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"MumboJumbo! Come out and play!" A Swedish voice called, Mumbo holding his hands over his mouth, trying not to make a single sound, as he hid quietly by the entrance of the bunker. When Tango and Scar didn't return, Mumbo went to look for them, but when he saw Iskall and the Swede's newfound glowing eyes, which completely horrified Mumbo. And lucky enough for the mustached redstoner, Iskall saw Mumbo the minute he tried to make a break for the bunker.

"Come on Mumbo, we're friends, riiiight?" Iskall said with an evil grin spread across their face, as they dragged a diamond axe through the ground, Iskall scanning the area in search of the mustached man. "The watchers only want a word with you.."

Mumbo could hear footsteps approaching him, Iskall drawing closer by the second. There was no way he could have gotten to the bunker, he was cornered, hiding between the display case of Sahara diamonds and Sahara itself. He didn't know which direction Iskall was coming from, forced to press his back against the diamond display case and hold his breath, pleading that Iskall wasn't going to fight him.

"Found you." Iskall said with a whisper, as a diamond axe slammed into the ground, barely skimming Mumbo's leg, the Swede holding onto the handle of the weapon with an insane smile on his face, as the mustached hermit fell back in surprise. Iskall smiled as they held their weapon to Mumbo's neck, the Swede towering over the Redstoner, who was shaking in fear on the ground, Iskall laughing at Mumbo's fear.

"I would kill you, MumboJumbo, but the watchers want to do it themselves." Iskall said, lowering their axe, but never putting it away. They offered their hand to Mumbo, the mustached man standing on his own, narrowing his eyes at Iskall. The Swede had their diamond weapon to the back of Mumbo's neck, able to kill him within seconds.

"Now come along, MumboJumbo. The watchers will be happy that I succeeded on my mission to capture you." Iskall said, taking Mumbo into Sahara, the two heading into the nether and heading towards hermitville, small beads of sweat dripping down the side of Mumbo's head. When Mumbo didn't move quick enough, Iskall would press the tip of their axe against Mumbo's neck, a bit of blood trickling out.

"Iskall please-" Mumbo started, before the Swede wrapped their arm around Mumbo's neck, pulling him in close and showing off their bloody axe, Iskall's smiling face growing as they noticed Mumbo's shaking pupils, showing off his internal fear.

"If you think you can reason with me, MumboJumbo, you have another thing coming. I do not listen to people like you." Iskall said with a growl, practically choking Mumbo before the Swede let go, shoving the Redstoner with a slight laugh as he stumbled onto the ground, struggling to catch his breath. Iskall raised their axe, slamming their weapon an inch away from Mumbo's nose, the axe lodged into the ground. The mustached man quickly stumbled to his feet, Iskall reaching to grab the axe, Mumbo grabbing the handle before the Swede could.

"I-I don't want to hurt you Iskall, you're being controlled!" Mumbo exclaimed, gripping tight to the axe's handle, Iskall growling underneath their breath, as the Swede held their hand behind their back, slowly reaching for a small iron dagger. Mumbo shut his eyes, holding back tears as he rose the axe. He didn't want to hurt Iskall, but he knew that he had to at least scare Iskall until he could get away.

Iskall smiled at Mumbo's shaking hands, pulling out an iron dagger with a laugh, stabbing Mumbo right in the gut, Mumbo dropping his Axe, shaking as he stumbled a bit, his eyes going heavy, Iskall laughing as Mumbo collapsed into a bloody pile, slightly unconscious. Iskall grabbed Mumbo by the collar of his shirt, beginning to drag him towards the hermitville portal.

"I-....Iskall...." Mumbo said tiredly, his vision going blurry as blood stained his clothes and body, the mustached hermit struggling to keep his eyes open for much longer. Iskall just smiled a bit, dragging Mumbo through the nether, barely caring for him. Mumbo choked a bit, coughing up blood and shaking as Iskall yanked the collar of Mumbo's shirt once more, causing him to choke a bit more.

"Rest now, MumboJumbo. You're going to need it for what the watchers have in store for you."


Mumbo woke up, his head feeling groggy and in pain. The Redstoner attempted to rub the side of his aching his head, but his hands were tied behind his back. It took Mumbo a couple moments to realize that he was hanging, chains wrapped around his ankles as he hung from the ceiling of what seemed to be an infinity room. Instead of the normal, bright white room, it was pitch black, with certain areas lit up to prevent mobs from spawning.

"Hello..?" Mumbo called out, his voice hoarse and tired, the Redstoner barely able to choke any words out. His eyes were fuzzy, most likely from hanging upside down, the blood rushing to his head. Mumbo swung around in an attempt to free himself from his chains, but the chains were much more secure than Mumbo expect. They were slightly transparent, glowing blue as well.

A figure appeared from the darkness, Xisuma holding his helmet underneath his arm. His glowing blue eyes narrowed at the sight of Mumbo, the purple crystal connected to his golden circlet radiating powerful energy. The admin smiled, placing the helmet back onto his head, before snapping his fingers, the chains disappearing, Mumbo dropping from the ceiling.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the one who turned Grian against the watchers." Xisuma spat, half a smile on his face as he gently stroked Ancel's head, the pearlescent snake flicking her tongue with joy. The admin circled around Mumbo, who held his bloody wound, in too much pain to move. Xisuma let out a small laugh, taking a knee in front of Mumbo, the snake around his neck slithering down X's arm and into the palm of his hands.

"You're going to be in here for a bit, Mumbo." Xisuma said, ever so slightly looking up from Ancel, narrowing his eyes at Mumbo. The Redstoner shook in fear, the admin only chuckling a bit. "I thought you may like some company."

Xisuma moved his hands towards Mumbo's shoulder, Ancel moving out of his gloved palms and slithering onto the Redstoner's shoulder. Mumbo couldn't seem to move as Ancel curled around his neck, implanting her fangs into Mumbo's neck. The Redstoner pupils seemed to dilate, his posture straightening as he sat upright. Xisuma's smiled, snapping his fingers once again, blue chains breaking out of the ground and wrapping around Mumbo's wrists.

"I won't be needing Ancel any longer, thanks to the gift from the watchers." Xisuma said, turning away and moving towards the exit, looking back at Mumbo with a smile. "She'll be in charge of you until the watchers are ready. You're the pinnacle of the downfall of the hermits, Mumbo, once you and your friends are defeated, the watchers and I will rebuild, and you will be eliminated."

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