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Tango threw Scar onto the ground, the watchers and Xisuma standing over the terraformer, while the trapped hermits watched in horror. Celeste smiled at her newfound servant, Tango taking a knee before the two. Celeste tapped Tango on his head, who looked up at the watcher, his empty eyes slowly returning with color, but not Tango's red eyes, his eyes were the dark purple that matched Jellie's eyes.

"Oh what a good girl. She brought us her owner along with a new little helper.." Celeste said with a smile, lifting Jellie off the ground and stroking the soft cat's head, narrowing her eyes with a smile at Scar, who was completely frozen in fear. Enzo rolled his eyes, holding his hands behind his back as he studied Tango and Scar, before looking back at Grian, who was bloody, silently crying in his corner.

"Iskall. Awaken." Enzo said, clapping his hands together, the Swede opening their eyes and standing up, their purple eyes radiating energy and power. Iskall slightly smiled at Stress, who was horrified by Iskall's transformation, the Swede radiating power which Stress has never felt before. Enzo laughed as Xisuma opened the glass barrier, Iskall walking out of the cell with a smile on his face, joining Tango, Xisuma and Ancel, the three watcher slaves all laughing at the trapped hermits.

"What did you do to Iskall?!" Stress said, rage engulfing her voice, a she slammed her fists against the glass, Iskall simply walking up to the glass, tilting their head and studying Stress, who felt unsafe staring into the Swede's purple eyes. Celeste walked over to the two, placing a hand onto Iskall's shoulder, her grin spreading to the ends of her face, as her ears slightly twitched, her eyes studying the trapped hermits.

"Iskall here is going to be the one to bring us MumboJumbo." Celeste said, Grian's ears perking up at the mention of the Redstoner's name. Grian weakly stood up, banging his fists against the glass, tears running down his bloody face.

"No! Please! Don't hurt them!"

"Silence." Enzo hissed, snapping his fingers, Tango and Xisuma opening the cell and grabbing the small watcher's arms, forcing him out of the cell and onto the ground, Grian falling onto his knees before Enzo and Celeste, the two watchers looking to one another, than back at Grian. Celeste has a sweet smile on her face, as she took a knee, using two fingers to force Grian to look up at the watchers, his bloody red face a complete mess of blood, sweat, and tears.

"These hermits changed you, Grian. You could have listened to us, but now we're going to teach you a lesson so that you'll never do it again." Celeste said quietly, before standing up, turning to her fellow watcher, who nodded at her, the two turning to Iskall, who knelt before the watchers without another word, listening closely for their orders.

"Iskall85. Bring us the one known as MumboJumbo. He must be alive. I want to make Grian watch as we tear him apart, limb by limb." Enzo said, snapping his fingers without another word. Iskall looked up with an evil grin planted across their face, bolting out of area 77 in search of Mumbo. Celeste looked to Grian, disappointed, but she didn't say anything, only looking at Tango and Xisuma.

"Tango. Take Grian to the special prison we made him. And Xisuma, come with me. We have much to discuss." Celeste said, turning away and letting Xisuma stumble to try and catch up with the watcher, who moved quickly, not wanting to waste anytime.

"How may I assist you, Celeste..?" Xisuma asked quietly, as he pet Ancel's head, the snake loosening her grip on X's neck, a relief to the admin. Celeste snapped her fingers, her galaxy hair seeming to flow, encapsulated the two, before a galaxy surrounded Xisuma, truly a sight to behold.

"Xisuma. Do you know why I've brought you to the in-between?" Celeste asked quietly, frowning a bit when Xisuma shook his head. Celeste reached out, gently stroking Ancel before moving her hand up Xisuma's neck, removing the admin's helmet. She smiled at the admin, turning away and opening the palms of her hand, a glowing orb floating in her hands, the golden star glimmering in her palms.

"Because of you Xisuma, we have enough power to travel between dimensions. Meaning that we can take all of the energy that we stored here and take it back to hermitcraft. And then, my precious admin, our realm shall be complete. Those hermits shall bow before the watchers." The otherworldly creature said, watching closely as the golden star in her hand began to change, turning completely purple, along with all of the other stars in the galaxy around the two.

"Xisuma. You shall be rewarded for your help." Celeste said with a smile, placing two fingers on Xisuma's chin, tilting his head upright, the admin completely mesmerized by the beauty and grace of the watcher before him. Celeste opened the palm of her hands, revealing a golden, glistening circlet, similar to the ones which the watchers wore, with a gleaming purple gem as the centerpiece of the piece of jewelry.

"With this circlet, you will be able to connect yourself." Celeste said, looking to her left, where the empty void of space revealed three stars, all radiating energy and power, Xisuma barely able to look at them. She simply smiled, and with a wave of her hand, two of the stars disappeared, only one remaining. "You will be able to connect your life to this star. You will not be able to die, nor will you be able to be killed, until your star burns out. It shall take around 10 billion years, however. You will be able to live without fear of death."

Before Xisuma could respond, Celeste walked over, gently placing the golden circlet around the admin's head, a rush of power running through his veins, the admin clenching his fists with a smile. His hands seemed to glow with magic, as energy swirled around the admin, Celeste simply smiling at Xisuma.

"It's going to be nice to have you along side us. You're an incredible admin.

But now you're even deeper under our control for the rest of your miserable life."

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