out shortly." Gordon said and walked back to the kitchen and I looked at Lloyd in shock.

"Did that just happen?!" I asked and Lloyd smiled.

"Yes, it did. He owed me a favor." Lloyd said and I looked at him confused.

"Oh my god! Did he have someone killed?!" I asked in a whisper and Lloyd laughed.

"No, he used my security once at an event because he was getting threats. He always told me if I needed a favor to ask." Lloyd said and I just shook my head.

"You amaze me Mr. Hansen." I said and he grabbed my hand on the table bringing it to his lips, the mustache tickled my knuckles and I giggled.

"I love you Jovi." Lloyd said and I smiled.

"I love you." I said and he sighed.

"I want to show you something on my phone, but I don't want you to be angry with me." Lloyd said and I sighed.

"What did you do?" I asked and he pulled out his phone and showed me a house listing.

"I contacted a real estate agent in Cambridge. I told her no price range but just something with 5 bedrooms. She found this place. She is willing to take us on a virtual tour or we head to Cambridge from here." Lloyd said and I sighed looking through the pictures. "Say something Jo, I can't read your face." Lloyd said and I smiled at him.

"Lloyd it's amazing. I want to go see it." I said and he smiled at me.

"Okay now do we keep Claire in school until after we see it?" Lloyd asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, just in case it doesn't work out." I said and he nodded. I sighed and smiled. "It will be nice to have her back in the house and not so far away. With everything happening on this trip, I just want everyone together." I said. Lloyd nodded.

We were both silent for a few minutes.

"I feel like a failure Jovi." Lloyd said and I looked at him in shock.

"Why?!" I asked.

"Because I don't know who this fucker is who wants you and threatening you and Preston. When I find him..." Lloyd trailed off, I gripped his hand.

"When we find him...we do this together." I said and he nodded as our first course was brought out, I smiled smelling it. We started eating and I moaned at the first bite.

"You like?" Lloyd asked and I nodded.

"I love it." I said and he smiled. We ate in a comfortable silence and then once we finished the plates were taken away.

Soon there was a commotion and yelling coming from the front door. Lloyd quickly stood up, grabbing me quickly to put me behind him pulling his gun. We then saw Clive and Davis, 2 guards come rushing in. They were covered in blood and beat up. I knew they were watching the kids and my mom.

"What the fuck is going?!" Lloyd yelled.

"There's been an incident."

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