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Rolling around in the bed the boy wakes up to his screaming alarm clock.




He groans, slamming his hand on the alarm clock. Getting up he walks towards the window, opening the blinds. He squints at the sudden light, finally adjusting to the light, his eyes widened at the view before him. Turning around. His eyes locked on the now broken alarm clock.

TIME : 7:50 am


Hurriedly looking for something to wear in his closet, he throws on his favorite T-shirt, uniform pants, and an oversized Hoodie. Running to the kitchen he opens the fridge only to find nothing but a cold breeze.

Sighing, he decides to buy food on the way.

Grabbing his bag, wallet and keys, walking towards the door only to run back to his room and grab his favorite plushie. Stuffing it in his bag, he leaves now satisfied.

Popping in his earbuds he scrolls through his Playlist, clicking on his favorite song he readies himself. As soon as the song starts he runs, dodging the many pedestrians that stand in his way. Eyes focused on finding a nearby vendor, he finds an old lady selling baked goods. Smiling he sprints towards her whilst making sure to not bump into any cars or people.

Panting, he points at three of his favorite breads. She packaged it for him, making sure to put in a free coffee with extra sugars and creamers while he was busy looking for the money in his bag. Handing her the money he takes the goods making sure to hug it this time. Due to him previously dropping his food.

"Thanks miss! YOU'RE THE BEST!" He screams while he sprints to school.

Time skip

Arriving in the nick of time, just as they were going to close the gates he skids through the small gap. Not wanting to hear the complaints of the teachers, gate keepers, he sprints to his class.

Finally in front of his classroom he celebrates, happy he made it on time. Catching his breath, he opens the door, sluggishly walking towards his desk. He gently places the box on his desk, just as he was going to open the box. The bell rings, signaling the start of class, though like any other day the teacher only came in, took attendance and left.

He liked days like this because it allowed him to eat and sleep as much as he wanted. Though it did become hard for him when they had a test on something they didn't even teach in class.

He sits in the middle of the classroom, far enough where the teacher won't see him and close enough to hear the convo going on between the group of students in the back of the class.

It made him sick to his stomach hearing them talk about how they beat up a guy and took nude pics to "ensure he stays quiet".

He decided to ignore them, already knowing what's going to happen next. Instead he pulls out his phone, positioning it sideways so that he can watch anime while he eats. Putting on his earbuds, blocking the commotion starting in the back of the class.

Carefully opening the box, the smell of baked goods wafts and swirls in the space around him. Some take notice as his face forms into a delightful smile.

He's surprised to see the coffee in the box, happy of the nice gesture he makes a mental note to buy a gift for the nice lady as a thanks. Carefully taking his bread in hand he bites into it then takes a sip of his coffee, repeating this process as he watches his favorite anime.

Though this didn't last long as a desk came flying towards him. Others got out of the way, some tried to warn him but because he was wearing earbuds he couldn't hear them.

The desk made contact with the back of M/n causing him to drop his bread and spill his drink. The desk now laying on the floor cracked in half, he quickly got up picking up his now drenched phone. He runs to the bathroom, arriving he takes some paper towels and dries his phone. Shaking and smacking the excess coffee out, he turns it on, relief washes over his face when he sees it work perfectly fine.

Though now he was drenched in coffee, his back was stinging from the impact, and he dropped his favorite bread that he bought with his hard earned money.

Life can't get any worse than this, can it? He thought.

Returning back to class with a roll of paper towels in hand only to be met with a huge crowd that was surrounding his classroom. Pushing and shoving his way through the crowd he finally makes it to the door, quickly opening it then slamming it back shut. He goes to clean the mess on his desk and floor. After he is done he decides to watch the fight going on between Daniel and Zack.

All he's doing is dodging, where's the action? Where's the blood?

This is soo boring.

A classmate asks him about his back to which he replies with a "I'm good, thanks for asking though."

That was a lie, he was sure there was a bruise forming on his back.

Mira's such an angel. Always looking out for others, she reminds me of a mom. I can see why Zack and Johan like her so much.

Sorry Mira, I just don't want to be involved with you guys.

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