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TinFoilChef let out a light yawn, rubbing his tired eyes as he glanced around the dim forest, a dark blue cloud of fog turning the spruce forest into a nightmare-ish atmosphere, seemingly something out of a horror movie. The elder hermit looked to Stress and Scar, both fast asleep, the light breeze rustling the two brunette's messy hair. It had been a while since the group had gotten a decent night's sleep, TFC suspected the two would be asleep for quite some time. CubFan was still unconscious, but the glowing blue streaks across his body seemed to be fading, which was hopefully a good sign. Tin stood up, stretching his arms over his head, listening to the faint sound of footsteps slowly approaching. The older hermit glanced around the misty terrain until he was able to spot a tall figure walking through the blue fog, Doc's robotic eye glowing a dark crimson through the smog.

"Doc? Is that you?" TFC asked quietly, hoping not to wake the two sleeping hermits behind him. The older hermit squinted his eyes, the sound of Doc's laughter echoing through the trees. The crimson of the cyborg's eye began to fade away, the bright red slowly transforming into an electric blue. Before the older hermit could speak once more, Doc raised his hand, the same blue glow surrounding the palm of his hand. Within seconds, TFC felt completely weightless, his body floating above the ground, with a dark blue aura surrounding him. The creeper waved his hand, Tin being thrown backward, his body slamming onto the ground. Doc stepped out of the mist, chuckling under his breath. The pearlescent snake around the creeper's neck shifted at the sight of TFC, Ancel flicking her tongue and narrowing her eyes at Tin.

"D-doc, what are you doing?!" TFC asked with a stutter, the creeper simply laughing as he slowly approached the older hermit. A dark aura surrounded Doc's fists, and with a snap of the creeper's fingers, TinFoil was lifted off the ground once more. The older hermit's arms were forced to his side, TFC now froze in mid-air. Doc erupted in evil laughter once more, using his magic to violently throw Tin against a large spruce tree, the older hermit breaking through the tree's trunk. Scar snapped awake at the cracking of a tree, his eyes going wide as the gigantic spruce tree began to tumble, Scar grabbing Stress's wrist and jumping out of the way, right before the large tree could crush the two.

"Awe, do you two want to join our little game?" Doc hissed, turning his attention away from TFC and looking towards Scar and Stress, the two still frazzled from their near-death experience. The creeper raised his hand, snapping his fingers with a dark grin strung across his face. Stress lowered her head as the dark blue aura surrounded her body, the magical glow seeming to sink into her body. Seconds after, she fell to the ground, going completely limp. Scar moved to help her, but he was held back, the same magic surrounding his body. The terraformer was lifted off the ground, Doc slowly walking towards him, the creeper keeping his eyes glued to the snake around his neck, who he spoke to underneath his breath. Doc nodded his head at whatever Ancel had told him, and with a wave of his hand, Scar was slowly lowered, a few inches off the ground, but he was now eye level with the brainwashed creeper.

"What should I do with this one, Ancel?" Doc mumbled to the magical creature, the snake narrowing her beady eyes at Scar, small droplets of nervous sweat slowly cascading down the side of the terraformer's head. Ancel flicked her tongue, the magical snake's eyes beginning to glow a dark shade of navy, Doc's eyes glowing a very similar blue, they seemed to be communicating telepathically. When the glow seemed to fade, the creeper had a large smile on his face, one hand gently stroking Ancel's head, while he rose the other. Doc snapped his fingers, Scar dropping to the ground, no longer encapsulated by the snake's magic. Before he could get to his feet, the terraformer was met by Stressmonster, who held a small dagger, which seemed to radiate with dark magic.

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