Chapter 12 Duel and Unusual Punishment

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Author's note.

Here we go with the punishment duel arc, AND you'll see a surprise with Crowler. Also, who should be Moskii and ShiiShii's opponents? By the way, they are duelling individually as opposed to together. Now here are some options;


Rex Raptor

Weevil Underwood

Mako Tsunami

Bandit Keith

Mai Valentine



Joey Wheeler

Rebecca Hawkins

Leon VonSchroeder

Vivian Wong









Fan Long


These are only a few of the options I have, let me know who you want them to face in a review (if you're on or a comment (if you're on Wattpad). Also, before you ask, yes, Syrus and Jaden will still duel the Paradox Brothers. So, leave a review, sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

Chapter 12

Duel and unusual punishment

There was a loud knock at the door.

"Yeah yeah, I'm coming" groaned Moskii. She then opened up the door to reveal a bunch of security guards.

"What the?!" Shouted Moskii. This woke her dorm mates up.

"Come with us" said the leader.

Moskii and the others looked at each other with worry.

Later, they were being escorted towards the chancellor's office.

"This can NOT be good" said ShiiShii.

"When you get taken to the Chancellor's office by a bunch of security guards", said Syrus. "It rarely is". When they eventually got in, they saw Alexis waiting by the Chancellor's desks.

"It's nice to see that you finally came" said Chancellor Shepard.

"Why did you bring us here?" Asked Jaden.

"An anonymous letter said that you five trespassed into the abandoned dorm", answered Chancellor Shepard. "Is this true?".

"Hey, we were only going to have a look at the outside", said ShiiShii. "Nothing else. Then, we saw Alexis and-".

"Alexis has told me her side of the story", said Chancellor Shepard. "And while I do commend you for your bravery, trespassing on in the Abandoned Dorm is against school policy".

"You're not gonna expel us, are you?" Asked Moskii. "I honestly don't know, this does put us in a difficult situation. If I expel you and ShiiShii, I can practically hear the protests and Duel Academy being called racist. But if I don't discipline you, what will you learn?".

"Might I make a suggest?". Everyone turned to the entrance to see-.

"Dr. Crowler".

"I was just walking by and I couldn't help but overhear your dilemma", said Crowler. "So, I have an idea that might make everything work out".

"Go on" said Chancellor Shepard.

"Let's give them a sporting chance", said Crowler. "After all, it would be awful to kick a man when he's down, or a woman".

"What's your suggestion?" Asked Jaden.

"You, Syrus, Moskii and ShiiShii will participate in duels", answered Crowler. "You and Syrus in a tag duel and Moskii and ShiiShii in one on one. If you four win, and you'll be pardoned. Lose, and while Jaden and Syrus are expelled, ShiiShii and Moskii will be hosted by Zane". This made everyone gasp.

"Are you crazy?!", shouted Alexis. "You know the Obelisks are gonna eat them alive if you handover hosting rights".

"Well, then", said Crowler. "How would YOU like to be their host instead?".

"Sure", said Alexis. "Because at least I know the girls won't think they can do they can do whatever they want, even Missy has standards".

"So, Jaden", said Crowler. "What do you say?". Jaden just grabbed ShiiShii and Moskii's hands.

"We accept your terms, Crowler", said Jaden. "Just name the time and date".

"Very well then", said Crowler. "Chancellor, for your approval".

"I approve", said Chancellor Shepard. "Their opponents will be discussed in private. But Crowler, I'd like for you to stay back with me. The rest of you, head to your classes". Soon, the office was empty, leaving only the Chancellor and Crowler.

"Is this one of your plans again, Crowler?" Asked Chancellor Shepard.

"Chancellor", said Crowler almost offended. "Why would you accuse me of such a thing?".

"I've known you since the day you first started here", said Chancellor Shepard. "And your bias towards Obelisk blues and mild bias towards Ra Yellows doesn't go unnoticed. Especially after that fire incident".

"Do you seriously think I would do THAT again?", asked Crowler in anger. "Now, I don't mean to raise my voice, but that almost cost me my job. Do you think I'd do it again?".

"Regardless", said Chancellor Shepard. "You're not exactly the most trustworthy of the dorm masters".

"So then", said Crowler. "How are you going to choose their opponents?".

"Seeing as how there is no proof that you were the one who caused this", said Chancellor Shepard. "I will allow you to choose the opponents for Jaden and Syrus".

"What about ShiiShii and Moskii?" Asked Crowler.

"I'll decide on who those two face", answered Chancellor Shepard. "Or leave that up to the readers, whatever comes first. 

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