Chapter 4 Classes Begin

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Author's note.

For those who are wondering, there will be mixes of GX stories and original chapters. This will be an original chapter, to see how Moskii gets used to Duel Academy. And yeah, Jaden is in for a WILD ride. Also, who should be Moskii's ace monster. So, leave a review, sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

Chapter 4

Classes Begin.

The alarm went off and Jaden slammed down on his Alarm clock. He groaned as he woke up. He looked to his side and saw Moskii sleeping beside him.

"AH! MOSKII!", screamed Jaden. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY BED?".

"Mmm, I was cold", groaned Moskii. "So, I needed something to warm me up".

"There's a heater in your room, you can use that" said Jaden.

"Mmmm but I prefer the body heat of my little Blood Fruit" purred Moskii. She then nibbled on Jaden's neck.

"Ow!", shouted Jaden. "I told you, ASK before you bite".

"Oh, sorry" said Moskii. She then sat up.

"Morning, J" said Syrus as he got down from one of the upper bunks.

"Oh, you're up" said Jaden.

"It's hard not to be with you yelling" added Chumly.

"So, Moskii", said Syrus. "You ready for your first day of classes?".

"Oh, right, I forgot", said Moskii. "It's my first day as an official student!". She then started to undress. This caused the boys to scream.

"W-What are you doing?" Asked Jaden.

"Huh, what are you talking about?", asked Moskii. "I'm changing".

"RIGHT IN FRONT OF US?!" Shouted Jaden.

"Is that wrong?" Asked Moskii.

"Not per say" answered Jaden.

"Then there shouldn't be a problem" added Moskii.

"It's not that!", shouted Syrus. "It's a matter of common decency!".


Jaden and his friends were walking through the halls of Duel Academy and Moskii was in her new uniform. She had the bottom tied up like her old shirt and she had traded her usual arm sock and sticking for pure white ones.

"So, uh, where's our classroom?" Asked Moskii.

"Don't worry", said Chumly. "Just follow me and you'll get there".

They soon arrived and took their seats.

"I wonder who's gonna be our teacher for this class?" Asked Moskii.

"I have a feeling who it might be" said Syrus. The door then opened and their teacher appeared.

"Hello my friends", he said. "For those who are new here, I am Sartyr. And I will be your duelling terminology and linguistic teacher. Now, in Duel Monsters there are several terms that are used to describe several things. For example, effects that are named after cards, terms used to describe situations and ways to describe playstyles. Now, can someone tell me what the term 'brick' means?". The students then raised their hands.

"You, Moskii" said Sartyr.

"Does it mean that you have a hand full of cards you can't use?" Asked Moskii.

"That is correct", answered Sartyr. "But. Do you know what the term 'Garnet' means?".

"A card that you would rather be in the deck, than in your hand" answered Moskii.

"Again, you are correct", said Sartyr. "Now. Can you describe the following terms for me? Searcher, MST effect and Piercing".

" A searcher is a card, usually a monster, that allows you to search specific cards from your deck based on their type, attribute, level, attack, defence, if you're searching a monster", answered Moskii. "But you can also search out Spells, Traps and Archetype specific cards. An MST effect is a reference to Mystical Space Typhoon and cards that have similar effects to destroy spells and traps. Finally, Piercing is a term used to describe the damage that is dealt by monsters with specific effects that attack monsters in defence mode". Everyone was surprised by this.

"My my", said Sartyr. "Looks like someone has been studying".

Moskii giggle.

(Moskii reading a duelling book and Jaden reading an insect book): Monmusu.

(Moskii, Jaden, Chumly, Syrus and Bastion opening card packs): Monmusu.

During lunch, Moskii was eating with Jaden and his friends. Though she was drinking fruit juice due to her diet.

"Man, you total crushed that class", said Chumly. "I don't think any Slifer has answered that many questions".

"But, then again", said Moskii. "How many Slifers actually study?".

"She's got me there" said Chumly.

"Which reminds me", added Bastion. "We haven't seen your deck". Moskii then reached into her bag and pulled out her deck. She then handed it to Bastion, who then looked through it.

"My, you do have some pretty impressive cards", said Bastion. "Not to mention rare ones at that. Some of these I've only seen collections by champions".

"Aw, thank you", said Moskii. "It took A LOT of luck to get some of these. Like, drawing Dark Magician kind of luck".

"Really?" Asked Syrus.

"Yep", answered Moskii. "My boss monster was the hardest to get".

"Oh, speaking of monsters", said Chumly. "Do Witches, Warlocks, Sorcerers and Sorceress' count as Liminals?",

"No, they don't", answered Jaden. "They're just humans with magical powers".

"Huh", said Syrus. "Never thought of it that way".

"Also", said Jaden "among the list of Liminals, magical humans are NOT listed as a species".

"You seem to know a lot about the interspecies bill" said Bastion.

"Well, my parents are members of the agency that enforce it", said Jaden. "I also got to interact with a lot of them as my parents did take me to work sometimes".

"So you've had interactions with Liminals before?" Asked Chumly.

"Yeah, Harpies, Centaurs, Mermaids, Ogres, Lizardmen, quite a few actually", answered Jaden. "Hell, some would even duel me".

"Really?" Asked Bastion.

"I also heard some incredibly cool stories from there as well", added Jaden. "Apparently, one host punched a racist couple in the face so hard for insult the Liminal he was hosting, he sent then flying through a wall".

"No. Way" said Chumly.

"I actually met the guy", said Moskii. "He's very nice, well, he does have SEVEN girls to host".

"SEVEN!" Jaden and his friends shouted.

"Yep", answered Moskii. "A Lamia, a Harpy, a Centaur, a Slime, a Mermaid, an Arachne and a Dullahan. So yeah, he's a busy man".

"Oh man", said Syrus. "Imagine if YOU had to host seven girls, Jaden".

"Hahaha, yeah", laughed Jaden. "Imagine if I did". 

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