On The Hunt

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The next morning I was awoken by Lloyd's phone going off across the room. I knew it was either intel or someone calling with information. I grabbed his phone before it could wake him and I walked into the bathroom.

"This is Jovi." I answered.

"I was told to only talk to Mister Hansen when we had information." The voice said. I could tell it was the one tech he had Vincent.

"Vincent, tell me what you have and then send it to my phone. I don't care what Lloyd told you. I'm leader on this mission." I said and he sighed.

"Well there wasn't much from when they left the hotel. We had him going out a service entrance with Preston. He got into a sedan and that's all we got at the hotel." Vincent said.

"Okay, anything else? Because no offense that useless." I said and he sighed.

"I have more. About an hour later we have the same Sedan pulling up to an apartment building, it's abandoned. I don't see Preston but I do see the man come out with another kid and get in the car and they drive off. That's the last time he was spotted.

"Another kid?! How old?!" I asked pissed off.

"Around Preston's age." He said and I groaned.

"Fine send me the location to my phone...NOW." I said and hung up. I walked out of the bathroom and Lloyd was still asleep. I sighed and got a pair of black leggings and a black shirt form my suitcase and got dressed. I put my hair up and then looked back at Lloyd I bed. I turned on a lamp across the room and sat down and wrote him a note.


While you were sleeping this morning your team called with intel. I'm going with the leads they had and I'm following it. You said yourself I'm team leader, this started with me and now it will end with me getting Preston back. I need you to stay here, Tula will need a parent if something does horribly go wrong. I'll be as safe as I can but if it comes down to me or Preston living, I will choose him Lloyd, I always will. I love you and I hope to be back to you with our son. I'm sorry I'm leaving you in the middle of the night. See ya soon.


I sighed leaving on the table on the nightstand beside Lloyd. I leaned down and kissed his lips gently. He gave a small smirk and I just sighed and rushed out of the room. The guards were there and saw me.

"Misses Hansen..." Clive said.

"Give me you car keys Clive." I said and he just looked at me shocked.

"I can take you anywhere you need to go." He said and I shook my head and pulled the gun from the back of my pants, pointing it at him.

"Keys! Now!" I said and he groaned and handed them to me.

"Mister Hansen?" He asked and I shook my head.

"He is sleeping, I have to go get my son back." I said and he groaned.

"What should we tell him?" Clive asked.

"I held a gun in your face and took your keys. I don't care." I said and then I turned and ran down the hallway to the stairwell and quickly left the hotel, got to the SUV and started driving following the intel I was giving.

Soon I arrived at the apartment building. While I was driving Travis sent me a message, he was able to find out which apartment he was hiding in. I went into the building and tried the door it was open, I pulled out my gun and opened the door. I started searching the apartment and it was empty, no one here. I looked around and people had been staying here but not for long. Lots of takeout containers and a makeshift bed in the corner of the room. I went to the bed and saw comic books, the same ones Preston loved to read laying on the floor.

"Who is the new kid?" I whispered to myself. As I was still searching for any clues my cellphone rang, it was Vincent.

"Misses Hansen, we have another location for you." He said and I sighed.

"Great send me the location. I'm at the apartment now. I need you to cover this damn building for a few days ago and find out the hell the other kid is!" I said and hung up. I finished looked around and then headed to the SUV. Once I got the new location I headed there. It was a little bit of a drive and unfortunately it gave me too much time to think about what I would find or how I would find Preston. I just wanted to find my son safe. I didn't care what happened to me as long as Preston could get out safe, and this other kid...who was he? Who did he belong to? I got to the Royal Victoria dock and groaned when I pulled up and my headlights caught him standing there waiting.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Lloyd yelled as I got out of the car.

"I'm coming to get my son!" I said annoyed.

"Without me?! We do this together Jovi!" Lloyd yelled and I shook my head.

"This is on me! I need to get him back! He was taken because of me!" I said and shoved Lloyd.

"He was taken by an asshole for some stupid ass reason! You asked me to not come and stay with Tula! What makes you think I want a life if you aren't in it? What makes you think I would still take care of our daughter if I don't have you?!" Lloyd said and I smacked him across the face. He seemed to realized then what he said and he saw my eyes fill with tears that I tried to hide. He went to grab me and I pushed him away.

"Don't fucking touch me! I just want to get Preston back and go home!" I said annoyed and he just groaned and nodded. We headed down to the dock where the camera angle caught Preston, this man and the other kid. There were buildings and boats, I had no clue where to go. Lloyd and some of the guards he brought started to check out a boat houses. I took 2 guards and walked down the dock when I spotted something.

"LLOYD!" I yelled and he came running as I crouched down and picked up a piece of Preston's shirt he was wearing, it looked like he had torn it off and left it for us.

"He was here." I said and Lloyd nodded and looked at the guards.

"Find the dock master! I need to know what boat was docked here!" Lloyd yelled and some guards went running away. I turned to Lloyd and I then wrapped my arms around his waist and he wrapped his around me.

"This can be promising right? He is still alive?" I asked looking up at Lloyd and he nodded.

"It is pumpkin. We will get him I promise. Just don't fucking leave me again." Lloyd said and I nodded. He leaned down and kissed my forehead and we held each other waiting for the dock master.

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