Chapter 28 Wrath of the Shadow Monarch Part 1

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Author's note.

I decided to do the Shadow Monarch Story now instead of later on. That's because I got some great ideas for this story. I do not own the video used in this story (if you're reading this on Wattpad). The monarch art was created by Kyuhri on DeviantArt. So, leave a review, sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

Chapter 28

Wrath of The Shadow Monarch part 1

Moskii and ShiiShii were carrying bags full of rubbish.

"Why are WE carrying this rubbish?" Asked Moskii.

"Because we lost a game of rock, paper scissors" answered ShiiShii.

"Correction, YOU lost", said Moskii. "I'm just here because I can fly".

"Huh? I thought you had you be careful when you carried cargo?", asked ShiiShii. "Didn't you say that-". ShiiShii didn't get to finish as she knocked into someone and landed flat on her ass.

"OW!", shouted ShiiShii. "What the hell was-".

"Sorry about that". ShiiShii looked up to see who she ran into. It was a student in Ra Yellow, about the same height as Syrus. But he had green hair that formed bangs around his head.

"Oh, I uh, don't think we've met before" said ShiiShii

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"Oh, I uh, don't think we've met before" said ShiiShii.

"We haven't", said the Ra. "I'm Brier. And I take you two are ShiiShii and Moskii?".

"We are" answered Moskii, dumping her trash bags into the dumpster.

"You alright there, Brier?" Asked a deep voice. ShiiShii and Moski looked to see a large Ra yellow, carrying trash bags.

"Don't worry, Beauregard", said Brier

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"Don't worry, Beauregard", said Brier. "I'm fine. Oh, this my friend, Beauregard".

"Hello" said Beauregard. He tossed the trash bags in the dumpster. But the bags knocked one another over and it opened, revealing duel monsters cards.

"What's this?" Wondered Moskii.

"Unfortunately, the Obelisks throw out any cards that they don't deem useful" answered Brier.

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