Trip Down Memory Lane

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Before we went to Cambridge we made another stop and Lloyd was leaving it a surprise. We pulled down the street and I smiled.

"Are we...?" I asked and Lloyd smiled kissing my neck.

"We are. It's way too small for us now, but I heard it's on the market again and I wanted to take a trip down memory lane." Lloyd said and we pulled into the driveway of the old house. I smiled getting out of the car. The kids all got out and I sighed. We walked to the front door and it was open as people toured the house. My eyes filled with tears walking in. Knowing this was mine and Lloyds first home, so much happened here. Good things, bad things, crazy things, untrustworthy much.

"You okay mom?" DJ asked and I smiled down at him. He had taken to calling me and Lloyd mom and dad. He wanted a normal life with us and we gave it to him. Some things were still difficult but we were working through them.

"Yeah kiddo, I'm good." I said and he smiled at me.

"Can we look around?" Preston asked.

"I'll go with them. You two take your time." Melanie said and I smiled.

Lloyd took my hand and we started walking around. He walked me into the living room and smiled.

"'s the spot you tortured me in after I shot you in the legs." Lloyd whispered in my ear and I started laughing.

"I mean...I did what I had to do." I said and he smiled.

"It was where the truth came out." Lloyd said and I nodded.

"Well most of it came out in the house in Croatia when we fought." I said and he nodded. We continued to the kitchen and he smiled at the back corner that was hidden by the fridge.

"Remember when Suzanne was here and I took you in that corner?" Lloyd said and I smacked his chest.

"Crude...but yes I remember." I said blushing. We walked upstairs and into the master bedroom. I sighed looking around.

"This is all so insane. Do you ever wish we could have stayed here? If we could go back in time and change everything or anything...would you?" I asked and Lloyd wrapped his arms around my waist and smiled.

"Pumpkin I wouldn't change a thing. Look at the life we have. We have 3 amazing children, 4 including Claire. We have each other and thats all I want. Do I hate how we got here sometimes, yeah I really do but I know it was the way it needed to be." Lloyd said and I smiled.

"I wouldn't change a thing either. I love you Lloyd and I know this marriage was threatened more than any other marriage in the history of marriages but you know what, we made it through. We laughed in the face of divorce, we laughed in the face of everyone who said we wouldn't make it and we came out on top." I said and Lloyd nodded. He leaned in giving me a small kiss. Once we broke apart Melanie came in with the kids and I looked at Claire.

"Hey, we need to do something for old times sake." I said and she smiled.

"Let's do it!" She said and I took her hand as we rushed down to the kitchen and I pulled up the song on my phone. We noticed no one was around so we played the song and when the chorus came on, it was all us.

🎵Silver bird, fly my lady away
Silver bird, take her over the bay
Silver bird, give my lady a ride
And let her go see what's on the other side
Silver bird, fly my lady away
Pretty bird, today is the day🎵

Once we were done we laughed and Lloyd and Melanie we were shaking their heads while smiling and the other kids were looking at me oddly.

"Your dad hated that song." Melanie said and I nodded.

"I know, that's why I sang it to Claire in the hospital mostly when dad was around. That's why it became our song." I said and Melanie laughed.

"Did he ever know this?" Melanie asked as we walked out.

"If he didn't he does now..." I trailed off and Lloyd looked at me as we all started to get in the car.

"Hey, you know he is buried close by. You want to go?" Lloyd asked and I nodded.

"Please." I said and he nodded.

We got in the car and headed to the cemetery. Everyone went to get out and I stopped Lloyd.

"Can I just go with mom and Claire?" I asked and he nodded.

"Kids, stay in the car with me." Lloyd said as Claire, Melanie and I got out and walked to the headstone and I sighed.

"Hey dad." I said.

"Hey hunny." My mom said and I linked my arm in hers and rested my head on her shoulder as my eyes filled with tears.

"I'm so sorry. To you dad and to both of you." I said.

"Hey, we discussed this years ago." Melanie said and I sighed.

"I know but I mean I took your husband away from you all because I was being told to. He gave me everything I needed. I still shot him just to cut all loose ties." I said.

"Which is what you are trained to do. Gone rogue or not you did what you were trained to do and he would have known that." Melanie said and I sighed. I looked at Claire and took her hand.

"I'm sorry I took him away from you." I said and she shook her head.

"He lied to you, he lied to all of us. He never told you about being Sierra 7 or anything about it. You did what you were trained to do." Claire said and I stood up and kissed the top of her head. I forgot how much she knew and how much she was involved once she was kidnapped by Lloyd hoping to get my dad out of hiding.

This was life now. Melanie and Claire walked back to the car leaving me alone. I crouched down and cleaned some weeds away from the headstone.

"They may forgive me and you may forgive me but I don't know when I will forgive myself. I killed people in cold blood after I got that drive, Court being one. But you lied to me. You never told me I should be dead too. Lloyd was going to kill me, I mean he never would have I don't think he had the balls but he was supposed to kill me. You could have fucking told me and not kept it from me. I'm happy now. Lloyd and I are happy. We have amazing kids who will never know you. Although Tula reminds me a lot of you, she has since she was born which is why I named her after your mom. She is a Fitzroy through and through, there is no denying it. Preston is Lloyd so I don't know where you would have gone with that. When Preston was taken recently I think you were watching out for him to make sure he was safe, thank you for that. I love you dad." I said and stood up. I placed a hand on his headstone. I looked back at the car, I saw Lloyd standing outside the car leaning on it and then looked back to the headstone. "I got them and I always will. I love you." I said and I walked back to the car. I stopped in front of Lloyd and he wiped away the tears streaking my face and still falling. He then kissed each cheek and I smiled.

"You say what you needed to say?" Lloyd asked and I nodded.

"I did." I said and he smiled.

"Ready to go get on the plane and look at the new place?" Lloyd asked and I nodded.

"Let's go to Cambridge." I said and he smiled. We got in the car and drove away. I felt a sense of relief as we pulled away. I felt the guilt released from me that I had held all these years. I closed my eyes and smiled.

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