Chapter Nine:A King Cobras Arrival And Platform Nine And Three Quarters.

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Harpers POV.

'Oi!, what are you doing in my territory?!'.

I was awoken by a hiss from Ace as I got out of bed quickly and rushed to the living room where the hissing sounds are. I've got about five hours before I can go to Hogwarts and I've already packed everything in my mother's trunk. Now I just need to move Hedwig in there since she is expecting any month now. John told me that it's fine that she can stay here but I have the knowledge to help her so I should be fine.

$"None of your concern you black cat"$.

I can hear parseltongue happening in the living room as I was greeted with Ace staring down a king cobra.

"What's going on here?".

I asked as I looked to the corner of the porch to see Hedwig eyeing the snake and I know why. Snakes or King Cobras are known to eat eggs, especially hers for the nutrients.

'Thank goodness your here my familiar, can you tell this snake to leave my territory before I result to clawing it up and gassing it to death'.

I frowned at Aces words as I got in knee level with the snake, who was eyeing me curiously.

§"Hello there king cobra, what are you doing here?"§.

I asked curiously as the cobra looked at me in shock but I can see happiness in his eyes.

$"A ssssssspeaker, you don't know how happy I am to see a sssspeaker in so long"$.

I felt pity for the snake as I decided to give it a pat.

§"What happened?"§.

$"There are no more sssspeakers anymore young mistress, it's only you I've met, can I pleassse ssstayyy here?. It's getting cold outside"$.

I couldn't help myself, I brought the snake into my embrace.

§"Yeah, but you have to promise me you won't eat Hedwigs eggs and I have to go to Hogwarts so you have to come with me as my familiar. If you do that, I'll give you a warm home and food that isn't Hedwigs eggs. Deal?"§.

I asked as the snake took it into thought and in the end nodded as he circled around my arm and onto my neck like a scarf.

'So what did he say?'.

"I said that I will let him stay if he doesn't eat Hedwigs eggs".

I told Ace as he groaned and I know why, he doesn't want to share me but I'll always love him. He just needs to consider about the others I'm being shared too.

"Hey Harper, I know we've got five hours to go to platform nine and three quarters but we can go ear-".

John walks into the living room and his eyes budged out as he looked at the snake that is now on my neck.

"Hey Dad, guess what, this is my new familiar uhm".

$"I don't have a name, you may call me whatever you like my mistress"$.

I nodded at the cobras words as I came up with a name for him on the spot.

"My new familiars name is Sebastian, he's kinda cute isn't he?".

I asked as John sighed in surprise.

"When will I stop being surprise on what you do Harper?".

"No idea actually, he just came in and I took him in as my own, now Dad, what's for breakfast?".

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