Chapter 31 The Tentacled Game Designer Part 1

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Author's note.

Time for another girl to join Jaden's growing harem. Three guesses who that is. No, seriously, you have three guesses to guess who it is before reading this story. All pictures and/or videos do not belong me, nor do either franchises of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX or Monster Musume. So, leave a review, sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

Chapter 31

The Tentacled Game designer part 1

It had been three days since Caius was defeated, the rest of the students had heard what had happened and started to come up with theories. Some say that it was because of black magic, but others said it was far more, unexplainable.

Meanwhile, Jaden and his friends were in their dorm.

"You alight, Blood Fruit?" Asked Moskii, hovering over him.

"I've been thinking about all that's happened", answered Jaden. "The Abandoned Dorm, Jinzo, Caius, it's a lot to take in".

"I know what you mean", said Moskii. "When I first entered Duel Academy, I did not expect any of this to happen. But, I'm kinda glad it did".

"You are?" Asked Jaden.

"Of course", answered Moskii. "Where's the fun in being normal?". She then nibbled on Jaden's neck.

"Ask first. Ask first" said Jaden.

Later that day.

"Did you see those lights coming from the cost?" Asked a Slifer red.

"Lights?" Asked another.

Ra dorm.

"Yeah, I was doing my evening jog by the Slifer dorm", said a Ra student. "And there were these flashing lights".

"Lights?" Asked another.

Obelisk dorm.

"Yeah, they were flashing like crazy", said an Obelisk blue. "And it sounded like something was being, welded".

"Welded?", asked another. "As in, metal work?".


"It wasn't just that", said a Slifer red. "But, there was something there and it reeked".

"Reeked?" Asked a Ra yellow.

"Yeah, it smelt like Octopus" answered the Slifer Red.

Slifer Red Dorm.

"An Octopus?" Asked Jaden.

"That's what everyone's saying", answered Alexis. "They can smell it from the sea".

"Are we sure it's even an Octopus?" Asked Jaden.

"What do you mean?" Asked Syrus.

"Because", answered Jaden. "If there's welding, it sounds like it could be more than just an octopus".

That night, something squeezed out from underneath the front door of duel academy and moved down the hall. It then entered the workshop and started looking through the tools.

The next morning, Jaden, Syrus, Moskii and ShiiShii were walking down the hall, when they saw several academy security surrounding the workshop.

"Huh? What's going on?" Asked Jaden. They went inside and saw that several tools were missing.

"Huh", said Syrus. "Wonder what happened he-*slips* AAAAAAHHHH!". Syrus slipped on something and landed on his back.

"You okay?" Asked Jaden.

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