Chapter 17 A Sporting Chance Part 1

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Author's note.

Okay, now it's time to get to the duels with Moskii and ShiiShii. There were six candidates that got the votes, however, I could only pick two and this will be the first one. All I can say is, I hope you like gym mats, barbells and sports, because you'll be in for a serious workout. Also, if you want chapters that are basically telling you what my original plans for this series were as well as sneak peeks of up coming seasons, let me know. Now then, leave a review, sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

Chapter 17

A Sporting Chance Part 1

It had been two days since Jaden and Syrus' duel with the Paradox Brothers and ShiShii was looking through her deck making some last minute changes to his deck.

'I gotta be prepared for anything', thought ShiiShii. 'I don't know who got chosen to deal with, but, if Jaden and Syrus' tag duel is anything to go by, anything could happen'. She then heard a knock and saw Bastion standing in the doorway.

"Oh, hi Bastion" said ShiiShii.

"I was sent hear to come and get you", said Bastion. "You ready?".

"As ready as I'll ever be" said ShiiShii.

In the Arena.

"You think ShiiShii's gonna be alright?" Asked Syrus.

"Trust me, Sy", said Jaden. "We've got nothing to worry about".

"I'm more worried about the opponent", answered Alexis. "If you two got the Paradox brothers, who knows who ShiiShii will be getting".

"Oh, speak of the devil", said Doppel. "Here she comes". ShiiShii then walked into the arena.

"Hey guys" said ShiiShii.

"You seem nervous" said Manako.

"Why wouldn't I?" Asked ShiiShii.

"ShiiShii, please make your way to the duelling field" a voice over said.

"Guess that's my cue" said ShiiShii.

"Good luck" said Jaden. As soon as ShiiShii walked onto the field, Crowler made his appearance.

"Well now, if you thought yesterday's duel was exciting", said Crowler. "Wait until you see our next two match ups. First, we have ShiiShii of Slifer Red. Now, would you be so kind as to introduce us to our guest duellist". The sound of panting was heard before a brown blur came out doing a summersault and a roll in the air before landing on her feet.

"Polt Athle".

She was a humanoid that had dog characteristics, including facial feature, ears, tail and paw pads. She wore a dark-blue tank top underneath a dark-green jacket, a chocker around her neck, white exercise shorts, white sneakers with a black base and a dark-green sweatband.

 She wore a dark-blue tank top underneath a dark-green jacket, a chocker around her neck, white exercise shorts, white sneakers with a black base and a dark-green sweatband

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