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Mumbo stepped on a button, the ground below him and Scar opening up, revealing a hidden base underneath Sahara. Scar was impressed by the hidden area, Mumbo too worried to even care about his redstone. The Redstoner grabbed Scar's wrist and pulled him into the underground bunker, taking him towards the bubble elevator.

"Here. Take this. It's a keycard. If anyone tries to enter the bubblevator without it, they'll set off a trap." Mumbo said, handing Scar a keycard. Mumbo threw his card to the ground, which got picked up by a hidden hopper, before a note block went off, Mumbo entering the bubblevator. Scar followed, throwing his key card down and entered the water, bubbles moving around the terraformer, dragging him under.

Scar left the bubblevator, surprised by the size of the underground area. The other hermits who were underground were helping expand, since they couldn't use beacons, as it was too risky with the large beam of light that it emits. There weren't many hermits, which worried Scar. There was Tango, Ren, Cleo, False, and Impulse, meaning that most of the hermits were still out there.

Mumbo took a few steps, wobbling a bit on his feet. He clearly hadn't slept, he probably spent so long trying to build a safe place for the hermits. Scar grabbed Mumbo before he could collapse from exhaustion, the Redstoner struggling to keep his eyelids open for much longer.

"Mumbo, you need some sleep...." Scar said softly, waking Mumbo over to a few shulker boxes, the mustached man pulling away from Scar, fixing his tie with a small yawn, fighting the feeling of drowsiness.

"No I don't Scar. I need to get the rest of the hermits. If the watchers can control Xisuma, they can control the rest of us. We need to get the hermits and find a way to get rid of them.." Mumbo said while moving towards the bubble elevator. Tango stopped Mumbo this time, grabbing his wrist before he could leave, Mumbo attempting to escape the tight grip that Tango had on his wrist.

"Mumbo. Scar and I will go if you get some sleep. We'll be safer together." Tango said with confidence, Scar nodding in agreement, while Mumbo let out an annoyed sigh, clearly worried for the other hermits, but he didn't fight, he just turned away, leaving Tango and Scar to go and look for the others.

"So who are we looking for first?" Scar asked as the two left the bunker, Tango taking the lead and moving towards the Sahara portal and entering the nether, Scar close behind him. Tango let out a worried sigh, moving through the nether hub quickly, something clearly bothering him.

"I'm not sure." Tango said quietly, glancing around the nether and at all the portals, silently hoping that they were all okay, and that the hermits hadn't had any encounters with the watchers. "This is much more stressful than I could even imagine. Our friends lives are in danger. I just hope we can work through this."

"Yeah...me too.." Scar said, unable to know what to do in this set of circumstances. Mumbo had taken charge when no one else had, and he had done so much for the hermits. But that was at a price. He was at the most risk for being found by the watchers, he goes out rather often to try and find hermits.

Scar stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes going wide with shock as he studied the small cat that sat by his nether portal, Jellie licking her paw while waiting for Scar's return. The terraformer smile was wide, as he ignored Tango's warnings, Scar couldn't seem to hear him, too focused on Jellie.

"You came back girl!" Scar said with a smile, lifting his cat into the air with a smile, as he looked his cat dead in the eyes, easily noticing Jellie's newfound purple eyes. She jumped out of Scar's arms, rubbing her head against Scar's leg with a slight purr, her tail moving side to side. The terraformer took a knee, gently scratching behind Jellie's ear with a frown planted on his face, as he studied his cat, his eyes locked with hers.

"Girl....what happened to you...?" Scar asked quietly, Jellie letting out a satisfied 'meow' in return to his question. She rolled onto her back, softly purring on the warm glass of the nether hub, acting as if nothing was wrong with her. Tango walked over, placing a hand on Scar's shoulder, snapping him out of a daydreaming-like state.

"Scar? Are you alright? You've been sitting here mumbling to yourself for five minutes.." Tango asked confused, Scar shaking his head and standing up, feeling as though he hadn't slept in days, the terraformer now exhausted.

"Y-yeah...at least I think I'm oka-" Scar stopped talking when he noticed Tango was no longer paying attention, his eyes glued to Jellie, who was sitting, staring right back at him. Tango's pupils went wide, as his eyes followed Jellie's tail, which slowly moved side to side, practically hypnotizing him. Tango bent down, picking the cat up in his arms and turning away without saying a word.

"Tango? Tango! Where are you going?!" Scar called out, watching as Tango, still holding Jellie, opened his elytra and flew to the upper part of the nether hub, heading towards New Hermitville without another word, barely even caring for Scar as he left the terraformer behind, taking Jellie along with him.

"Tango wait! Come back!" Scar called, pulling out a few rockets, flying after Tango with great speed. The terraformer was never the greatest at flying, but he spammed his rockets, going as fast as he could. Scar managed to catch up with Tango, reaching out his arm in an attempt to grab his ankle and stop him. Tango took notice, growling as he looked back at Scar, who fell back in shock at the sight of Tango.

Scar crashed down onto the ground, rolling as he hit the ground, the terraformer having tears in his eyes after looking at Tango. His eyes were empty. Like nothing in Tango remained, just an empty vessel. There was nothing left to him, and it horrified Scar. The terraformer tried to get up, his vision going blurry after he had slammed into the ground. Someone was walking towards him, and within seconds, they stood over Scar, the terraformer struggling to look up at Tango, who just smiled down at Scar, his grin giving Scar goosebumps.

"All hail the watchers."

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