The Aftermath

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I was sitting next to the bed in the back of the plane while Lloyd was asleep from the anesthetic. I had talked to the doctor and got the story of where he was really shot and I couldn't help but laugh feeling a small bit of karma. I was searching up somethings on my phone when I saw Lloyd stir in his sleep and then sit straight up in bed.

"JOVI!" He yelled not seeing me.

"I'm right here." I said and he then yelled out in pain and laid back down.

"See how getting shot in the upper thigh feels. I had it double." I said and Lloyd looked at me and growled.

"He shot my dick Jovi! I feel it in my dick!" Lloyd said and I groaned.

"No, he didn't you fucking idiot. Your dick and balls are fine. I mean another inch or two you would have lost a ball. Nerves are all connected and that why you feel it there but don't worry you precious dick and balls are fine." I said annoyed. Lloyd looked at me sitting in a tank top and saw my arm bandaged up.

"He shot you?!"

"Yeah, I thought he missed but it just grazed me." I said.


"Safe, we are all safe. He is going to need some therapy and possible we tell him who were..." I said and Lloyd sighed.

"Yeah maybe. Tula, Claire, your mom?" Lloyd then asked.

"Everyone is fine and safe. Even DJ." I said as Lloyd sat up wincing and then looked at me.

"DJ? Denny's kid?! What the hell Jovi?!" Lloyd yelled and I sighed.

"He has no one Lloyd! You killed his father, mother died in childbirth and I just killed his grandfather!" I said.

"So, send him to child services!" Lloyd said and I shook my head.

"No, we are adopting him when we get home."

"Oh for fucks safe Jovi! Get real!"

"I am being real! He needs a stable family!"

"Are we stable?!"

"We will be once this is all over. He needs a family, Lloyd. Please." I said.

"I said no more kids."

"Technically you said no more babies, DJ isn't a baby." I said and Lloyd just glared at me, so I glared back.

"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. He could turn out like Denny." Lloyd said and I sighed.

"Or we could raise him like we are Preston, Tula and Claire and he will be perfectly fine." I said and Lloyd just sighed and looked up at the ceiling of the plane.

"I will never win with you, will I?" Lloyd asked and looked back at me.

"Nope." I said and he groaned. "You want to see anyone?" I asked. He shook his head.

"I want to hold you." Lloyd said and I gave a small smile and got into the bed on the side he wasn't hurt. I laid my head on his chest and his arms were around me. "I'm sorry about shooting you in the thighs, I didn't know it would hurt this damn bad." Lloyd said as we both laughed. After a few minutes of lying together there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said and looked to see Tula and Preston standing there.

"Can we come in?" Tula asked and I looked at Lloyd and he nodded.

"Just be careful of dad's leg." I said and they both nodded and walked in shutting the door. Tula crawled up and cuddled into Lloyds other side no touching his leg and Preston wiggled between Lloyd and I.

"You okay?" Lloyd looked at Preston.

"I was scared. Then you and mom show up with guns. I didn't know who was good and who was bad." Preston said and I sighed.

"I think it's time we all talk about what dad does and what I used to do." I said.

"Does Claire need to know?" Tula asked and I shook my head.

"She knows." I said and Lloyd sighed and then started explaining everything to the kids.

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After we explained everything to the kids, they fell asleep cuddled with Lloyd and I got out of bed and walked back to the cabin to sit down. Claire and DJ were talking and I sighed since they were laughing and joking.

"So how is he?" Melanie asked as I sat down.

"Shot in the high thigh, it's like karma or something." I said and she laughed.

"So not the dick like I heard he was screaming."

"No...his manhood is still in tacked." I said and we laughed. Melanie looked at DJ.

"What did you decide about him?" Melanie asked and I just looked at her.

"Like you don't already know." I said and she laughed.

"How did Lloyd take that news?"

"Not well but he can get over it. I mean he needs a family, he told me he just wants a family. Lloyd is worried about his genetic make-up but it's all how you raise a kid." I said and Melanie nodded. I then sighed. "We told Tula and Preston who Lloyd and I really were and what we did for a living."


"Well, I don't think Tula gets it, but Preston is unsure of how to accept it. I mean he saw me with a gun, his father gets shot and me shoot someone dead...not something you want your kid to see." I said and she sighed.

"Yeah, but you saved him." Melanie said and I nodded.

"Yeah..." I said and Melanie just placed her hand over mind on the arm rest.

"Everything is over...for now." Melanie said and I scoffed.

"Yeah, it is." I said. I sighed and pulled my phone out.

"I bought this for Lloyd for going on the trip and dealing with everything." I said showing Melanie what I bought for Lloyd and she laughed.

"You're insane." Melanie said and I shrugged. 

"Yeah well, he will love me forever." I said.

"I don't think you need that assurance Jo, that man loves you more than anything. When you left on your own to go get Preston, he was a mess." Melanie said and I sighed.

"Jo?" I heard Claire say my name and I turned to look at her.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"DJ and I are hungry." Claire said and I smiled at both of them.

"There is a fully stocked snack area. Help yourselves." I said and Claire got up, but DJ sat there.

"You too buddy. You're part of this family now...if you want to be." I said and he gave a small nod.

"I don't want to go anywhere else. You care for people, Jo. But Mister Hansen..." DJ started to say.

"Don't worry about him. I can handle him." I said and winked at DJ. He smiled and walked to the snack area with Claire.

"Well, you got the other kid you wanted." Melanie said and I chuckled.

"Not the way I wanted it to happen, but he needs a stable life." I said.

"Will he have that with us?" Melanie asked and I nodded.

"Lloyd is talking about retiring." I said and smiled at Melanie.

"Wow...never thought I would see the day. You can finally just be The Hansens the all-American family." Melanie said and I laughed.

"Something like that." I said. I leaned my head back on the headrest and drifted off to sleeping dreaming of normal life.

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