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"Ah, Xisuma, you have returned. I'm assuming Ancel is in possession of Mumbo?" Celeste asked, never breaking eye contact with Scar, who hid in the corner of Cub's cell, covered in his fellow Vex's glowing blue blood. She was trying to break Scar so he would give in on his own, she and Enzo were trying to do it to all the trapped hermits, and it was working. Stress was horrified of what Iskall had become, Scar was struggling to hold himself together, Doc and TFC both never saying a word. They were slowly breaking.

"He's locked securely in the underground prison, and Ancel is draining his power as we speak. Mumbo will be as fragile as glass when we see him next. You'll be able to rip his arm out of his socket easily." Xisuma said with a smile, bowing before the watchers. The two otherworldly beings let out a laugh, which sent cold chills down the locked hermit's spines, as all their brainwashed friends joined in their laughter. Enzo snapped his fingers, a glowing purple blade appearing out of thin air, the blade seemingly made from a material much greater than diamonds. Dark energy radiated off the blade, seeming to fill Xisuma's body with strength and incredible power.

"Here you are Xisuma." Enzo said, offering the dark blade to the admin, who took the weapon, dragging his gloved hand across the polished sword, admiring the fine handmenship. "Something for your next assignment. Speaking of which..."

The watcher turned to Doc and Tin's cell, staring in at the two stubborn hermits, the creeper hybrid sticking up a middle finger while scrunching up his nose, clearly bothered and upset. The older hermit rolled his eyes, his knees to his chest as he let out a bothered sigh, TFC's gaze stuck on the floor. Enzo opened the cell, before turning back to the admin, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Xisuma, eliminate these two." Enzo said, X's eyes going wide, as he dropped the blade, which rattled on the ground, the watcher raising an eyebrow at the stunned admin. Xisuma shook his head, stumbling backwards as he nervously took off his helmet, the admin's purple eyes shaking with fear. The admin cleared his throat, nervously twiddling his thumbs as he fumbled with his words, Xisuma clearly not wanting to disappoint the watchers, although he didn't want to kill his friends

"W-with all do respect sir, couldn't you--"

"Use them?" Enzo questioned, rolling his eyes as Xisuma nodded eagerly. He took in a deep breath, the watcher taking a knee as he placed a hand on the admin's shoulder, narrowing his eyes at Xisuma. "I find the creeper rather disrespectful, it is much harder to control people like him. As for the older one, well, he wouldn't be the best to use. He isn't as nimble or skillful as the other hermits."

Enzo just smiled before the dumbfounded admin could respond, standing up and following Celeste towards the exit, Tango, Iskall, and Jellie following close behind, practically groveling at the watcher's feet. The admin watched as Enzo slightly looked back, his narrow and cold eyes sending a chill through Xisuma's body.

"You're the loyalist out of all of these pathetic hermits, Xisumavoid. If you fail us, I will not hesitate to end your life." He said with a slight smile, before the two turned away, exiting the hanger, with Tango and Iskall snickering under their breath as they followed behind. Once they were out of sight, Xisuma ran his gloved hand through his hair, pacing back and forth with his eyes glued to the floor.

"nonononononononono...I-I can't just kill you....We used to be friends.." The admin muttered under his breath, Doc and Tin looking at one another, then back at the distressed admin, who stopped, looking down at the glowing sword which sat by his foot, staring into his reflection. His gleaming eyes seemed to die down, as Xisuma slowly removed the golden circlet that was wrapped around his head, tearfully staring into the purple gem, tightly shutting his eyes and shaking his head.

"NO!" Xisuma screamed, throwing the circlet as far as he possibly could, watching as the golden accessory hit the wall, clattering on the floor. Xisuma bent down, picking the sword up and studying the weapon once more, before pointing the purple blade at Doc's neck, the admin narrowing his cold eyes at the creeper.

"You better get out of here before I change my mind."


Mumbo nervously pulled at his tie, with Ancel biting his wrist in response, the redstoner yelping in pain and quickly pulling away. The mustached man felt weaker every time Ancel moved around, which she tended to do constantly. Mumbo leaned his head against the wall, fanning himself with his hand, he felt like he was on fire, but if he tried to remove his suit coat, Ancel would bite him once more, which seemed to get more painful every time she did it.

"MumboJumbo, stop squirming!" Ancel commanded as she noticed Mumbo nervously adjusting his seating position, the redstoner jerking to a stop when she spoke. Ancel flicked her tongue, crawling up the back of Mumbo's neck and tying herself around Mumbo's head, the snake's body resting on Mumbo's ears. At a first glance, she looked like a silver headband, her scales seeming to shine, even in the eternal darkness that Mumbo and her were stuck in.

"Ancel, can I ask you a question?" Mumbo asked softly, his body moving on its own, as his hand moved, beginning to gently stroke her scales, the redstoner never even realizing it, as he shut his eyes, listening closely as he heard his hair rustling, feeling the way the pearlescent snake moved around his head, as she couldn't seem to hold still. "Why am I being punished..?"

Ancel stopped moving, no sound in the empty void other than Mumbo's soft breaths. His body once more moved on it's own, lifting Ancel off his head and cupping the snake in his hands, pulling the snake close to his face. Mumbo wasn't in control, and yet he didn't seem to notice, nor did he care. Ancel squigled in the mustached man's hands, before she had coiled herself, making eye contact with Mumbo, her blue eyes glowing. Mumbo's pupils dilated, the chocolate brown color in his eyes slowly draining away, being replaced with a glimmering blue.

"You have turned the watcher's own against them, and for that, you will be punished. Is that clear?" Ancel asked, Mumbo unknowingly nodding his head. The redstoner moved his hands, letting Ancel around his neck once more. The mustached man shakily stood, his legs weak as he leaned on the wall for support. A light seemed to come out of nowhere, Mumbo shielding his eyes, it had been too long since he had seen anything other than the eternal darkness which this room provided.

"Hello Mumbo." Celeste said calmly, stepping forwards and extending her hand to the redstoner, her smile soft and kind, although her cold and harsh eyes said otherwise. Mumbo nervously took her hand, her expression softening when he didn't resist Ancel's control.

"It's time for you to be punished."

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