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"Wakey, Wakey, MumboJumbo.." A strange voice hissed, someone grabbing the mustached hermit by his neck, their fingernails digging into his skin, Mumbo crying out in pain. He was thrown against the concrete floor, the sound of heels clicking slowly fading away, but Mumbo knew that Celeste was still in the room, somewhere. The redstoner slowly got to his knees, Mumbo opening his eyes as he slowly studied the Sahara meeting room, Celeste standing by the glass window that looked out on the courtyard. A few hermits had been rounded up by Tango, Iskall, and Xisuma, all exits heavily guarded, seemingly no escape from the watcher's grasps.

"I'm glad you're finally up." Celeste spoke calmly, looking out on the setting sun, the warm glow of the sun beginning to fade over the shopping district. The otherworldly being snapped her fingers, a purple aura surrounding Mumbo, as he began to float off the ground, before he was pulled through the air at incredible speed. Before he hit the glass window, Mumbo suddenly stopped, dropping onto the concrete floor beside Celeste. She lightly chuckled, bending down and offering the redstoner her hand, with Mumbo nervously taking it. The tall watcher helped the hermit stand, the two looking out at the fighting between the watchers and hermits, False attempting to stab Enzo, but was thrown against a wall by his magic. They were no match for the watchers.

"Grian really cares about you, MumboJumbo." Celeste said in a blank tone of voice, narrowing her eyes at the hermits below them. Grian was nowhere to be found, he seemed to be missing from the watchers group, which slightly worried the mustached hermit. Celeste burst into light and happy laughter, which made Mumbo want to laugh along with her. "I can see your worry, Grian is perfectly safe. He is only saving his energy for sunset tomorrow."

"Sunset..?" Mumbo questioned, raising an eyebrow at the watcher, who kept her eyes glued to the courtyard. Her lips formed a calm smile, her eyes narrowing as she studied Xisuma.

"Tomorrow at sunset, Grian, Xisuma, Enzo and I shall use our abilities to create an entirely new world. It shall be perfect, a new realm for our loyal followers to enhabit. We'll leave this world to burn, and live in a perfect world, where you hermits cannot resist our abilities. They will either submit to my control, or they will be eliminated."

"So why are you telling me..?" Mumbo stuttered, nervously playing with his thumbs, watching as Celeste began to laugh once more, but this time her laughter seemed cruel, evil in a way.

"Oh Mumbo. It won't matter. You made Grian go against us, the only reason he fought against us was because of you." Celeste hissed in a rude tone of voice, the redstoner stumbling backwards as the watcher raised her hand, a swift move of her wrist, and purple sparks flew out of her hands, swirling around Mumbo's head. Within seconds, the redstoner fell limp, completely unconscious. The watcher chuckled a bit, turning back to the glass and peering out the window, an evil grin stuck on her face.

"Tomorrow, MumboJumbo, you will be eliminated at sunrise. You're going to pay for what you've done to Grian."


"What is it, Scar?"

"How much longer..? It feels like we're lost.." Scar said fearfully, glancing around the spruce forest nervously, the shadows of the night no match for the three stars in the sky, all glowing nearly as bright as the sun. The glowing stars lit up the sky, making the illusion that it was day, although it was the middle of the night. The three stars resting in the sky have seemed to grow over time, their light growing stronger every night. And although the stars above the group lit the way for the lost hermits, the frosty wind blew through the trees, the light from the stars seeming to offer no heat or warmth, offering quite the opposite. Stress shivered as the icy wind brushed against her rosy pink cheeks, the brit pulling her pink sweater tighter around herself. She looked to TFC and Doc, the two leading the small group, both practically blue as they marched along.

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