Chapter 32 The Tentacled Game Designer Part 2

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Author's note.

Didn't expect that music number, did ya? Do you want more musical numbers in this show? Let me know in a review/comment. So, leave a review, sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

Chapter 32

The Tentacled Game Designer Part 2

"Way to go, Slifer" whisper yelled Simon.

"Hey, it's not my fault" whisper yelled Jaden.

"Ahem!". Jaden and everyone else looked up to see Octo looking down on them

"Uh, hi, Ms. Octo", said Syrus nervously. "My name is-".

"What are you doing in my cave?" Asked Octo.

"Why were you stealing tools?" Asked Bastion.

"Because I needed more" answered Octo.

"You know you could get in trouble, right?" Asked Syrus.

"I was planning on returning them", said Octo. "Now, if you don't mind, I'm busy".

"Busy with what?" Asked Alexis. Octo didn't answer as she went deeper into her cave. Jaden and the others decided to follow.

"Hey!", shouted Jaden. "Wait u-". Jaden didn't finish when he saw what was there. When Syrus and the others arrived, they were speechless too. They were looking, at a makeshift laboratory.

"Great Scott" said Bastion in awe.

"She's got an entire lab set up" said Syrus. They then heard the sound of sparking and saw Octo sitting on a chair at a desk doing work on something.

"And~ it, is, done" said Octo. Jaden and the others walked over.

"Hey there" said Jaden. Octo jumped a little, not expecting them.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Octo.

"We wanted to check out what you were doing" answered Jaden. They looked at what she was working on and gasped in awe. It was a duel disk, but it had a few, stylistic choices. It was deep-blue fashioned to look lite an octopus, while the card tray looked like it's tentacles.

"Whoa, sweet duel disk" said Jaden.

"Where'd you get that?" Asked Augustus.

"I built it" answered Octo.

"You built it?" Asked Bastion.

"Yeah, when you live alone", answered Octo. "You tend to tinker in your own little projects". Jaden looked in closer.

"Gotta say", said Jaden. "This looks to be very well made". Octo then placed her hands on the side of Jaden's face.

"Hey", said Octo. "You're kinda cute up close".

"Uh, thank you" said Jaden nervously.

"Well, since you seem so intrigued by it", said Octo. "Why not duel me?".

"Duel you?" Asked Jaden.

"Not scared of losing to a girl, are you?" Asked Octo.

"No, I'm just shocked" answered Jaden. He then took out his duel disk.

"Where'd you get that?" Asked Syrus.

"Writer's convenience" answered Jaden. He then turned his duel disk on. Octo then put hers on. Both of them then drew their hands.


Jaden: 4000

Octo: 4000

"You may go first, Jaden" said Octo.

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