Chapter 19 Trial by Red-Eyes Part 1

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Author's note.

One down, one to go. Now, it's time for Moskii to strut her stuff. Get ready for some heartfelt moments and more duel monsters references then you can shake a duel disk at. The title was a bit tricky though. First it was 'Brooklyn Rage', then it was 'heart of the underdog', but I eventually settled on 'Trial by Red-Eyes'. Also, would any of you like to see a chapter based in the 'Courage the Cowardly Dog' episode 'Windmill Vandals'? If so, what would you like to happen? So, leave a review, sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

Chapter 19

Trial by Red-Eyes Part 1

It had been 5 hours since ShiiShii won her duel against Polt, now, it was time for lights out. Moskii layed in her bed, thinking about who she might duel tomorrow.

'Oh man', she groaned in her head. 'This is getting too much. Just, who could I get? Mako Tsunami? Mai Valentine? Who? I, hope I don't let my friends down'. With that, she then fell asleep.

The next morning, she flew to the duel arena. There, Jaden and his friends were waiting.

"You ready for this?" Asked Bastion.

"As ready as I'll ever be" answered Moskii.

"Well, we better head to our seats", said Zombina. "Good luck with your duel".

"Thanks" said Moskii. She then walked into the arena and it was more packed then the last two times.

"Another duel already?", Crowler asked no one in particular. "And I can assure you, THIS one will blow your minds. In this corner, we have Moskii of Slifer Red. And now, help me in welcoming a VERY special guest duelist". Moskii's opponent then entered the arena. And his yellow hair and brown eyes were instantly recognisable.

"The godfather of games himself", said Crowler. "Joey Wheeler". The arena went silent, no one was expecting Yugi Moto's best friend of all people to be here.

 The arena went silent, no one was expecting Yugi Moto's best friend of all people to be here

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"HELLO~ DUEL ACADEMY!" Shouted Joey, causing everyone in the stadium to cheer and roar.

"I can't believe it" said Syrus.

"Wonder what strings had to pulled?" Asked Alexis.

"Who knows?", said ShiiShii. "All I know is that this match when from an 'oh-no' to a 'holy crap'". Zombina meanwhile, was hitting her head on the back of the chair in front of her.

"Fuck. My. Life" she groaned.

'Could they have made this anymore unfair?' Moskii thought in her head.

"Now then", said Crowler. "Like last duel, each of you will start out with 8000 life. Are both duelists ready?".

"I'm ready" said Moskii.

"I'm ready too" said Joey.

"Then duel!" Shouted Crowler before jumping of the stage. Joey and Moskii both turned on their Duel Disks.

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