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Lloyd and I were pointing our guns at Robert as he still had his gun aimed at Preston's head.

"Mom! Dad!" Preston yelled in a scared little voice I never heard him have before.

"It's okay buddy, we're here. Nothing is going to happen to you." I said. "Listen, we can do this the hard way or the easy way. Easy way is I shoot you and don't kill you. Hard way is I put a bullet between your eyes. Either way I'm getting my kid back." I said and Robert laughed.

"You shot my son, so this only seems fair!" Robert yelled. "A son for a son!"

"I didn't shoot him!" I yelled.

"I did." Lloyd said.

"Dad?" Preston asked confused. We didn't answer him at the moment.

"Right but why did you shoot him?" Robert asked.

"Because he was an asshole." Lloyd said and I sighed.

"No! You shot him because of him!" Robert yelled putting the gun against Preston's head. He cried out for me and I had to keep my composure. "Jovi was pregnant with him and she was Sierra 7! She was supposed to be killed but because she had to go and get knocked up with this little shit my son had to die!" Robert continued.

"Your son died because he threatened my life. My husband was more loyal to me and our family other than your fucking son! Your fucking son made me shoot my me an idea now. Father for a father." I said and I heard Lloyd scoff beside me, obviously proud.

There was a silence for a moment, obviously guns just pointed in every direction and I could tell Robert was trying to think of his next play. "Grandpa! Stop!" We heard a voice yell as a little boy came running out from the dark corner pulling mine and Lloyd attention.

"Grandpa?!" I asked. I heard a gunshot ring out and Lloyd went down.

"My dick! He shot me in the dick!" Lloyd yelled. I heard another shot ring out and I saw a gun pointed at me in my direction.

"You shot my husband in my favorite body part of his." I said.

"Had to make sure you didn't make any more little shits." Robert said.

"Grandpa stop!" The kid yelled again standing next to Preston.

"Shut up! I will shoot you too." Robert yelled.

"Hey, kid, come here. Come to me, I can keep you safe." I said and he looked at me.

"DJ, don't!" Robert yelled.

"DJ?" I asked as the guards came in and pulled Lloyd from the room.

"Jovi!" He yelled at me and I didn't pay attention.

"Denny Jr." Robert said. "Yeah, you and Lloyd weren't the only 2 ready to become parents at the same time. Denny got some whore pregnant and this was his kid, but you killed him and his mother died in childbirth, so I got stuck with the little shit!" Robert said and then pointed his gun at DJ and he whimpered.

"DJ, come to me." I said and he just looked at me. He went to walk to me.

"I will shoot you!" Robert yelled. DJ turned and watched Robert as he walked. Robert just pointed the gun at me then.

"Sorry Preston you're losing your parents. Say goodbye to your mom." Robert said and cocked the gun.

"MOM!" Preston yelled. I pulled the trigger on my gun with no questions and shot Robert between the eyes. He fell to the ground and I rushed over and checked his pulse, to be sure he was dead. I got Preston free and he wrapped his arms around me and wasn't letting go. I just cried and then looked at DJ.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked him and he just looked at the ground.

"You shot him."

"Please understand, I had to."

"I have no one." DJ said. I held out a free arm to him and he walked over to me and I took ahold of his hand.

"You have me." I said giving him a small smile and he gave one back.

"Misses Hansen, we have to go! Now! Melanie, Claire and Tula are on their way to the airstrip." Clive said coming in. "Medics are waiting for Mister Hansen on the jet. What are we doing with this kid?" Clive said coming over, going to grab DJ but I pulled him to my side.

"We are taking him with us. He is innocent in all of this." I said and Clive nodded. I looked at DJ.

"Do you have anything you need to grab?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No ma'am." He said.

"Call me Jovi or Jo." I said and he smiled.

We walked out to the waiting SUV and I went to get in one with the kids and I didn't see Lloyd.

"Where is my husband?" I asked.

"In the other SUV ma'am they are trying to get the bleeding under control." Clive said and I just half nodded. We drove to the airstrip quickly. As we got out of the SUV Lloyd was being carried onto the jet. I saw Melanie, Tula and Claire standing outside the plane. When I got out of the SUV with Preston he ran to Melanie, Claire and Tula. DJ stayed by my side and sighed.

"I'm sorry about all of this." I said and he just nodded.

"I didn't like grandpa taking your son. He just said he had no other choice. All I wanted was a family." DJ said and I sighed.

"Well, you have one now. I promise I won't let anything happen to you." I said and he gave a small smile. We walked up to Melanie, Claire and Tula and they hugged me I then noticed my arm hurt.

"You've been shot!" Melanie said.

"I guess that bullet grazed me. I thought it missed but Preston was my main concern." I said and she nodded.

"Who's this?" Melanie asked and I sighed.

"DJ, this is my mom Melanie, my daughter Tula and cousin Claire. Ladies this is DJ, Denny Jr." I said and Melanie looked at me and I just nodded. I then started to feel the pain in my arm.

"Son of a bitch!" I grumbled grabbing it.

"Let's get on the jet. Time to go home." Melanie said and I nodded as we all walked on the plane.

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