Chapter Two:Saved By A Muggleborn Officer.

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Narrators POV.

Back in Scottland in the office at noon appeared a old wizard dressed in bright vacation robes. His name was Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore and he had came back from a vacation from one of the Potter beach houses. He enjoyed the view of the beach and had to return back to his school. As much as he wanted to stay there, he has a scheme that'll come in three years and he wants it to be perfect. After all, how else will he recieve everything from the Potters once his schemes are over.

Anyways, once he came back into his office, he became worried when he saw one of his instruments are broken. It was a instrument to the Dursleys to tell him if anything happened to the house. He tried to repair it but clearly it didn't work. It made him worry as he decided to check on the Dursley residence in Privet Drive, Surrey.

Once he apparated to Privet Drive, he was greeted by a sight, here in Privet Drive was the whole neighborhood looked at the Dursleys house. But where is the Dursleys house?. It's burned down to a crisp with only debris and burnt peices. Dumbledore decided to ask Mrs Figgs.

"Mrs Figgs, what happened?".

"Oh Professor Dumbledore, something awful happened, the house had caught on fire this morning and none of the Dursleys had survived".

Mrs Figgs told as Dumbledore frowned, he was livid, how was he supposed to gain control over Harper now?. Without the Dursleys and their influence to bend Harper to submission, she would become difficult to be a scapegoat.

"Where's Harper Potter?".

"Oh, Professor, the police has taken her into custody, they had suspected that she may have burnt the house down on accident".

Dumbledore nodded, this may be his way to save Harper and she will be thankful to him for saving her from juvenile.

Unfortunately for Dumbledore, the two police officers had already asked Harper questions. She did admit that she burnt the bacon but she panicked because her uncle shouted at her.

"Wait, how old are you?".

"I'm eight, why?".

The two police officers who were questioning her looked at eachother. The two were partners and best buddies so one glance at eachother and they'll know what the other is thinking. They then looked at Harper. They took note of Harper's body structure being malnorished and skinny.

"Well your not supposed to cook at that age".

"Oh well uncle did say that freaks like me are suppose to do everything around the house or we get punished".

Harper admitted distractedly, petting her tiny kitten as her kitten leaned into her pats. The two police officers frowned as they asked one more question.

"Just what were the punishments you were given?".

"Well, I get beat up for making a mistake, sometimes smacked by a belt that my uncle unbuckled from his pants. One time my aunt hit me with a frying pan for burning the eggs, it was still hot and my cousin plays Harper hunt. It's where him and his friends chase me around the neighborhood and hurt me whenever they catch up".

Harper explained in crucial detail as they nodded, writing down her words as they were frowning. They never knew Petunia or Vernon Dursley but they weren't happy with how they treated the poor girl.

"Thanks for your time miss, please wait here".

Harper nodded as one of the police officers left while the other by the name of John Woods kept Harper company. John had brunette scruffy hair, brown eyes, light skin and had a happy attitude if it wasnt for him eyeing the cat in Harpers hands warily. Now here was Dumbledore coming into the picture.

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