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"I-I don't want to be an admin!" The man screamed, fighting with the pearlescent white snake that was crawling up his leg. The two otherworldly beings didn't say anything, their pointed ears slightly twitching. The two were watching as the small snake fought back, sinking it's fangs into the man's leg. It seemed to bite through the man's purple armor, the snakes fangs digging into the man's skin. He let out a shout of pain as his knees locked up, the man beginning to loose his balance. He stumbled onto the ground, the man on his knees in front of the two watchers. The serpent took its fangs out of his leg, as it crawled up his back, the horrifying creature sticking out its forked tongue. The small snake began to coil around the man's neck, slightly choking him.

"Please...I don't want this.." The man said weakly, as the snake situated itself on the man's neck.

"Xisuma, this is a gift, You're an admin now. You're going to be able to protect your server now. Now, let's make this easy. Give in, and this can all be resolved..." The tall woman said softly, bending down and comforting the admin. Xisuma was trying to rip the snake off his neck, cussing as it wouldn't budge. With a wave of her hand, a puff of galaxy-like smoke began to surround Xisuma. He began to choke on the galaxy dust, the blue glittery powder entering his lungs and burning the admin's throat.

"Calm down Xisuma." The male watcher said, fixing his hair. "Ancel, hurry and take control already." The watcher said, watching as the snake slithered around Xisuma's neck, before stopping by the admin's ear.

"Give up Xisuma, give me control.." the snake hissed, easily manipulating Xisuma's mind. The admin covered his ears, trying to shake the words out fo his head. Ancel didn't stop, continuing to flick their tongue and whisper to Xisuma. Their painful words stung Xisuma's mind, as the snake began to tighten its grip on The admin's neck, before stabbing it's fangs right into Xisuma's shoulder.

Xisuma collapsed onto the marble floor, shaking in the pain. The two watchers bent down, pressing their hands against Xisuma's back. A blue glow spread throughout the admin's body, changing his regular purple armor to a galactic blue, almost like a galaxy rested on his armor. The slow blue glow engulfed Xisuma's body, before his entire body was sparkling and decorated with miniature Stars.

"Xisuma, stand." The small snake hissed, curling around the admin's neck. Without hesitation, Xisuma stood, his visor tinted a dark shade of black, preventing anyone from seeing his glowing blue eyes. The two watchers simply smiled, both waving their hands and summoning a large cloud of galaxy-like dust.

"Xisuma, as you are now an admin, are you willing to risk everything to serve us? Are you willing to join the cause, and prevent anyone from coming between us and our goal..?" The female watcher asked, flipping her galaxy hair, purple sparkles flying off of her long hair. Xisuma nodded, bowing his head before the two watchers. The two raised their arms, galaxy dust rising as it swirled around Xisuma's body.

"We proclaim that Xisumavoid is now the admin of this server, who shall dedicate his life to us watchers." The male said, watching as the dust continued to rise, swarming like a tornado around Xisuma. The admin didn't react, his blank, unblinking stare hidden from the world. The dust consumed Xisuma, before he seemed to fade away, the sparkling glitter beginning to calm and settle on the marble floors. The two watchers turned away, making their way down the long hallway.

"Do you think Ancel can handle trying to control him?"

"Ancel hasn't failed me before. She's perfect for the job, she can watch over the server when we cannot. All we have to do is make sure the hermits do not interfere.."


A small group of hermits watched as a blast in the sky created a cloud of blue galaxy dust, with Xisuma falling out of it. Doc was the first to react, strapping his elytra on and blasting off into the sky. Xisuma's limp body fell faster and faster, Doc blasting as many rockets as he could to boost himself. He tackled the admin mid air, catching Xisuma and holding the admin in his arms.

"X? X! Wake up!"

The admin didn't move, he was barely breathing, and Doc could barely recognize him. Although his suit and helmet was recognizable, it was strange to see Xisuma in a galaxy blue suit, which seemed to glow and sparkle. Doc began to slowly fall, gliding down to the empty shopping district, landing in the center of the large crowd of hermits. It was the start of Season 6, and the watchers had appeared out of nowhere, before taking Xisuma away.

"Is be okay?"
"Why is he blue?"
"What's with the Galaxy design on his suit?"
"Is that a snake around his neck?"

Everyone stopped talking the second Xisuma let out a light moan, sitting up and holding his head. He glanced around before realizing that he was in Doc's arms, the admin beginning to cuss and scream at Doc.

"LET ME GO!" He screamed, punching Doc as hard as he could. The creeper let out a couple cusses, dropping Xisuma and stumbling back in shock. Mumbo moved from the crowd, about to bend down and help the admin stand, but Xisuma raised his arm, a blue glow surrounding his gloved hand. A faint blue aura surrounded Mumbo, causing him to freeze, Mumbo's eyes turning a dark shade of blue, before he was thrown backwards, slamming into Iskall and Tango, the three falling over into a pile.

"What was that?!" Stress cried, watching as Xisuma stood up, wiping the dirt from off his suit and walking away like nothing happened. All eyes were locked onto Mumbo, who groaned as he sat up, rubbing his head. His eyes had returned to normal, but Mumbo looked drained, his face pale and his eyes tired.

"Mumbo? Are you okay?" Scar asked, bending down and offering his hand to the mustached hermit. Mumbo was shaking as he took Scar's hand, his legs quivering. Mumbo has to lean on Scar for support, as his entire body was visibly shaking. Mumbo had tears at the ends of his eyes, his was in visible pain as the Redstoner tried to choke out words, his voice seeming to fail him.

Most watched as Xisuma lightly pet the snakes head, his back facing the rest of the hermits. He seemed to ignore the questions, the screams from around him.

"What the hell, X?! What did the watchers do to you?!"

"They helped me achieve what you couldn't. I'm something better than you could all imagine. I'm an admin now."

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