Chapter 24 A Tangled Web We Weave

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Author's note.

Well, that was interesting, wasn't it? Also, do you think Simon and Augustus should be part of team Jaden full time or should they be a comical duo? Anyway, it's time to move onto the next chapter, oh fair warning, there is a nudity scene, but given what crossover this is, that was bound to happen. Still, just thought I'd warn you. We'll also get to see an old favourite appear. Now, with this out of the way, leave a review, sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

Chapter 24

A Tangled Web we weave

Cherri was chatting Moskii and ShiiShii while waiting for class to start.

"So, why'd you choose a fairy deck?" Asked Moskii.

"It was the only one I could afford at the time" answered Cherri.

"Well then", said Moskii. "Looks like you and I were in the same boat". They then saw Chazz walk in.

"Uh-oh", said ShiiShii. "Here comes his douchiness".

"I hear ya". ShiiShii then saw that Simon was sitting next to her.

"What are you doin here?" Asked ShiiShii.

"Seat change" answered Simon.

"Yo", said Chazz. "Foot rub and ice tea, now".

"Get it yaself" someone said.

"What was that?" Asked Chazz sounding annoyed.

"Doesn't he know?".

"Chazz, what are you doing here?" Asked an Obelisk Blue.

"Sitting in my seat" answered Chazz.

"That ain't your seat anymore", added the Obelisk blue. "Now move".

"What are you talking about?", asked Chazz. "It says so right-AAAAAHHHH!". He then saw that his self-made name tag was gone.

"You'll find your new seat over there" said the Obelisk Blue.

"No way, I don't belong over there", said Chazz. "Dr. Crowler, tell them I belong up here".

"But you don't", said Crowler. "Not ever since you lost to, who were they now? Ah yes, Jaden Yuki and Cherri. SLIFERS! ONE OF WHOM LITERALLY STARTED YESTERDAY! Which is why tomorrow, you will duel Bastion Misawa. And if you lose to him as well, they two of you will switch dorms".

"You mean. I become a. Ra Yellow Duelist?" Asked Chazz in shock.

"Yes", answered Crowler. "Now, if only you duelled as well as you listened". Chazz then got up and ran out of the classroom while everyone else laughed.

"I WON'T BE A RA!" Chazz shouted.

"Sheesh", said Moskii. "What a drama king".

"I think Ra yellow would be a fitting colour for him", said ShiiShii. "After all, he's nothing but a yellow bellied coward. Uh, no offence to anyone who has ever been in or is currently in Ra Yellow".

"None taken" the Ra yellow student's said.

Later that day.

Crowler was walking through the halls when.....

"Hey there, Vellian". Crowler turned around to see Doppel.

"Oh, hi Doppel", said Crowler. "Is there anything I can help you with?".

"Yeah", answered Doppel. "I heard that Chazz is supposed to duel that Bastion dude tomorrow. And well, I'D like to pick Chazz's opponent".

"WHAT?!", shouted Crowler. "But the match has already been made and-".

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