Rude Awakening

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"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I screamed shooting up in bed after I heard an explosion. I noticed Lloyd wasn't in bed with me and I groaned knowing exactly where he was.

"MAMA!" Tula cried coming into my room and jumping on the bed. I groaned and held her to me.

"I know baby girl. I think mama made a mistake." I said putting her beside me in bed and going to the small balcony from mine and Lloyd's room. I saw Lloyd, Preston and DJ all at the cannon high fiving each other and cheering.

"WHAT THE FUCK LLOYD?!" I screamed down at him and he looked up.

"Pumpkin you bought it for me! I wanted to play with it." Lloyd answered and I sighed. I looked and saw Preston and DJ rolling a cart full of ammo to Lloyd.

I groaned and walked back into the room. I looked at Tula.

"Can you go to grandma or Claires room please?" I asked and she rushed out of the room nodding. I knew the cannon was loud and upsetting her. I got dressed in leggings and a t-shirt. As I was walking down the stairs, I heard the cannon again and the house shook. "What the hell?! Are the aiming at the house?!" I groaned and rushing outside and out to where Lloyd was.

"Load her up again boys!" Lloyd yelled excitedly. Preston and DJ saw me walking over.

"" Preston said and Lloyd looked in my direction. Lloyd sighed and came walking up to me.

"Pumpkin, let me explain..."

"Oh, I can explain perfectly, I made the worst decision of my life and our marriage buying you that damn cannon. Now you want to put our sons at risk by letting them be around it and load the damn thing?!" I yelled and Lloyd sighed wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me flush against him. I rested my hands against his chest.

"Pumpkin, I would never put them at risk. They are way out of the way of the cannon blast or even the backfire when I shoot it off. They love it and we are bonding." Lloyd said and I groaned.

"And in the meantime, I woke up without you in bed with me, you scaring our daughter to death and the damn thing is shaking the house!" I said and he groaned. He leaned in and kissed me. I just looked at him in disbelief when we broke apart.

"Thank you for my cannon. I promise to aim away from the house from now on." Lloyd said.

"From now on?! You weren't before?!" I asked and he sighed.

"No, we were shooting past the house to the trees." Lloyd said and I sighed. I pushed Lloyd off of me and went to walk away.

"The boys need to eat breakfast." I said and Lloyd nodded.

"Boys, go get breakfast!" Lloyd said and they ran up to Lloyd.

"No more shooting until we get back." DJ said, Lloyd nodded and I sighed. Once they were gone, I looked at Lloyd.

"You call the realtor? I mean we need to go look at that house or find something else if it's not available. I need to look for my mom too." I said and Lloyd nodded.

"Yep, we have a meeting with her in 3 days. We can either all go or just you and I." Lloyd said and he saw the panic on my face.

"Lloyd, I don't want to be away from the kids..." I said and he wrapped his arms around me again and I rested my forehead on his chest. "Will I ever feel safe leaving them again?" I asked and Lloyd kissed the top of my head.

"Yes Jo, you will, this is all still fresh." Lloyd said and I nodded.

"Do you know I get out of bed a few times a night to check on all the kids?" I asked looking up at Lloyd and he nodded.

"I sleep next to you Pumpkin. Of course, I do." Lloyd said and I laughed. I sighed.

"I think we should go with the kids, we need to make a family decision on the house." I said and Lloyd nodded.

"I also found some small houses that I think would work for your mom, only a few blocks away from us." Lloyd said and I nodded.

"Perfect, then once we get settled, we get puppies!" I said excitedly and Lloyd groaned.

"One puppy."

"You said I could get two!" I said.

"That was before you got a child in the deal." Lloyd said.

"Again, stipulation was baby, DJ isn't a baby." I said.

"You and your damn loopholes." Lloyd said and I smiled. He released me from his hold and took my hand. We headed inside to both eat breakfast. I stopped him and looked back at the cannon.

"You know that doesn't go to the new house, right? It stays here. I don't think neighbors would appreciate the wakeup call like I got." I said and he sighed.

"Yeah, yeah..." Lloyd said and I smiled at him.

"Wasn't the kind of bang I want to wake up to..." I trailed off and Lloyd growled.

"Now you tell me." Lloyd said and I laughed. We finished walking to the house and joined everyone for breakfast.

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A few hours later I was sitting on a couch in the living room reading a book, while Lloyd was sitting on the opposite end going over contracts, my legs were in his lap and he was running his hand up and down them. He started going higher and higher. I peaked at him over the top of my book.

"Mr. Hansen...what do you think you're doing?" I asked and he tossed his contracts on the coffee table and then he took my book doing the same. I giggled as he hovered over me.

"I want to maybe make out with my wife while the kids are being quiet." Lloyd said and kissed me. I moaned as his tongue invaded my mouth.

"You know we could take this to the bedroom and do more than just make out." I said and he growled as he passionately kissed me again and I bucked my hips up to him. As Lloyd was toying with getting my top off, we heard the kids coming down the stairs and I knew they were planning something. Lloyd growled as he got off of me and I tossed him a throw pillow.

"Cover that thing up, you don't want to scare the children." I said and Lloyd looked down at the obvious tent in his pants.

"Hey two of the four of them were made with that thing." Lloyd said and I laughed as the kids walked in whispering still.

"You ask Tula..." Preston said and gave her a small shove forward.

"Please don't shove your sister." I said.

"Sorry." Preston said.

"Okay out with..." Lloyd said and I smiled.

"When we move...are we really getting puppies?" Tula asked and I laughed.

"Yes, the boys can pick out a dog and the girls can pick out a dog." I said.

"But mom and dad have the final say." Lloyd said and I shook my head.

"No, we don't, whatever dog you want, you get. Under the stipulation you take care of the dogs. You take them out, you train them...everything." I said and they all got excited.

"Let's go look at dogs online and get ideas!" DJ said and all the kids ran back upstairs. In one quick motion Lloyd had me pinned back down on the couch and I laughed.

"You're making getting a dog a teaching moment. Good idea." Lloyd said and I shrugged.

"Should we maybe get 3 and get us a dog? I mean you got a cannon..." I said and Lloyd growled placing his face in my neck as I laughed. He worked his way up to my ear and whispered.

"Or maybe I just give you unlimited number of orgasms until you forget about a dog..." Lloyd said and I moaned as he lifted me up over his shoulder and rushed upstairs. 

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