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Grian fell through the portal, his body being pulled at, before the small hermit was thrown into the sandy ground of an island, and gathered around the large portal, all of the hermits stood, awaiting the arrival of the watchers.

Grian was held back by a brainwashed MumboJumbo, the watcher followers silently waiting for their overlords to return to them. The small watcher glanced to Ren, Doc, and Stress, the three being held back by Jevin, Tango, Iskall, and False.

They were on a little island, and In the distance, a large mooshroom island. The watchers had created this place to build their empire, and yet the watchers were nowhere in sight. Grian has no idea what Xisuma was planning, but the small hermit's stomach was tied up in knots, he didn't know what to do.

The portal suddenly faded away, disappearing without a trace. Mutters arose from the brainwashed hermits, Grian only biting his lip, pleading that it wasn't what he thought it was. If Xisuma did this, it would be the end.

Minutes of silence passed, the hermits watching nervously at the spot where the portal used to be, waiting for something to happen, anything.

"Grian..?" Mumbo muttered, the small hermit looking up at the mustached Redstoner, his eyes returning to their normal hazel coloring. He let go of Grian, rubbing the back of his head in confusion. The small watcher looked towards the other hermits, all of which seemed to be slowly coming back to their senses.

"Oh no..." Grian muttered, his eyes going wide and tears slowly rolling down his cheeks.

He knew what had happened.

He just didn't know how to tell the others.

He didn't know how to tell them how the story ended.


The admin let out a sad sigh, watching as Grian fell through the void, before his body was taken away into the new world. Xisuma summoned a purple screen, typing a long command on the screen, his eyes filling with tears. The admin held his breath, reluctantly reaching towards the 'enter' button. He clicked the large glowing button, which sealed up the portal, Xisuma quickly getting to work on the next line of code.

"Hello, Xisuma.." Enzo greeted their admin, who froze, his body shaking as he looked back at the two watchers who towered over him. They knew what he had done, Xisuma could tell by the look in their eyes. But they were smiling, a seemingly real smile.

"M-my watchers! What can I help you with..?" Xisuma questioned, the two watchers looking between one another, then back at the admin, Celeste taking a step forward and placing a hand on Xisuma's shoulder, locking eyes with the admin.

"Open the portal, Xisuma. Don't make a mistake you're going to regret." The watcher said in a cold tone, Xisuma's heart beginning to beat faster and faster, small beads of sweat dripping down the side of the admin's head. Xisuma swallowed the lump in his throat, struggling to choke out any response.

"N-...." the admin paused, barely able to disobey the watchers. He took in a deep breath, Xisuma trying to calm his shaking nerves before looking Celeste right in the eye. "No. I won't do it.."

"Open the damn portal!" Enzo growled, grabbing the admin by his shoulders and shaking him, the watcher getting pulled away by Celeste's magic. Celeste was definitely more calm than her partner, but it was clear she was mentally panicking.

"Xisumavoid. You know what you want to do."

"I want to protect my friends!"

Celeste bit her lip, looking to Enzo. She nodded at her partner, a small grin creeping on the male watcher's face. Enzo snapped his fingers, and a pearlescent snake appeared, coiled around the watcher's wrist. Ancel narrowed her glowing blue eyes at the admin, who took a step back, fearing for his sanity.

"You brought this upon yourself..." Enzo growled, placing Ancel on the ground, letting the snake make her way towards the admin. Xisuma was frozen in fear, his body quivering as Ancel curled around his leg, slowly making her way back to the admin's neck, where she would regain control over Xisuma's mind and body.

"N-no..please!" Xisuma screamed, the admin falling to his knees and clenching his hair, Tears spilt over and flowed down his face like a river escaping a dam. The admin cried out in pain, screaming at the top of his lungs whenever Ancel sunk her sharp fangs into his skin, spots of Xisuma's vision starting to go black. The admin reached out towards the watchers, his hand shaking, before the admin collapsed onto the ground.

Ancel took her perch on Xisuma's neck, the admin barely moving as she situated herself. Xisuma slightly twitched as Enzo clapped his hands together, before a familiar blue glow surrounded the admin's body, as if a galaxy was trapped in his armor. The admin stood upright, his body stiff and unmoving, his eyes a piercing blue.

"Now Xisuma," Celeste started in a calm and peaceful tone, the watcher smiling at the brainwashed admin. "let's try this again; Open. The. Portal."

"As you wish." He said with a bow, Xisuma reaching into his pockets and pulling out the golden circlet that had been gifted to him, the purple glow surrounding the golden headband. The admin adjusted the circlet before turning to the screen, mindlessly typing away at the glowing display.

"You're going to thank us later, Xisumavoid," Celeste started, placing her hands on the admin's shoulders and watching as he worked, Xisuma emotionless face never changing its expression. "You want what's best for your friends, and we're going to help them..."

The admin stopped typing for a moment, taking in a sharp breath.

"You're right." Xisuma said, gently stroking the snake that was wrapped around his neck.

"I do want what's best for them."

The admin ripped the snake off from around his neck, throwing Ancel to the ground and holding her underneath his foot, the magical creature crying out in pain. Xisuma moved through the lines of code as fast as he could, before reaching a bright red button. He looked to the watchers, Enzo's expression filled with horror, and Celeste's filled with rage. Xisuma shut his eyes, and slammed his fist into the button, the glowing screen shattering as he did so.

Large purple fires seemed to explode out of the ground, the world beginning to shake and crumble, before seeming to rip itself apart. Celeste just laughed, Enzo looking at her as if she was insane.

"We can't die, Xisuma! If you think trapping us in a deleting world will protect your friends, it won't!"

"You may not be able to die, but neither can I!" Xisuma exclaimed, tapping the golden circlet on his head with a slight grin, Celeste's enraged expression causing the admin to lightly chuckle. "And if this world is deleted, there's only one place that we can go."

"The in-between.." Enzo mumbled underneath his breath, before grabbing Xisuma by the shoulders, violently shaking the admin. "Do you have any idea what you've just done?! It will be hundreds of years before we're strong enough to escape that prison! By the time we get out, all of your friends will be dead!"

"I know.." Xisuma mumbled, looking to the floor. "But that means you'll never hurt them again."

Before Enzo could respond, he was engulfed in flames, disappearing in a few seconds without a trace. Celeste glared at Xisuma one last time, before she herself faded away, being transported back to the in-between. Purple flames surrounded the admin, who closed his eyes, a singular tear gently streaming down the admin's cheek.

"I'll protect you guys, for all of eternity if I have too." He said aloud, the flames rising before reaching his head, Xisuma fading away into the watcher's prison, ready to spend the rest of his life with the two otherworldly beings.

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