Chapter 39 A Real Life Revival Jam Part 2

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Author's note.

This will be the last chapter before the school duel arc, also, Lulu will not duel. Why?; because she physically can't wear a duel disk. Also, this will be the last chapter before Jaden and Bastion duel for being the school duel representative.

Chapter 39

A Real Life Revival Jam Part 2

Later on, Jaden and his friends were hanging outside of Duel Academy's main building.

"So, what do we do with Lulu?" Asked Octo.

"I honestly don't know", answered Jaden. "She doesn't seem to need much space and she can shape shift".

"But, does she need a room?" Asked Alexis.

"Well, I saw we go to Chancellor Shepard", said ShiiShii. "Maybe we can figure something out".

Not long after, they arrived at the Chancellor's office, and Chancellor Shepard was staring at Lulu.

"Well", said Chancellor Shepard. "This is a, uh, unforeseen turn of events".

"She seems innocent enough", said Jaden. "After all, she hasn't tried to harm anyone. And besides, it's not like she's a green or black slime".

"Huh?", wondered Syrus. "I'm confused".

"There are four sub-species of slime", said Jaden before pulling out a book. "You have Red Slimes, which are acidic". Jaden turned the page.

"Green slimes, which are poisonous"

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"Green slimes, which are poisonous".

Page turn.

"Pink slimes, like Lulu, feed on flowers and nectar"

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"Pink slimes, like Lulu, feed on flowers and nectar".

Page turn.

"And we have Black Slimes, the basically live in Toxic waste dumps"

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"And we have Black Slimes, the basically live in Toxic waste dumps".

"If those are the options", said Chumley. "I'd go for the pink one".

"What are gonna do about her attire?" Asked Simon.

"Attrire?" Asked Jaden.

"Even if she doesn't look like it", said Bastion. "She'll still need clothes to wear". Chancellor Shepard then snapped his fingers, he had an idea.

A few minutes later, Lulu was now wearing a pink and orange rain jacket and matching boots.

"It's not exactly a uniform", said Chancellor Shepard. "But, it'll do".

"Thank. You. Chancellor" said Lulu.

"You're welcome, Lulu", said Chancellor Shepard. "Oh, Jaden, Bastion, there is something I want to talk to you about".

"What's that?" Asked Jaden.

"The School Duel with North Academy is coming up", said Chancellor Shepard. "And due to voting, you two are the top recommendations".

"We are?" Jaden and Bastion asked.

"Yes, you both are quite excellent duelists", answered Chancellor Shepard. "So, on Tuesday, the two of you will duel. The winner gets to represent our school".

Later on, Jaden and the others were in the Slifer mess hall.

"Quite an honour to be select for such an event" said Welma.

"Better bring my A-game", said Jaden. "This could be challenging". They soon heard the sound of humming. They looked to see Lulu looking through a duel monster's book while humming. She also started to shape shift into the monsters she saw. First Celtic Guardian, then Udora, then Harpie Lady, then Jerry Beans man, then Succubus Knight.

The sound of meowing broke her from this. She then saw Professor Banner, holding Pharaoh.

"You must be Lulu, nice to meet you. I am Professor Banner".

"Ban,ner?" Asked Lulu.

"Yes, that's my name" answered Professor Banner.

"Something tells me, things are about to get interesting" said Alexis. Lulu only giggled. 

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