Chapter 8 ShiiShii vs Moskii

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Author's note.

Here it is, the first duel of the series. Hope you guys like it. Also, some of the effects of the monsters with have alterations to them. So, leave a review, sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

Chapter 8

ShiiShii vs Moskii

"As the challenged party, I'll go first. I draw", said ShiiShii drawing the top card of her deck. "I summon Goblin Zombie in attack mode". Her new monster was a corps that resembled a goblin and had beady red eyes. It also carried a sword in one hand.

Goblin Zombie

Level: 4

Attribute: Dark

Type: Zombie

ATK: 1100

DEF: 1050

"I'll place these two facedown and let you try and beat me" said ShiiShii.

"Very well", said Moskii drawing the top card of her deck. "I summon I summon Armoured Bee in attack mode". Her new monster was a bee that had an armoured body.

Armoured Bee

Level: 4

Attribute: Wind

Type: Insect

ATK: 1600

DEF: 1200

"Now for my monster's special ability", said Moskii. "Once per turn, I cut the attack of one of your monsters in half. Go! Pin Point Paralysis!". Armoured Bee then fired it's stinger at Goblin Zombie, striking it in the chest. It then roared in pain.

Goblin Zombie

ATK: 1100 - 550 = 550

"Nice move", said Bastion impressed. "Now she can deal more damage then intended".

"Now attack her Goblin Zombie!" Shouted Moskii. Armoured Bee then launched it's stinger at Goblin Zombie again and destroyed it.

ShiiShii: 4000 - 1050 = 2950

"I activate the effect of Goblin Zombie!", said ShiiShii. "When it's destroyed, I can add one zombie from my deck to my hand. As long as it's defence is 1200 or less". A card them popped out of her deck and she added it to her hand.

"Now, I activate my trap, Necro Revival", said ShiiShii. "Now, when you destroy a monster, I can activate this card. Now, all I gotta do is send a zombie from my hand to the grave to revive a monster from my grave. So, I send my Zombie Master from my hand to the grave. Now, come back to my field, Goblin Zombie!". Her monster then crawled out of the ground.

"Did I forget to mention that if the monster I brought back was a Zombie, it gains an extra 500 attack and defence points?" Asked ShiiShii Rhetorically.

Goblin Zombie

ATK: 1100 + 500 = 1600

DEF: 1050 + 500 = 1550

"I'll place these two facedown and end my turn" said Moskii.

"Then it's my move now", said ShiiShii drawing the top card of her deck. "I activate the spell, Pot of Greed, which I draw 2 more cards from my deck". ShiiShii drew two more cards from her deck.

"Now, Goblin Zombie, attack Armoured Bee!" Shouted ShiiShii. Goblin Zombie charged forward and slashed Armoured Bee in two. But Armoured Bee's stinger stung Goblin Zombie in the chest. Both monsters were then destroyed.

"Both destroyed?" Said Syrus in confusion.

"Why would she send her monster in if it was only gonna get destroyed?" Asked Alexis.

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