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Hey there. It's been a while. Actually, it's been about two years. Crazy, right? A year since this story of mine wrapped up.

Well, here's the thing. Although this wasn't my first ever story, it definitely isn't my best. The writing is sloppy and the story is messy and confusing.

With each and every book I write, and with every chapter I post, I try and get a little bit better. And well, I think I've really gotten better over these last two years.

This has been an idea of mine for a while, but I will be rewriting this story. Now it most likely won't come until the new year (late January-late February is my guess when the first chapter will come out) but I thought it would be nice to announce early to get people excited! This story is going to have a complete makeover! You'll get to see more of the characters that were in the old story (Ancel) along with a complete redesigned pair of watchers!

Can't wait for a new watcher story? Well, I'm actually finishing up one right now! It's called The Silver Sun, a story that is focused on Xisuma and a Watcher who plans to invade Hermitcraft! Currently there are 18 chapters posted, with only 2-3 remaining in the entire story. There's a lot of twists and turns and plenty of angst!

And one last thing...

Thank you.

I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. I wouldn't have felt so inspired to continue writing without your comments, fanart, and even just your views on this story of mine. It means so much to me that you enjoy what I write! I promise the rewrite will be better than ever before!

I hope you stick around to check it out :)

Here's a small little teaser if you're interested:

The worlds had shifted.

The feeling was new.



It wasn't uncommon to feel a new realm come into creation. Players would come and go, worlds and servers blinking in and out of existence every passing moment. Some had been abandoned, left behind and forgotten. Others could be inhabited for years, for those who had undying determination. Each would be more different than the last, from the terrain and the world itself, to the builds and the creations that filled region.

Normally, they would pay no mind to this. It was the natural way. One server would crumble, only for a new world to be brought into existence at the very same time. Though, it was hard to ignore how intriguing this new realm was. Something about it held great promise, like it was destined for something.

That had already caught their attention. The overwhelming potential that radiated off this world could not be ignored, nor would they turn a blind eye to its inhabitants. They were vigorous and bright, just as the new world that they had traveled to. Their presence was like a luminous beacon of light, impossible to ignore through its immaculate glow.

Individually, the large group of players held a small glow, no bigger than a candle. But when they were brought together, when they were united as one, the light they held could not be contained. It reached throughout the corners of the world, brightening even the darkest shadows that lurked within the realm they inhabited. As one would fall into dismay, the others would be there to offer their undying light. They were intertwined, bonded closer than blood, with eternal faith and trust in one another.

They were allies.



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