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Grian was worried.

The watchers had told him to get some rest, they wanted Grian to be strong enough before they took over all of hermitcraft. The small hermit knew what they wanted, they wanted control. He had seen it happen before, with Evo. The watchers tried to control the evolutionists, but it easily backfired, they didn't have someone like Xisuma to have their power.

The watcher's never told Grian their plan for hermitcraft, the only thing he knew was that it was all going to be destroyed, and the hermits were going to be led into a new world. They wouldn't hurt anyone, that's what Grian had been telling himself. He believed that they would spare the hermits, and having the hermits under their control is much better than killing them, right?

Grian didn't know anymore, the small hermit sitting upon the 'Big Logs' tree stump. He glanced at the empty shopping district, some shops burning in purple flames, others having been blown up by a large explosion. Grian let out a sad breath, pulling his cloak around him, trying to warm himself from the cold feeling that had engulfed him, little did he know it was the guilt that he couldn't get rid of.

The wind carried with it dark ash, the smell of fire and the world burning before the watcher. Was he making the right choice? Was this what Grian wanted? The small hermit didn't know, watching as the shops crumbled to the ground, everything now in ruins, besides the large building labeled 'Sahara.'

Grian looked at the building, which stood strong, the flames barely touching the large shop. It would be safer to head back, Grian couldn't breathe through the flames much longer. The short watcher stood up, sliding down the side of the tree stump, and walking through the streets, the flames parting as Grian walked towards them, as if they obeyed his will.

The small watcher tugged on the collar of his purple cloak, as he shot up through the bubblevator, heading towards the courtyard. He landed on the dark oak planks, Grian suddenly loosing his balance when a large amount of cheers came from the yard, seemingly coming from the hermits. The small watcher poked his head out of the shop, glancing at the large stage on the courtyard.

His eyes widened at the sight of Mumbo, who was in chains. Celeste and Enzo stood over the redstoner, Xisuma approaching the stage, an axe made from a dark purple material in his gloved hand. The admin smiled from underneath his helmet, walking past the hermits, very few remaining who weren't under the watchers command.

Ren watched in horror, his sunglasses at the tip of his nose. He couldn't look away, although he wished he could, his stomach tying into knots.

Stress's eyes were puffy and red, filled with hot tears that streamed down her face. Behind her, Iskall had their hand on the Brit's shoulder, their smile insane and wide.

Scar's expression was calm, his pale violet eyes filled with no emotion. In his arms, Jellie was curled up, softly purring as the terraformer stroked her fur.

Doc was no longer under Ancel's control, and now he was being held back by Tango and Cubfan. The creeper hybrid thrashed, trying to escape and prevent Mumbo's death.

The rest were either being held back by the watcher's servants, or they were cheering in support of Xisuma.

"Stop!" Grian cried out, revealing his hiding spot. The watchers looked from one another back to their prodigy, both narrowing their eyes at the small watcher before them. Enzo growled underneath his breath, snapping his fingers. A figure appeared behind Grian, Jevin grabbing the small watcher. The slime's body was a dark purple, showing he was under the watcher's command.

"YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T HURT HIM!" Grian cried out, thrashing and screaming in the slime's arms, every time he tried to kick Jevin, his foot just went through the slime's body. Celeste chuckled a bit, Jevin carrying Grian past the other hermits and onto the stage. He dropped the small watcher, bowing before the otherworldly beings before him.

Celeste waved her hand to dismiss the slime, who disappeared back into the crowd. She narrowed her eyes at Grian, bending down and gently placing two fingers underneath the small watcher's chin, lifting his head so that Grian would make eye contact with her, although his eyes were filled with tears.

"Grian, my dear. We can't let him roam free. He took you away from us, he convinced you that we're the bad guys. We're only trying to help you hermits.." Celeste explained in a calm voice, although her eyes were cold and evil. Grian could see this now, Celeste didn't care for him, she only needed the short watcher so that she could control everything.

"You are the bad guys!" Grian spat, Celeste taking a step back in shock, her lips pressed in a fine line, but she didn't say anything. The watcher raised her hand, snapping her fingers with a look of hatred on her face. Purple chains rose from the ground, wrapping around Grian's body and pulling him down, the small watcher's head slamming against the wooden stage.

"Fine. I was being kind. I told you to relax, so that you wouldn't have to see this. But now I will make you watch as you're close friend suffers a painful death." Celeste said in a cold voice, turning to Xisuma and nodding her head. The admin smiled, raising his axe over the defeated Redstoner.

Mumbo looked to Grian, his eyes filled with sorrow and tears. The Redstoner tried to hold them back, but they fell down his face, slipping off his cheek and onto the wooden stage. Mumbo mouthed the words 'I'm sorry', before looking away, shutting his eyes as tight as he could.

Xisuma smiled, gripping the handle of his axe. The admin raising the weapon over his head. Cheers echoed through the courtyard, watching as Xisuma swiftly lowered his axe, before everything went silent, no cheering or crying, just silence.

The sight was jaw-dropping.

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