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"Xisuma. Grian." Enzo greeted the two, The admin glancing to the floor as his name was called. Xisuma carried Grian's belongings as the two made it to the long hall, Celeste walking to greet the two. Ancel was curled up around her wrist, the snake eyeing Xisuma as she flicked her tongue. Celeste simply smiled as the admin let out a quick breath, gently taking Ancel in his gloved hands, watching as the snake curled up in a ball, before looking up at X. Ancel's blue eyes flashed, Xisuma's body going numb and weak as he seemed to freeze, unable to think as Ancel claimed the admin's mind.

Grian watched in horror as Ancel crawled up Xisuma's arm, swiftly moving towards the admin's neck, curling up and situating herself. The blue glow returned to Xisuma's body, his purple suit changing to a galaxy blue, small stars shining on his body. Xisuma's eyes were empty as he stood upright, his body stiff as he looked to the watchers, expecting instructions to guide him.

"Xisuma. Please escort Grian to hermitcraft. He will watch over the realm from the ground. You listen to him, as he is your superior. If any hermits cause trouble, Grian shall deal with them." Celeste said, shocking Grian, the small watcher almost tripping on his long cloak.

"W-what? What am I supposed to do with them..?!" Grian questioned, slightly afraid for the hermits. Grian didn't want to be a watcher, he was simply taken as his world fell apart. Sure, he knew a little magic, but he couldn't create creatures like Ancel.

"Just bring them to us, Grian." Enzo said, his pointed ears twitching as the tall watcher loomed over Grian. "We will make sure that they won't interfere."

Grian was practically shaking, he had never seen this side of the watchers. Celeste seemed to notice his fear, as she studied Grian, but she didn't say anything. The tall watcher turned away, joining Enzo's side. Xisuma took a knee, bowing before the two, as they both raised their hands, a purple glow forming in the palm of their hands. The purple glow created a small cloud of dust, which began to swirl around Xisuma and Grian, before swallowing up the two entirely, the dust fading away once the two had been.


"Come along watcher Grian." Xisuma called, the small watcher sitting up and groggily rubbing his head. Xisuma and Grian had been transported back into hermitcraft, the two in the center of the shopping district, which was barren and empty. Grian tugged on his long cloak, uncomfortable about the new surroundings. Xisuma's movements were robotic as the admin helped Grian stand, slightly bowing in his presence. Grian just nervously smiled before moving down the path, glancing around at all of the shops in awe, Xisuma trailing behind him. Ancel curled tighter around Xisuma's neck, the snake flicking her tongue.

"Xisuma, Grian must remain undercover. His identity as a watcher must not be exposed, is that clear..?"

Xisuma nodded his head, unable to think correctly without Ancel manipulating his mind. The admin led Grian through the shopping district, the two barely speaking to one another, Xisuma only watching as Grian looked upon the builds in awe, clearly intrigued by them all. He was most interested in a large building that Mumbo and Iskall had created out of concrete, Grian moving in closer for a better look at the shop. Xisuma followed Grian into Sahara, where Mumbo and Iskall were arguing, like normal.

"This is all your fault!" Iskall screamed, pointing to the creeper explosion that had destroyed the front part of Sahara, along with most of the redstone.

"Me?! You were the one who didn't light this place up! Thanks to you, we now have to rewire this redstoner, and rebuild this area!" Mumbo said annoyed, folding his arms and turning his back on Iskall with an annoyed groan. The two continued to bicker, before Xisuma cleared his throat, startling the two, both of the Redstoner's eyes going wide.

"O-oh! H-hey X....!" Mumbo said nervously, the two hermits both incredibly paranoid, watching as the admin turned around, revealing Grian, who had hid behind Xisuma when Iskall and Mumbo had started to fight. The small watcher's pointed ears were hidden behind his dirty blonde locks, his cloak now acting as a cape, revealing a soft red sweater, and grey pants underneath. Grian nervously smiled at the two, but he didn't say anything, watching as Iskall and Mumbo looked to one another, than back at Grian and Xisuma.

"W-who is this, Xisuma..?" Iskall asked nervously, the Swede glancing at Grian, who just smiled at Iskall. Xisuma gently shoved Grian forward, the small watcher slightly tripping on his feet. Mumbo caught Grian before he fell, still worried and paranoid about him, as Xisuma's magic seemed to do that to his mind.

Ancel tightened her grip around Xisuma's neck, the snake's blue eyes flashing, causing the admin's eyes to flash from behind his visor, the admin's posture stiffening as he stood upright, his eyes glassed over and his voice empty as he spoke.

"Meet Grian, the newest hermit. I would like one of you to watch him until he can make a base of his own." Xisuma said, his voice monotone and empty.
Iskall and Mumbo looked to one another, then back at Xisuma, who frowned as neither responded.

"Fine. If neither of you will volunteer, I'll make you." The admin said with a smile, as he raised his hand, a blue glow surrounding Xisuma's body, as he snapped his fingers, Magic pulsing throughout the room.

Mumbo suddenly stood upright, his smile clearly forced, yet wide and happy. His mind was foggy, his thoughts slow and calm, as his mind was filled with happy moments, forcing Mumbo to smile, although paranoia still rested in the back of The Redstoner's mind, still having a small effect on Mumbo's conscious.

"I would love to have Grian stay with me, Admin." Mumbo said, unable to control the words that came out of his mouth. A small smile curled on Xisuma's lips, as he snapped his fingers once more, Mumbo falling to his knees. The Brit gasped for breath, rubbing his hands on his neck, as if he had been choked. Xisuma just turned away, leaving the three alone in Sahara, Mumbo and Iskall paranoid, while Grian was only guilty for the pain that the two were in.

"Are you oka-"
"Don't get near me!" Mumbo screamed, stumbling to his feet while still holding his neck in pain. The Brit tried to move away from Grian, but his legs were stuck in place, the Redstoner unable to move. Mumbo glanced around before spotting Xisuma, his hand glowing blue, the admin's eyes narrowed at the mustached hermit. Xisuma raised his hand once more, snapping his fingers, returning the happy, peaceful feeling to Mumbo's mind, The Redstoner standing upright as he turned to Grian, smiling.

"Grian! I'm so sorry about how I mistreated you, I would love for you to come and stay with me at my base until you have your own suitable home." Mumbo said robotically, as he smiled at the small hermit, Grian looking to Iskall for help, who was just as scared as Grian was. Mumbo grabbed the small watcher's wrist, tugging him towards the large nether portal, the two quickly disappearing into the nether.

Iskall looked to where Xisuma had been standing, the admin disappearing in a puff of smoke, no trace of him ever being there. The Swede ran their hands throughout the messy knots in their hair, Iskall beginning to question what was real, and what was Xisuma controlling them. It felt like it had happened so many times, most of the hermits submitting to X's control.

All but two hermits.
StressMonster, and Tinfoilchef.

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