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"Hello? Anyone down here?" A voice called, startling TinFoilChef. Normally it was just him and Stress in the bunker, he wasn't used to other people coming down and greeting him. But at the moment, Stress was busy helping Iskall look for Doc and Cub, leaving TFC seemingly alone, that is, until Tin heard someone climbing down the ladder to his bunker, calling out for him.

"Doc?" Tin questioned as the creeper revealed himself, leaving TFC rather confused. "Iskall and Stress are our looking for you. They said you and Cub were missing."

"Did they?" Doc asked, seemingly oblivious to being missing for who knows how long. "Oh well. Anyway, I need you to come with me Tin. It's important."

"Well alright, but we should probably find Iskall and Stres-"

"Yeah yeah, sure. They can come too, but this is urgent. We need to go now." Doc said quickly, grabbing TFC's wrist and pulling him towards the ladder, the two hermits quickly exiting the bunker, as Doc pulled out his communicator, typing a few things on the small device's screen.

"Doc? Who are you-"
"No one." Doc hissed, shoving his communicator away and turning away, growling under his breath. TinFoilChef felt on edge around the creeper, but he didn't say anything, silently following Doc, as the creeper took TFC into Sahara and through the nether portal, before the creeper put on his elytra, flying up towards the path which led to new hermitville, TFC reluctantly following close behind.

"Where exactly are we going?" TFC asked, watching as Doc placed down a spruce boat, the creeper entering the boat and gesturing for Tin to join him. TFC entered the boat, and Doc quickly began to row down the ice, wasting no time as he took TFC to the hermitville portal. Tin didn't trust Doc in the slightest bit, the creeper incredibly shifty, seemingly nervous as the two entered the portal, coming out in hermitville.

Stress and Iskall were walking through the streets, both in search of Cub and Doc. TFC waved at the two, Doc growling underneath his breath, but putting on a wide, eerie smile as the two hermits made their way down from the portal tower and over to Stress and Iskall.

"Doc! You're alright!" Stress said with a smile and a sigh of relief, Doc growling under his breath, before simply smiling in response to Stress. Iskall was clearly aware that something was wrong with Doc, but he didn't say anything, Stress simply oblivious to the creeper's strange behavior.

"Yep! Of course I'm alright!" Doc said with a laugh, which sounded forced and tired. TFC and Iskall shared a worried glance, as Doc led Stress away, talking with her as he took her into the spruce forest, Iskall and Tin following close behind, the two clearly aware of Doc's behavior.

"Come on you three." Doc said with a smile, continuing to lead the way through the frigid spruce forest. "I've got something to show you. It's important." Doc said, slightly looking back at Iskall and TFC, the two falling behind, their steps slow and careful. Doc growled under his breath once more, seemingly talking to someone, as he used his one good arm to nervously stroke his robotic arm. TFC noticed this, the elder hermit aware that this wasn't Doc.

"We're almost there." Doc growled, turning away from TFC and Iskall and walking along side Stress, TFC and Iskall forced to follow, and before long the spruce forest faded away, revealing a large, grassy field, where a large military base seemed to be hidden away from the hermits. Doc lead the way into the base, letting the hermits admire the intricate details of the planes and hanger bays, the area must have taken days, maybe weeks to build.

"What is this place Doc?" Stress asked, full of wonder and amazement as she studied the incredibly designed military base, Doc slightly chuckling as he walked on the plane's runway, leading the hermits to a hanger bay. "This is Area 77." He said with a smile, as Doc stopped in front of the closed hanger bay.

"And this, is something I've been working on."

Doc opened the large hanger bay doors, Xisuma standing in the middle of the room, his hands held behind his back, Grian standing behind the admin, looking guilty and afraid. TFC and Iskall both looked to one another, before Xisuma snapped his fingers, forcing the two to march forward.

Doc led the hermits down the hall, Xisuma following at the back of the group, his glare practically burning the back of Iskall's head. The walls were lined with containment cells, Cub's bloody cell still unkept and stained with blood, Xisuma and Doc clearly not caring for Cub. The creeper stopped and placed his hand on a scanner, two cells across from Cub's prison opening up, Doc shoving Iskall and Stress into one cell, before the creeper grabbed TFC's hand and took him into the other cell.

Xisuma smiled at Doc, watching as the creeper rolled up his sleeve, revealing Ancel, the snake curled around his arm. Ancel swiftly moved down Doc's robotic arm, the creeper carefully handing Ancel to Xisuma, before the admin turned away, closing the glass barrier back up, as he placed Ancel gently around his neck.

Doc suddenly collapsed to the ground, quickly falling unconscious, Ancel no longer controlling the creeper's mind. Meanwhile, Iskall was banging on the glass barrier, the swede trying to break open the glass, although it was seemingly useless.

"What do you want from us?!" Iskall screamed, the Swede furious about being forced into the cramped little prison. Xisuma only laughed, Grian still hiding behind the glowing admin, mumbling a small 'Sorry' to Iskall. Xisuma took Ancel in his hands, holding the snake close to the glass, letting her speak with Iskall.

"I don't want anything from you. You hermitssss are ssssso infuriating. I cannot allow you three to ruin what I have sssspent sssso long preparing. Do you know how long it takes to put Xisuma fully under my control? It issss rather difficult, but I wouldn't expect you to understand." She sneered at the Swede, Iskall just cussing underneath his breath. Ancel moved in Xisuma's hand, wrapping around his wrist and cutting off the blood flow to the admin's hands, Xisuma barely even moving.

"You see, I can't let you stop this. I've spent time and time again, working for the watchers, and now the moment has arrived, where my work will finally pay off.

It is time to bring the watchers to hermitcraft."

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