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Xisuma's eyes went wide, the admin unable to move, his body glowing and shaking.

The axe was a second away from killing Mumbo.

The weapon in the admin's hands suddenly exploded into thousands of miniature pieces, Xisuma getting thrown back into the wall by the violent explosion. All eyes turned to Grian, the small watcher radiating with energy. The chains wrapped around Grian's body began to change from the dark purple to a pearlescent white, before they turned into dust, fading away with the wind.

"You little brat! Why won't you just listen to me?!" Celeste growled, a purple aura surrounding her hands. She snapped her fingers, Xisuma reappearing beside the otherworldly creature. He held a bow that radiated dark energy, the admin narrowing his eyes at Grian. Enzo raised an eyebrow, moving to Celeste's side and mumbling something in her pointed ear. The talk watcher smiled, nodding in agreement to whatever Enzo had told her.

"We'll make you a deal, Grian." Celeste spike kindly, placing a hand on Xisuma's shoulder, the admin barely reacting, his emotions seemingly washed away. "You beat our admin in a fight, we won't kill Mumbo. But if you lose..." Enzo held Mumbo, a small dagger to the Redstoner's throat.

"Fine. But if I win, you have to let all of the other hermits go too." Grian growled, narrowing his eyes at the two creatures before him. Celeste pressed her lips together before she nodded, extending her hand towards Grian, the small watcher slapping it away.

Grian summoned his weapon, a glowing white blade forming in his hands. He was already incredibly tired, from breaking out of the watcher's chains, to simply summoning a weapon, he couldn't keep using his magic for much longer. Meaning Grian had to rely on his PVP skill alone to beat the magical admin.

Before Grian knew it, Xisuma appeared before him, the admin delivering a powerful kick that sent Grian flying backwards and slamming into the wall, which cracked as he made impact. The hermit cheered as this happened, while the remaining free hermits looked away, they couldn't bare to watch Grian fighting Xisuma.

"X-Xisuma..you need to snap out of it!" Grian tried to reason with him, the small watcher quickly raising his blade to block the admin slicing him in two. Xisuma held a new blade, radiating in dark energy. The admin's eyes were hidden away by his helmet, but Grian could see the look of hatred in his eyes.

The small watcher kicked Xisuma in the chest, giving him a chance to get away from the insane admin. The brainwashed hermit looked to the watchers, both of which gave disappointed stares, The admin biting his lip. He needed to win. Then everything would be okay. Everyone would be safe.

"Just stay still Grian!" Xisuma called, dragging his blade through the ground and glancing around the courtyard, looking for the former watcher. "I need to win this!"

"Xisuma, you're being controlled! Can't you see it?!" Grian called from his hiding spot, the admin narrowing his eyes at the custom spruce trees, where the small hermit's voice had been coming from. Xisuma slasher his blade through the air, which sent a blast of purple energy towards the trees, destroying them in a single blast.

"Where are you hiding you little brat?!" Xisuma and Celeste said in sync, their voice seemingly combined with one another's. Grian held his breath, hiding behind the large stage. A purple aura surrounded his body, the small watcher flying up in the air, before being thrown against the stage.

"Well Grian..." Xisuma spoke, The small watcher being met with the admin's weapon. A small smile cured on X's lips, the admin narrowing his eyes at the traitor. "Ready to give up?"

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