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Xisuma leaned on a tree for support, hiding away in the shadows of the shopping district, silently watching the interactions of the hermits. Violence broke out, as usual, but Xisuma didn't get into Cub and Scar's fight, he just held Ancel in the palms of his gloved hands, looking down at the magic creature.

"A-ancel..I can't do this.. I-I'm too exhausted.." Xisuma pleaded with the snake, the admin quivering as Ancel curled around his wrist, her eyes flashing as she flicked her tongue, Ancel's words manipulative and soft.

"Come on, Xisssssuma. It'ssss jussst a bit of magic."

"Every time you use magic, I get weaker! I-I haven't slept in days, I can't remember the last time I ate, and I hate treating my friends like this!"

"Well, you don't have a sssay in thisss. The watchersss have a plan, and I'm here to make you follow it.." Ancel spat, crawling up Xisuma's arm and tying herself around the admin's neck. Xisuma let out a sad sigh, sitting down in the shade of the oak tree that he was standing under. He hadn't gotten a break since he was summoned by the watchers, Ancel was incredibly controlling and manipulative, barely giving Xisuma an inch in his own mind.

"Xisuma!" A voice called, causing Ancel to choke the admin, putting him back under her control, the blue galaxy returning to his suit. The admin's eyes began to glow, as he turned around with a smile, facing Scar and Cub, both clearly uncomfortably by the admin's sinister grin.

"What is it..?" Xisuma said with a hiss, his glowing eyes cold and empty as he studied the convexes, both incredibly worried and stressed, as Cub placed a hand on Xisuma's shoulder, barely noticing the snake coiled around the admin's neck.

"X, I know you're still in there. The server is falling apart, I'm not sure we can take it anymore. We really need you Xisuma. Please."

Xisuma didn't move as Cub spoke, his eyes glazed over, as the admin slowly took off his helmet, his hands shaking as tears were pricking at the admin's eyes, which were no longer glowing. Cub simply smiled, pulling the admin in for a hug, Xisuma barely breathing. He couldn't move on his own, he couldn't think on his own. Not anymore. Not without a watcher or Ancel.

Cub suddenly stumbled backwards, holding his wrist in pain, as his pupils shrunk, shaking in fear as he studied Xisuma, before lifting his shaking hand and observing what had happened. A snake bit was on his wrist, which seemed to glow the eerie blue.

"What the....?" Scar curiously asked, taking Cub's wrist and drawing his finger over the bite, Cub wincing in pain as he did so. Xisuma took a small step backwards, shaking as he watched Cub and Scar slowly back away from the admin, before running out of view, disappearing into the mess of shops.

"A-Ancel...d-did you-"
"Bite him?  Yesss. I did. Now he'sss going to have bigger problemsss bessidess the ssserver." Ancel said, flicking her tongue as she curled up tighter around Xisuma's neck, the admin shaking his head as he attempted to resist her control.

"N-no. What did you do to Cub?!" Xisuma said, dropping his helmet as the admin held his head in pain, struggling to think right, his thoughts blurry and jumbled. Ancel didn't give the admin an inch, now choking Xisuma, the admin unable to breathe as he fell to his knees, shaking his head.

"Get out of my head! GET OUT!" He screamed, trying to rip Ancel off his neck, his hands weak and shaking as he struggled through the intense pain. Ancel growled as she flicked her tongue once more, before sinking her blood-stained fangs into X's hand, causing Xisuma's hand to go numb, dropping to his side.

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