Chapter Fifteen:Classes.

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Harpers POV.

I walked towards Transfiguration with my classmates as it's the first class I have with the Slytherins. We got to class easily as I sat with Padma today as my partner. Ace had left me to go check out the school grounds as Sebastian insisted on staying with me as a camoflauged scarf.

Soon Professor McGonagall came into our class as she had the strictest auror I have ever felt. First she took roll call for procedure to know everyone is here. It only took a few minutes and she was done calling out peoples names. She then began to teach her first lesson of Transfiguration to the first years.

"Good morning first year Ravenclaws and Slytherins. My name is Professor McGonagall and I'm here to teach you your first lesson of Transfiguration".

Professor McGonagall introduced herself as she used a chalk on the board to write her name and the subject.

"Now can anyone tell me what Transfiguration is?".

Everyone put their hands up, including me as she pointed to Padma.

"Transfiguration is the family of magical spells that are used for changing objects from one type of thing to another".

Padma explained as Professor McGonagall nodded in acknowledgment.

"Five points to Ravenclaw, now I will be teaching you everything about Transfiguration. If you are only here to muck around then I will suggest you to head to Charms since this subject is dangerous. Way dangerous than Defence Against Dark Arts if you mess up an incantation on your object or yourself".

Professor McGonagall paused as no one moved, we all wanted to learn Transfiguration. If she said to he careful of this subject, we will listen.

"Right, now let's learn how to turn a matchstick into a silver needle. I'll teach you the theory and the incantation. After that I'll leave you to try and complete it and if it isn't complete, it'll be homework".

After a few minutes of Professor McGonagall talking about the theory and the incantation. She waved her wand and matchsticks appeared out of thin air.

"Now let's get started on transfiguring the matchstick into a needle. You've got the whole lesson to complete it, I wish you the best of luck".

We all got started in transfiguring a matchstick into a silver needle. I looked at the matchstick carefully for a moment. Then I grabbed my wand and said the incantation while thinking of a silver matchstick. I see the matchstick turn from a light wooded stick to a silver sharp pointed needle in an instant.

"Well done Miss Potter, ten points to Ravenclaw for the exquisite detail on the needle".

I see Professor McGonagall standing next to me as I gave her a smile. She seemed taken aback by my smile as she reluctantly smiled back at me. Soon she left me alone as I turned to see Padma struggling on turning her matchstick into a needle.

"Do you need my help Padma?".

"Yes please Harper, how do you do this?".

I explained to Padma that I imagined a silver needle as a matchstick to her as she took my word for it. It worked as it turned into the exact same needle, except the sharp end is blunt.

"Hey godsister, can you help us out?".

I turned around to see Draco, Daphne, Pansy, Tracy Greg, Vincent and Blaise look to me for help. I nodded as I repeated the procedure to them as they got it right at different times. Soon the whole class has silver needles before the bell.

"Well down, ten points each to all Slytherins and Ravenclaws for producing a silver needle. You may leave for your next class early but don't forget to read from page 1 to 10 for Transfiguration. Have a good day".

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