Missing Piece of Me

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I don't remember much, I don't remember getting in the car, I don't remember driving back to the hotel or even getting to the room. I remember Claire running to me and Tula jumping in Lloyds arms. They were both crying and panicking. I saw my mom getting treated and I passed Claire to Lloyd and rushed over to her.

"Oh my god! What happened?!" I asked panicking looked at her.

"She was shot." The paramedic said and I just looked at my mom and placed a hand on her cheek and saw blood trickling down her face.

"And this?" I asked.

"He hit me in the head when I was protecting the kids."

"Oh god, I'm so sorry." I said and then started looking around the room in panic. "Where's Preston?! Was he hurt?! Taken to the hospital?!" I panicked.

"Jovi..." Lloyd said coming up to me with a cop. "Jovi please sit down." Lloyd said and I glared at him.

"Where is my fucking son Lloyd?!" I asked shoving him.

"Misses Hansen, your son was kidnapped." The policeman said, my knees gave out on me and I fell, Lloyd caught me and set me on the bed. I started shaking, Lloyd took off his suit jacket and put it around my shoulders. Tula crawled into my lap and I held on to her and Claire was holding to me from the side.

"What the fuck happened?" Lloyd asked pissed off.

"Someone came in the hotel, posed as a worker. When he arrived on the floor saying he was doing maintenance we knew something was off. When we went to pat him down, he attacked and started shooting." The one guard said walking up holding a bloody towel to his shoulder.

"Who was it?" I asked.

"We don't know Misses Hansen, he had his face hidden in a ski mask the entire time." The guard said and I looked at Lloyd.

"It had to be him..." I said and Lloyd growled.

"Well seeing as you are the only one who knows what the hell he looks like, looks like your running point and leader." Lloyd said. I just gave a half nod.

"Mister and Misses Hansen, I understand you want to find your son and who did this, but you should leave this to the authorities." The cop said standing there with us.

"If I trusted anything about the authorities, I would still be CIA. I will find my son before you finish your morning cup of coffee and I will kill the fucker who took my kid and harmed my family." I said through greeted teeth. Lloyd ran his hand over his face.

"Jovi..." Lloyd grumbled.

"Don't Jovi me! I will find Preston without them! I don't need them!" I said and Lloyd sighed. He looked at the cop.

"Can you please give us time as a family?" He asked and walked out. I just sighed and then looked at Tula who was still crying and I kissed the top of her head.

"He said he wanted to kill you mama." Tula sobbed out and I looked at Lloyd as I held her tighter and put an arm around Claire. I then looked at her.

"Oh god, your heart?! You feel okay? Have you been checked out?" I asked and she nodded.

"I have been kidnapped before." Claire said and shot a look at Lloyd. I then looked at my mom as the paramedic finished up on her arm and left.

I just started sobbing. Preston was gone, my mom was shot, the girls were traumatized. Lloyd crouched down to me and placed a hand under my chin making me look at him.

"Hey, we will find this guy and get Preston back."

"I want to change and go now." I said through sobs and Lloyd sighed.

"We have to get intel first Jo."

"THEN GET THE FUCKING INTEL! YOU HAVE THE MANPOWER!" I yelled and he nodded standing up. Lloyd pulled out his phone to make a call.

"Before you call..." Melanie said and we looked at her.

"What?" Lloyd asked.

"The guy said to give you both a message. He said to tell you both this is payback." Melanie said and I looked at Lloyd and groaned.

"That could be anyone." Lloyd said and I sighed with a nod.

We all just sat in silence as Lloyd talked and yelled at people on the phone in Croatia at the office and who watched all the cameras.

We were moved to new rooms. Tula soon cried herself to sleep in my arms, Melanie's pain meds won out and Claire crawled into bed with Tula and my mom as her eyes started to get heavy as well. I was standing on the balcony in mine and Lloyd room just looking over London. Lloyd came outside.

"Jo?" He asked as he heard me sniff.

"I don't know where he is Lloyd. He has never been away from us since the day he was born. I don't know if he is scared, cold, hungry...I don't even know if he is alive." I sobbed Lloyd wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"He is strong like you Jo, he will know what to do to survive. He is a part of you and me and will do all he can to get us some clues. I have everyone back home on this and looking for him. They are watching London and they are watching flights commercial and private. We will find and him and we will get him back." Lloyd said. I turned in his grip and looked at him. I buried my face in his chest and just cried as he held me. With Preston being taken a felt like a piece of my heart was missing. I always saw parents on the news talk about how they felt empty when their kid was taken and I never understood it, not until now.

"I will kill this bastard Lloyd, this is on me to do." I said looking up at him.

"You're lead on the mission. I follow your orders." Lloyd said and I nodded. "Right now, though I need you to follow some of mine." Lloyd said and I looked at him confused. "Can you please go change and get some sleep. You won't be good to anyone tired. Everyone is asleep, we are safe again." Lloyd said and I shook my head.

"I'm fine Lloyd." I said and he shook his head.

"Don't make me strip you and put you into bed because I will." Lloyd said.

"Will you at least lay with me?" I asked and he nodded.

"I'm not going anywhere." Lloyd said. We walked into the room. I changed into one of Lloyd's t-shirts and my shorts.

"You haven't worn one of my shirts in so long. I miss seeing it." Lloyd said and I sighed with a nod crawling into bed as Lloyd got undressed as well.

"I just needed something." I said and he nodded. He crawled into bed behind me, my back to his front and he kissed the back of my neck.

"Please get some sleep Pumpkin, tomorrow we can hit the ground running." Lloyd said and I half nodded. I closed my eyes and was surprised how quickly I fell into a fitful sleep with dream of Preston. 

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